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Escape from mr.lemoncello’s library

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1 Escape from mr.lemoncello’s library
By: Chris Grabenstein Shania Tackett

2 Characters Main Character’s- Kyle Keeley, Charles Chiltington, Sierra Russell, Akimi Hughes, Haley Daley, Mr. Lemoncello, Dr. Yanina Zinchenko Minor Character’s- Andrew Peckleman, Bridgette Wadge, Yasmeen Smith-Snyder, Sean Keegan, Rose Vermette, Kayla Corson

3 Characters Chiltington Andrew Haley Sierra Akimi Charles K Kyle

4 protagonist The protagonist of this story is Kyle Keeley. He is the protagonist because he is the good guy in the story and he works hard with his team mates to get the clues to find their way out of the library.

5 Setting There is about three settings but one main setting. The first setting is Kyle’s house and the second is the school and the last and main setting is the library.

6 Antagonist The antagonist of this story is Charles. He is the antagonist because through out the whole story he thinks he’s better then every one else and he thinks he should be the winner because he’s never lost a game or anything so he think’s he’s the winner at everything.

7 Conflict The conflict in this story is between Kyle and his brothers. The conflict starts by Kyle and his brother’s playing a game. Kyle thinks he has to prove himself to his brothers because Kyle is the youngest so his brothers pick on him.

8 resolution The resolution of this story is Kyle’s team finds the last clue they need to get out of the library the way the Dandy Bandits crawled in and because they were the first ones out they all win the game.

9 Event 1 One major event is when Kyle gets grounded for a week. This is a major event because in the Keeley house hold when you get grounded you get all games and TV taking away. So when Kyle found out about the essay contest he knew he had be a winner because he new the new library would have all different kind of games and if he won he would be able to play those games.

10 Event 2 The next major event is when the kids find out that their locked in the library and that they have to play Mr. Lemoncello’s game to find their way out of the library. This is a major event because this is kind of the story’s climax and this is where everything starts to happen.

11 Event 3 The third major event in the story is when Charles tried to cheat by getting Andrew to steal Sierra library card. This is a major event because through out the book Charles try’s to get the other team’s clues because he really wants to win.

12 Book’s used at clues

13 Picture’s

14 clues The kids had to use clues and things they found to help them find the way out that was not the way they came in.

15 The end!!

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