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Published byAda Harrington Modified over 8 years ago
GEOSS Web Services (GWS) OGC support of GEOSS Workshops Telecon 10 August 2007 George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GWS Telecon - Agenda GEOSS Workshop Series and GWS - George Percivall IGARSS, July GEOSS Workshop - Rudy Husar GeoNorth, August GEOSS Workshop - T. Fisher, Doug Nebert, R. Thomas, G. Yettman, Stefano Nativi AfricaGIS2007, September GEOSS Workshop OGC TC Boulder, September GEOSS Workshop Any Other Business
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically The Workshop Series 2007 “The User and the GEOSS Architecture” Apr-07IEEE SoS and Signal Conferences Hawaii, USASOSE and Information infrastructure for GEOSS Jun-07Intl Symp on RS of Environment - ISRSE San Jose, Costa Rica Sustainable dev through EO, Agriculture Jul-07IGARSS07Barcelona, Spain GEOSS System components Aug-07IPY GeoNorthYellowknife, Canada Climate and biodiversity Sep-07AfricaGIS07Burkina FasoEO for water, health Sep-07OGC TCBoulder, CO USA Regional Decisions for Climate Change Nov-07Asian Conference on Remote Sensing Kuala Lumpur, MY Environment Disaster/ Tsunami
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically OGC participation in GEOSS Workshop Series’07 Apr-07IEEE SoS and Signal Conferences Hawaii, USASimon Cox, CSIRO Jun-07Intl Symp on RS of Environment - ISRSE San Jose, Costa Rica Karl Benedict, Univ. New Mexico Jul-07IGARSS07Barcelona, Spain Rudy Husar, Wash Univ-StL Aug-07IPY GeoNorthYellowknife, Canada Robert Thomas, Greg Yettman Sep-07AfricaGIS07Burkina Faso Sep-07OGC TCBoulder, CO USA IPCC Data Dist Centres: A. Woolf; R. Chen IP3 Scenario: Stefano Nativi, Nov-07Asian Conference on Remote Sensing Kuala Lumpur, MY Shailesh Nayack, INCOIS
GEOSS Workshop/Demo at IGARSS 2007 Barcelona Spain 22 July 2007 Rudolf B. Husar, Professor and Director Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis (CAPITA), Washington University, St. Louis
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at IGARSS 2007 Demonstration was part of GEOSS workshop at IGARSS – Rudy Husar, Washington University, St. Louis led the demonstration development.
Dust and Chlorophyll over the Mediterranean GEOSS Web Services (GWS) Interoperability Demostration Presented at the workshop The User and the GEOSS Architecture July 22, 2007, Barcelona, Spain
Ocean Fertilization by Atmospheric Dust Phytoplankton produce most of the oceanic biomass through photosynthesis Photosynthesis by chlorophyll has been shown to increase with atmospheric dust fertilization Bishop et al.(2002), Science Evidence of Chlorophyll Enhancement by Dust However, precipitation, the wind and many other factors also influence the production of chlorophyll A scientific challenge is to quantify the chlorophyll-dust relationship E. Mediterranean N. Pacific Ocean Oceanic Biomass by Phytoplankton
[catalog pic] GetCapabilities GetData Capabilities, ‘Profile’ Data Where? When? What? Which Format? Server Back End Std. Interface Client Front End Std. Interface CF, EOS, OGC CF OGC, ISO Standards netCDF, HDF..Format TemperatureWhat? TimeWhen? BBOXWhere? GetDataQuery T2T1 WMS/WCS – Space Time Query GEOSS Facilitates publishing, finding and processing the data resources, to support decision makers Accessible datasets for the Barcelona Demo Interoperability through GEOSS
Data Access Services Data Processing, Portrayal and Delivery Services Coordination and Data Mediation Services Dust Model Dust Model? Dust Data Datasets, Model Wind Forecast Population Proc. Services Delivery Services? Coordination C. Perez, J. Baldasano, P. Guerrero, O. Jorba Doug Westphal George Kallos Xavier Querol, Jorge Pey Gregory Leptoukh, Nadime Alameh Ben Domenico Greg Yetman Stefan Falke Lorenzo Bigagli Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa George Percivall Rudolf Husar, Erin Robinson Barcelona Demo Network
Dust Transport Chlorophyll
Summary GEOSS System of Systems architecture is suitable for integrating data across geographical, disciplinary and organizational boundaries. The current data access standardization is very spotty and fragile but non-intrusive mediator services can bridge the interoperability gaps. Interoperability demonstrations are key steps toward configurable, robust data flow and processing networks.
