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~ Finding Kind ~. Spreading the Finding Kind Initiative.

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1 ~ Finding Kind ~

2 Spreading the Finding Kind Initiative

3 The U16AAs got together and attached “Finding Kind” messages to over 400 mini candy canes. The girls then took the candy canes to West Edmonton Mall on Sunday, December 22, 2013, and handed them out. They targeted mostly young females to try and spread the “Finding Kind” awareness to young women. The messages included, “You’re Important”, You’re Loved”, You’re Amazing”, and “You’re Beautiful”, and each tag included the YouTube link to the Finding Kind initiative.

4 Spreading Kindness in the Community

5 The girls wanted to spread their own bit of kindness for the holidays, so decided to deliver giant goodie baskets to 2 female specific organizations. The first was WIN House, which is a shelter for abused women in Edmonton. The second was Braemar School, which is a school for young mothers and pregnant teens. They recognized that the participants of these 2 organizations would likely not be privy to the goodies and good fortune the girls were about to experience for Christmas, so wanted these women and children to be able to have at least a few treats for the Holidays.

6 Spreading “Friends First” and the Ringette Sisterhood

7 The Edmonton U16AAs are initiating efforts to grow the Ringette Sisterhood in Edmonton. We tagged red laces with the Friends First and Finding Kind logos, and invited a U9 and a U12 team to a fun Christmas skate. The U16s helped the younger participants re-lace their right skate with the Red one, and spoke about friendly competition.


9 Happy Holidays From Edmonton Elite U16AA

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