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Synchronous Teaching & Learning Dr. Nian-Shing Chen Distinguished Professor, MIS Department National Sun Yat-sen University Co-Editors-in-Chief, Educational.

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Presentation on theme: "Synchronous Teaching & Learning Dr. Nian-Shing Chen Distinguished Professor, MIS Department National Sun Yat-sen University Co-Editors-in-Chief, Educational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synchronous Teaching & Learning Dr. Nian-Shing Chen Distinguished Professor, MIS Department National Sun Yat-sen University Co-Editors-in-Chief, Educational Technology & Society journal Email: Web: http://www.nschen.idv.tw

2 Overview Synchronous Cyber Classroom Blended Learning Model Cyber Real Cyber (CRC) Model Seamless Integration between Cyber and Real Spaces Demonstrations of some concrete examples

3 National Sun Yat-sen University


5 The problems of asynchronous learning Lack of social presence – learning alone not learning together Easy to fall behind the schedule High drop out rate

6 e-Learning Trends Blended learning –Physical classroom + Cyber classroom –Asynchronous learning + Synchronous learning A blended learning environment of combining these two modes could provide the best flexibility, engagement and performance for learning. Online synchronous learning is a very important component to realize such a flexible learning potential.

7 Space & Time Matrix Space Time Cyber SpaceReal Space Synchronous SCSR Asynchronous ACAR P.7

8 Blended Learning EnvironmentClassroomPhysicalClassroomCyberClassroom Asynchronous Synchronous Text Synchronous Classroom Video + Audio Multimedia

9 P.9 The 3C Platform 3C The Classroom Teacher’s Office Student Administration 1. Enrolments 2. Attendance status 3. Emailing 4. Student grouping 5. Teaching assistant 6. Setup The Synchronous Cyber Classroom 1. Main-cyber classroom 2. Group-cyber classrooms 3. Whiteboard 4. Text chat 5. Online poll 6. Joint web browsing 7. Desktop sharing Course Design 1. Content upload 2. Learning path design 3. Forum setup 4. Chat room setup 5. Menu bar setup 6. Assignment setup 7. Test setup The Asynchronous Cyber Classroom 1. Forums 2. Assignments 3. Quizzes 4. Learning materials 5. Course information 6. Online survey

10 Synchronous Cyber Classroom Demo: Teaching in the synchronous cyber classroom at the HKU

11 Mobile teacher’s desk Equipments: 1.Dual screens 2.Web camera 3.Echo free MIC & Speaker 4.Hand writing digital pen

12 Three unique features Cyber Face to Face (C-F2F) Equal distance among all participants Easy for sharing and interaction using digital materials

13 Cyber Face to Face (C-F2F)

14 Key Features of Synchronous Cyber Classroom Common shared working space Concurrent multiple access –Much easier for learners to be engaged

15 Online Synchronous Research Seminar in e-Learning 2010-Italy

16 Global Chinese Online Synchronous Research Seminar

17 UPM Masterclass on Celiac Disease

18 Synchronous Cyber Classroom Small Group Discussion & Practice

19 Synchronous Cyber Classroom Invite external speaker from anywhere around the world

20 Synchronous Cyber Classroom Online Synchronous Assessment

21 Synchronous Cyber Classroom Online Thesis Oral Defense

22 22 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興 教授 International Online Courses E-Learning Theory & Practice for U of Ancona, Italy –Prof. Nian-Shing Chen, NSYSU Business English & Communication –Dr. Nicholas Lambert, Griffith University, Australia Critical Issues in Information Systems –Dr. Michael Reardon, Griffith University, Australia Advanced Business Application Programming –Dr. Anurag Agarwal, University of Florida, United States E-tutor Training Program –Dr. Yuping Wang, Griffith University, Australia Adaptivity and Intelligent Learning Systems –Dr. Kinshuk, Athabasca University, Canada

23 23 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興 教授 Critical Issues in Information Systems

24 24 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興 教授 Critical Issues in Information Systems

25 25 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興 教授 Advanced Business Application Programming

26 26 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興 教授 Advanced Business Application Programming

27 27 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興 教授 Business English & Communication

28 28 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興 教授 Business English & Communication

29 29 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興 教授 E-tutor Training Program for Chinese Teachers

30 30 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興 教授 E-tutor Training Program for Chinese Teachers

31 P.31

32 32 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興 教授 Wholly Online International Conference MCCSIS

33 Keynote Speech P.33

34 Panel Discussion P.34

35 35 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興 教授 One-On-One Online Early Childhood Education teacher prepares electronic whiteboard enter the synchronous cyber classroom teacher opens the meeting room student joins (password protected) check audio and visual functions discuss plan (advance organizer) work through, add pages as needed negotiate content and plan for next time

36 36 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興 教授 ‘Real’ learning …yes!!!!!!!!!

37 37 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興 教授 One on One Tutoring

38 38 國立中山大學資訊管理學系陳年興教授 What are the kids saying? Jonathon says … I like online school because it is fun and because it’s interactive. You can do Mathematics and English. You can also do drawings and colourings. You can also see your teacher on the screen. Other people can join in it. It is lots of fun.

39 Hear and Say WorldWide e-Learning Intermediate Course Hear and Say WorldWide e-Learning Intermediate Course resources on 3C

40 Hear and Say WorldWide e-Learning Advanced Course Hear and Say WorldWide e-Learning Advanced Course Instructors and Participants working in the 3C synchronous cyber classroom

41 Basic Concepts of the CRC Model □ There are many combinations between 100% physical and 100% cyber. □ CRC or RCR □ ASA or SAS

42 Seamless Integration Cyber space & Physical space Seamless Integration VR AR

43 A very special birthday card with QR code Playing happy-birthday song video clip on teacher’s iPhone In addition to the written greeting words

44 i-nigma Reader You can download the reader directly to your mobile phone by visiting the web address: which will automatically detect if your mobile phone is compatible - or you can send a SMS (text message) containing i- nigma to: +44 7797 882325 and you will be sent the link to the software.


46 Blended Synchronous Classroom Teaching on-campus and off-campus students at the same time

47 Blended Synchronous Classroom

48 Evaluation According to the survey results: – 97% of students responded that they were satisfied with the online synchronous live instruction mode –89% of students responded that the live instruction mode could provide very good interactions among teachers and students

49 Conclusion This talk has presented an online synchronous learning model with 32 different online synchronous instruction/learning modes Synchronous learning modes can improve learners ’ online engagement and hence reduce dropout rate. The dropout rate has been reduced from 30% down to less than 5%

50 Q & A Thank You


52 The history of my e-learning journey 1995: Developed my first ever learning content on the web. (CD-Title  Web-Title) 1997: Starting to develop learning management system (LMS) till now 1998: Created the NSYSU Cyber UniversityCreated the NSYSU Cyber University 1999: NSYSU MIS offered the first online program for credits 2000: Created the K12 Digital SchoolCreated the K12 Digital School 2001: Starting to teach online courses in synchronous mode 2003: Starting to use the 3C platform for prompting international collaborationsStarting to use the 3C platform for prompting international collaborations

53 The history of my e-learning journey 2005: Supporting IADIS to run 100% wholly online international conferences (MCCSIS) 2008: Offered my first ever online credit course for PhD students in Italy 2009: Offered a second online credit course with Prof. Kinshuk for PhD students in Italy 2010: Organized an online research seminar in English for PhD students in ItalyOrganized an online research seminar in English for PhD students in Italy 2010: Organized an online research seminar in Chinese for six universities in TaiwanOrganized an online research seminar in Chinese for six universities in Taiwan 2011: Taught my first ever online synchronous class at the UHK.

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