Links Annotated Scenario V4 PPT,Scenario V4 PPT Demo Screencast - 258 MB flash, 64 MB AVI, YouTubeDemo Screencast - 258 MB flash64 MB AVI YouTube Demo preparation wiki workspacewiki workspace Short workspace content transferred to OGCNetworks OGCNetworks
GEOSS Workshop/Demo at IPY GeoNorthYellowknife, Canada 19-20 August 2007
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at GeoNorth Workshop Theme: “The Impact of Climate Change and Variability on Biodiversity and Energy in the Arctic " –Organized by Ellsworth LeDrew ( Workshop precedes the First International Circumpolar Conference on Geospatial Sciences and Applications, Yellowknife, N.W.T., Canada, August 20-24, 2007 –
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at GeoNorth Draft agenda for August 20th, afternoon 13:00 Session Overview - George Percivall 13:10 Open Standards for GEOSS Interoperability - Doug Nebert 13:40 GEO Web Portal Candidate - Robert Thomas 14:10 Overview of biodiversity demonstrations - GeoConnections 14:25 Biodiversity Demonstrations Robert Thomas, Compusult; Greg Yetman, CIESIN; Roman Gerlach (for Stefano Nativi, IMAA - CNR) 15:20 Closing Discussion and wrap-up George Percivall
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Open Standards for GEOSS Interoperability GEOSS Concept Requirements on GEOSS Contributed Systems Open Standards for Geospatial Interoperability OGC Web Services Standards meet GEOSS Architecture Requirements Major OGC Specifications for GEOSS Market Implementation AI Pilot: Portal, Clearinghouse, scenarios What to watch for in the demos Presentation by D. Nebert
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GeoWeb Portal Candidate Presentation Committed to Standards Our Vision of the GeoWeb Portal The Compusult WES GeoWeb Portal A suite of applications providing a real-time, web-based, geospatially enabled portal to provide centralized interoperability, discovery, collaboration, sharing, access and management over highly disparate information. How WES is Currently Used –Selected Organizations using Web Enterprise Suite WES GeoWeb Portal Architecture Overview WES supports the following standards: WES Platform Independence –WES X software components have been designed and implemented to operate across multiple platforms. Operating Systems currently supported: WES: The Total Geospatial Portal Solution GeoWeb Portlets included in WES –Discovery, Discovery agents, Viewer, Publisher, Administration, Colaboration, Other Benefits of a WES GeoWeb Portal Demonstration/presentation by Robert Thomas
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Demonstration overview 1st role - need for study - development in a region –initial problem scoping with focus on discovery of data sets, establish AOI and saving as context –Could start with news story report using geoRSS (Robert) –Sends context document to analyst/researchers 2nd role: relation of development to caribou –accepting context document, adding additional data and layers to help evaluate problem statement. –something like how might caribou migrations be affected by changes in permafrost, roads, etc. –be sure to include polar projections 3rd role: butterfly biodiversity –Existing demo from INAA-CNR
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Part 1 - problem statement (Doug e-mail) 1. Where is the highest potential for oil-gas development in areas that are not currently developed? Show energy geologic provinces of potential. Show existing oil-gas development. Show existing leases. Show land status (protected lands, open lands, etc). 2. Identify areas that could be economically accessed as extensions to existing infrastructure (pipelines, roads) that are not protected lands. 3. Identify caribou migration patterns and discern any potential conflicts of territory. 4. Identify snow cover, surface temperature, and vegetation patterns relative to the migration of the caribou. Are there cause-effect patterns or pressures on the migration?
