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Troubleshooting. What is Troubleshooting ? Troubleshooting is a problem solving method. Other problem solving methods are invention, innovation, engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Troubleshooting. What is Troubleshooting ? Troubleshooting is a problem solving method. Other problem solving methods are invention, innovation, engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Troubleshooting

2 What is Troubleshooting ? Troubleshooting is a problem solving method. Other problem solving methods are invention, innovation, engineering design, and research and development.

3 What is Troubleshooting ? Troubleshooting is the systematic search for the source of a problem so that it can be solved.

4 A 10 step Universal Troubleshooting Process 1.Get the attitude 2.Get a complete and accurate symptom description 3.Make damage control plan 4.Reproduce the symptom 5.Do the appropriate general maintenance 6.Narrow it down to the root cause 7.Repair or replace the defective component 8.Test 9.Take pride in your solution 10.Prevent future occurrence of this problem

5 Troubleshooting Process Step 1 Get The Attitude To begin the troubleshooting process, a person needs to prepare tools, documentation, the work area, and their attitude. A person must be confident that the problem will be solved.

6 Troubleshooting Process Step 2 Get a complete and accurate symptom description The more details that are gathered, the quicker and easier it is to diagnose the problem

7 Troubleshooting Process Step 3 Make damage control plan Take any safety precautions necessary to prevent injury to people or damage to the equipment being worked on.

8 Troubleshooting Process Step 4 Reproduce the symptom Reproducing the symptom can help narrow down and eliminate solutions.

9 Troubleshooting Process Step 5 Do the appropriate general maintenance A problem is often fixed by performing general maintenance.

10 Troubleshooting Process Step 6 Narrow it down to the root cause

11 Troubleshooting Process Step 7 Repair or replace the defective component Just remember how things came apart so they can go back together.

12 Troubleshooting Process Step 8 Test Is the symptom gone? Are there any more problems?

13 Troubleshooting Process Step 9 Take pride in your solution You found the solution. You deserve to be proud and excited.

14 Troubleshooting Process Step 10 Prevent future occurrence of this problem Document the symptoms and solution. Let others know about the problem and how it was solved.

15 Address the problem of specialized knowledge One of the first sources you should turn to is…the manual! The internet is another source Libraries Help menu Phone support E-mail Call in a friend Etc.

16 Focus on our personal demeanor in a time of crises The need to troubleshoot often happens at the worst moment. We need to remain calm and proceed logically. Start by asking yourself simple questions (ex: Is it plugged in?) and then proceed to more complex methods.

17 Think through and analyze the problem Describe it in writing Don’t jump to conclusions and tear things apart

18 Try to bring the system to a baseline state and induce the problem to recur. Record the conditions in which the problem occurs Develop a strategy or hypotheses and repeat it changing only 1 variable at a time so that the problem can be connected to an event. Take good notes Isolate the problem to a single subsystem Swap parts if additional parts are available

19 Stop and employ meta cognition Think about your thinking processes Ask what approach you haven’t tried What clues have you missed?

20 Finally, SLEEP ON IT!! Give your subconscious problem-solver a chance to work its magic!

21 The process of engineering design takes into account a # of factors: Safety Reliability Economic Considerations (cost & profit) Service Life Quality Control Environmental Concerns Ease of Manufacturing Human Factors Engineering (Ergonomics) Serviceability Ease of Troubleshooting Many more

22 It is important in the design process to have ease of maintenance and ease of troubleshooting in mind, as this will decrease costs over the life of the product.

23 Difficult to repair or service products can be profitable in several ways: –Competitors do not have specialized knowledge and cannot compete profitably –Expensive repairs are a primary reason to buy new products As the world of technology becomes more complex, the issue of reparability and ease of troubleshooting at the design state is ever more important.

24 Troubleshooting is much easier when a product is in the design stage Test points and steps or elements can be built in which greatly ease the burden of later service. Easy disassembly and accessibility are obvious items up for discussion. Many precautions can be taken so that troubleshooting becomes a step-by-step process We have become a throw-away society.

25 Research, Development, & Experimentation Research, Development, & Experimentation is a problem solving method. Other problem solving methods are invention, innovation, engineering design, and troubleshooting.

26 Research, Development, & Experimentation Research: The systematic investigation into, and study of materials, sources etc in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Development: Act of improving by expanding or enlarging or refining. Experimentation: The process of testing a hypothesis by collecting data under controlled, repeatable conditions.

27 Research, Development, & Experimentation Science VS. Technology Research and development in science is very similar to research and development in technology. The methods of conducting research and developing experiments are almost the same. The difference is science is the search for new knowledge. Technology is the search for a solution to a technological problem.

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