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Gymnázium Viliama Paulinyho – Tótha v Martine Učíme sa nielen z učebníc, učíme sa pre život. Kód projektu ITMS: 26110130666 DRUGS IN SPORTS 2. Máj 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Gymnázium Viliama Paulinyho – Tótha v Martine Učíme sa nielen z učebníc, učíme sa pre život. Kód projektu ITMS: 26110130666 DRUGS IN SPORTS 2. Máj 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gymnázium Viliama Paulinyho – Tótha v Martine Učíme sa nielen z učebníc, učíme sa pre život. Kód projektu ITMS: 26110130666 DRUGS IN SPORTS 2. Máj 2014 Mgr. Beata Brziaková Anglický jazyk

2 A presentation for the lessons of English conversation

3 What is a drug ?  A drug is any chemical substance that you take that effects the way your body work  Doping = means taking drugs to improve sports performance  Sports governing bodies produce lists of all the banned substances. Athletes have to be careful as some of the banned substances appear in over the counter medicine e.g. night nurse

4 Why would a sports person take performance enhacement drug ?  Obviously to improve sport performance  Improve response time  Improve their body ability to transport oxygen  To kill pain, to continue training  To build muscle faster than training would  To calm themselves for an event


6 Different drugs STIMULANTS  They raise the heart rate and blood pressure, speed up reaction, person feels alert and confident, work for long periods of time without feeling pain for fatigue  Pain and fatigue are the bodies warning, signs and suppressing them is dangerous. When they wears off the person feels really “down“, can cause violent aggressive behaviour, heavy use can lead to high blood presure and liver/brain damage


8 Different drugs  NARCOTIC ANALGETICS  These are pain killers. They act on central nervous system. They give a feeling of well being, relaxation and sleepiness.  Cause constipation/low blood presure, they re addictive, working thru and injury makes them worst, they re illegal.

9 Different drugs  ANABOLIC STEROIDS  They are hormones which help build and repair muscle and bone  Taking artificial steroids may lead to the body stopping making its own which may lead to heart disease/high blood presure, weakened ligaments/tendons, infertility, aggresive behaviour and facial hair on females

10 Different drugs  DIURETICS  They increase the amount of water in the urine, boxers and wrestlers use these to lose weight fast before they weigh in for a match, they are also used to flush other drugs out of people s systems  Body loses vital salts, low levels of potassium lead to muscle weakness and heart damage


12 Different drugs  Anxiety drugs, beta blockers

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