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Scenario Ideas - Robert 1) possible oil pipeline may cross Caribou migration routes. Prompts investigation into the effects on Caribou migration from Energy Exploration/Development in combination with Climate change Issues. A totally fictional (geo)RSS feed 2) Robert contacts Greg because I knew he had some new pipeline data from the start of the environmental assessment. –Greg: You would have to mock-up some pipeline data going from the east end of Great Slave Lake to the Beaufort Sea. –Greg could save this as a context and send it back to me. 3) We would perform additional discovery of the Caribou migration layers, ice extents, vegetation etc. These layers could be then added to Google Earth (GE) as the analysis client (at this point our client and map server doesn't support the Polar Projection). Basically, we could show the different seasonally migration and ice extents, plus any other relevant layers, in switch able layers on GE. 4) Scientific Analysis: Now it gets into the scientific analysis and I would be way out of my depth to suggest anything here. 5) Conclusions: Building a pipe line when combined with climate change creates a risk to Carbou calving areas???????
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically 2. Research oriented scenario ideas - Terry we need to broaden our approach in this scenario. –Most of the biodiversity issues have very subtle long term cause/effect relationships that require examination of data from many sources and interpretation by applications experts. storyline in this scenario could be that we put the tools in the hands of the applications experts to bring together many disparate datasets (including time series') –We may not know if there is a correlation of significance between datasets but our tools allow the applications experts to study these data in ways that have not been possible in the past. The sea ice is a case in point. While the correlation between sea ice and caribou migration is not obvious, the caribou calving grounds are very close to the sea coast. Maybe there is a connection here?
See last weeks telecon for the full set of slides from Terry Response from subject matter expert to the scenario in this presentation: Good stuff. Is there a way to change the projection so that the North is not so distorted... changing projection will greatly help grab the northern audience... Cheers Dr Suzanne Carrière Ecosystem Management Biologist Environment and Natural Resources Government of the Northwest Territories
Overview Description of Caribou Migration Data Complementary Data Layers Overview of Migration for all Herds All Herds for each season with seasonal snow extent Caribou Herd Migration Animation
Caribou Seasons Dec 1 – Mar 31 - Early, Mid Winter Apr 1 – May 31 - Spring, Spring Migration & Pre-Calving June 1- 10 - Calving June 11-30 - Post Calving and Movement July 1-15 - Early Summer July 16- Aug 7 - Mid Summer Aug 8-Oct 7 - Late Summer and Fall Migration Oct 8 – Nov 30 - Rut and Late Fall
Overview of Migration for all Herds
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOS Demo Wiring Diagram: Biodiversity in the Arctic WMS Polar Clients WMS Caribou Tracks Canadian topo (layers) GeoConnections NRCan NSIDC Compusult WMS (layers) CIESIN IMAA-CNR DRAFT
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Compusult screen capture #1 Robert Thomas Demo
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Compusult screen capture #2 Robert Thomas Demo
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Compusult screen capture #3 Robert Thomas Demo
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Data Discovery GEOSS Catalog would be ideal –DADDI metadata catalog (data, not services) –Earth-Sun Gateway Demonstration /presentation by Greg Yetman
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Data Exploration SEDAC Map Client (presently Geographic, next week a version in a polar projection should be available) – WMS & WFS Support Can save and share WMC docs Most content off-topic (Atlas of the cryosphere permafrost data shown at left) Demonstration /presentation by Greg Yetman
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Data Sources Cryosphere Atlas has a number of interesting layers Demonstration /presentation by Greg Yetman
Biodiversity and Climate Change Resource Interoperability for the GEOSS Interoperability Process Pilot Project Stefano Nativi
Biodiversity and Climate Change Resource Interoperability - Nativi For the full presentation of IMAA-CNR GBIF IP3 for Yellowknife: – d=23171
