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Roxanne Baker, CMA National Alliance for Medication Assisted Recovery.

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Presentation on theme: "Roxanne Baker, CMA National Alliance for Medication Assisted Recovery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roxanne Baker, CMA National Alliance for Medication Assisted Recovery

2  Demeaning language can be a form of self- disrespect to one’s self.  It is important for patients to learn to use the right language to respect oneself and the medication that saved their life.

3 WrongRight METH or DoneMethamphetamine too lazy to say/write Methadone ClientPatient DetoxTaper Dirty/CleanNegative or Positive Substitution TherapyMAT or Medical Treatment DrugMedication

4  When professionals use the wrong words it is like speaking down to a patient, and treating them like a child.  Interferes with the patients Recovery, which is not always total Abstinence.  Just as individual as we are. No High Dose, No Low Dose, Only RIGHT Dose!

5 F-atalF-amilarize E-motionalE-ducate A-nxietyA-dvocate R-elapseR-espect Fear is instilled in about 80% of patients everywhere because they feel unsure of themselves and what is expected of them.

6  Methadone is confusing with many regulations and very often the confusion of staff is passed on unconsciously to the patient.  Sometimes it happens because of ignorance staff believe that what they were told is a Regulation.  Using the Regulations to resolve an issue leaves no room for discussion or a meeting of the minds which is what treatment should be about.

7  Educated patients understand their treatment and therefore become more self assured and accepting of their Recovery.  Patients become capable educators passing on knowledge to others who are ignorant and helping to stamp out Stigma!

8 The Patient is Always Most Important Person!

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