37 GBIF IP3 Working Group GBIF Secretariat –Éamonn O Tuama, Tim Robertson, Dave Martin, Donald Hobern IEEE & University of Colorado –Siri Jodha Khalsa Italian National Research Council (CNR-IMAA) & Univ. of Florence –Stefano Nativi, Paolo Mazzetti, Lorenzo Bigagli, Enrico Boldrini, Valerio Angelini, Ugo Mattia University of Ottawa –Jeremy Kerr University of Helsinki –Hannu Saarenmaa University of Tokyo –Motomi Ito WMO –David Thomas
38 Adopted solutions 1.Write a formal and expanded use scenario 2.Use GBIF portal web services to access and retrieve the biodiversity data 3.Access and retrieve NCAR Climate Change data via OGC WCS 4.Interoperability with GBIF and Climate registries using GI-go/GI-cat federated catalog and Mediation Server (mapping to the ISO 19115 core metadata) 5.Use the Open Modeller ENM framework through its SOAP functionalities 6.Put together an AJAX based demonstrator user interface
39 1. Write a formal and expanded use scenario Modeling the impact of climate change on the distribution of the butterflies of Canada and Alaska –Scientific name = amblyscirtes vialis –Species taxonomy: Animalia ->arthropoda ->insecta ->lepidoptera ->hesperiidae ->amblyscirtes ->amblyscirtes vialis
40 4. Interoperability with GBIF and climatological registries Unique and consistent interface for resource discovery and query Mediation to a unique Metadata Model: ISO 19115 core profile WCS Registry Climatological and Environmental Data Ecological Niche Model Server In-situ Biodiversity Records GBIF Registry GI-cat/GI-go Discovery Download
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop, 19-20 August, GeoNorth June - Call for GWS participants June - Develop societal benefit area scenario June - Confirm Internet capabilities at workshop site June - Identify scenario specific data sources July - Components available on-line July - Client server testing Aug - Demo scenario testing and Client Capture Aug 19 - On-site testing Aug 20 - Workshop demos Aug - posting results to OGC Network
Additional info for GeoNorth
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically caribou migration data is available on a WMS. Polar scenario demo at the IPY conference in Yellowknife. Here is some info about the data:The caribou migration data is available on a WMS. The GetCapabilities can be found at Here is a URL that describes the data. Here is the URL to a CubeWerx client for this WMS: Here is a neat animation of the caribou migration data: caribouMigrations- transverseMercator.avi grations-transverseMercator.avi Here are some scenarios suggested by one of the science people. 1. Movement of caribou in spring and timing of greeness 2. Calving area use and greeness 3. CAR Movement and timing and location of snow or ice on lakes 4. CAR Movement and location of winter road, mines 5. Paterns in wintering areas and fire zones (show red on sat images) etc
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Data servers - Dougs Turns out that the NWT also has some more detailed geologic data in a map viewer but it's not clear that map services are exposed. Should know more tomorrow. They *do* have good metadata on the data set (not the service) that is accessible through the Discovery Portal. Things are coming together... - Doug Nebert The Yukon also has an available map viewer and WMS, although I do not know if this covers your area of interest... - Doug O’Brien
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Data servers Terry: The capabilities for the National Atlas WMS is: – Many of the OGC services available in Canada in the GeoConnections Discovery Portal, under the Search Services Link – Costas: The link to WMS for Canadian topographic data is: – –You will have to register to get the address of the service, it is free. The available digital topographic data are vector layers, DEM layer, ortho Landsat 7 layer, raster maps.
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at GeoNorth Data sources for Demos –Use both Polar and Cylindrical projections. (Comment on telecon that we may not want to use EPSG:32661 - polar stereographic projection centered at the north pole - to be clarified) –(Need caribou data on WMS - maybe with CARMA group?) –NSIDC Atlas of the Cryosphere - John Maurer ( –WMS from Geoconnections –Atlas of Canada - WMS with base layers (road, boundaries, hydrography, populated places, etc.) for its 7.5 Million framework data set. Additional Data sources and clients to be identified in conjunction with AI Pilot
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically WMS for Canadian topographic data The link to WMS for Canadian topographic data in the North is You will have to register to get the address of the service, it is free. The available digital topographic data are vector layers, DEM layer,ortho Landsat 7 layer, raster maps, etc. I hope these data may be of help in supporting the scenarios for the GEOSS workshop in Yellowknife.
GEOSS Workshop/Demo - AfricaGIS “Earth Observation to benefit Water and Health” Burkina Faso, Saturday/Sunday September 15/16
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at AfricaGIS 2007 forum for discussing the development and operational issues of an advanced global information system for supporting national, regional and global decisions impacting society. Specific emphasis will be on the use of earth observation for management of water and health in Africa. and go to GEOSS and then workshops at the top of the home page. Currently do not have a volunteer to lead this demo. Will be pursuing past demos that are recorded and are relevant to the theme of the workshop - 70070810
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop, AfricaGIS 2007 July - Call for GWS participants July - Develop societal benefit area scenario July - Confirm Internet capabilities at workshop site July - Identify scenario specific data sources Aug - Components available on-line Aug - Client server testing Aug - Demo scenario testing and Client Capture Sept 14 - On-site testing Sept 15-16 - Workshop Sept - posting results to OGC Network
GEOSS Workshop/Demo - OGC TC “Regional Decisions for Climate Change ” Boulder, Friday/Saturday, Sept 21/22
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at OGC TC, Sept 2007 How the GEOSS Architecture supports citizens and policy makers in making decisions based upon regional predictions of climate change –Recognizing that the science to predict regional changes in climate is still advancing, –Address interoperability arrangements for decision support tools and predictive models used around the globe to support policy and management decisions.
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Regional Climate Demonstrations IPCC Data Distribution Centres –Andrew Wolff –Bob Chen IP3 Scenario on Biodiversity and Ecosystems –focus the demonstration on the effects of regional climate change. –working on valuable datasets and expertise for this point (i.e. regional climate change) –Stefano Nativi
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically CIESIN data sets via WMS and WFS project and data are described here: – The GetCapabilities URLs for the services are: – – You can view them in our client here: –
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically CIESIN IPCC data services see it in CIESIN client at: – 180,180.02083333362134,-76.5260416666815,103.48437500012918 180,180.02083333362134,-76.5260416666815,103.48437500012918 via WFS at: – st=GetCapabilities st=GetCapabilities via WMS at: – st=GetCapabilities&Service=WMS&Version=1.1.1 st=GetCapabilities&Service=WMS&Version=1.1.1
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically Regional Climate Demo and AI Pilot Architecture Implementation Pilot –GEOSS, FedEO and Tri-Lateral –Conducted using OGC procedures Regional Climate Demo is one of the Scenarios for AI Pilot More information about AI Pilot –Call for Participation: 35 responses, 105 organizations –Kickoff Meeting 5&6 June at ESA/ESRIN –Demostration at EO Ministerial Summit, November 2007 – Regional Climate WG mailing list: –
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop, OGC TC Sept 2007 July - Call for GWS participants July - Develop societal benefit area scenario July - Confirm Internet capabilities at workshop site July - Identify scenario specific data sources Aug - Components available on-line Aug - Client server testing Aug - Demo scenario testing and Client Capture Sept 20 - On-site testing Sept 21-22 - Workshop Sept - posting results to OGC Network
GEOSS Workshop/Demo - ACRS “ Environment Disaster/Tsunami” Nov 14, 2007 - Kuala Lumpur, MY Dr. Shailesh Nayak, INCOIS
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop at ACRS 2007 Asian Conference on Remote Sensing - ACRS 2007 –12-16 November 2007 –Putra World Trade Center (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – OGC demonstration leadership –Dr. Shailesh Nayak, INCOIS –Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services –
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Workshop Demo Schedule, ACRS 2007 Aug - Call for participants Sept - Develop societal benefit area scenario Sept - Confirm Internet capabilities at workshop site Sept - Identify scenario specific data sources Oct - Components available on-line Oct - Client server testing Oct - Demo scenario testing and Client Capture Nov 13 - On-site testing Nov 14 - Workshop Nov - posting results to OGC Network
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GWS Telecon - Any Other Business Next telecon - confirmed during the telecon: –Thursday, 16 August 2007 –UTC 1400 - 10:00 am EDT – GWS e-mail listserv additions? –Changed listserv name from GSN to GWS Any other business
Helping the World to Communicate Geographically GEOSS Demos Lessons Learned Application-specific demos are a great way to engage with user communities that would not necessarily look to OGC standards. Emphasize message about using distributed components with open standards vs. standalone application Tremendous enthusiasm and commitment of agencies and research groups to collaborate Demo provides a fast-track to skills development and knowledge transfer. Live demo is compelling but dependent upon communications networks that may not be reliable at workshops Live demo should be accompanied by a pre-recorded demo Presentation of the demo works best with two projectors: one for the client application, the other for a powerpoint presentation explanation Start early to get satellite data Desirable to involve participants from the local region Keep it simple, focus on the magic of interoperability GEOSS Demos are persistent using OGC Network –
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