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Temperature 6.1 Cohick. Temperature: Is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object.

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Presentation on theme: "Temperature 6.1 Cohick. Temperature: Is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temperature 6.1 Cohick

2 Temperature: Is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object.


4 Temperature The more kinetic energy that the particles have, the higher the temperature.

5 Temperature The motion of particles is random. The particles move in different directions and some move faster than others. This means some have more kinetic energy than others. So what determines temperature? AN AVERAGE OF THE KINETIC ENERGY OF THE PARTICLES IN THE OBJECT.

6 Temperature Temperature is not determined by how much substance you have. We measure temperature using a thermometer

7 Temperature We measure temperature with a thermometer. Often alcohol or mercury is used. Why? Because they remain a liquid over a large temperature range. They work by measuring thermal expansion.

8 Temperature Thermal expansion is the increase in volume of a substance due to an increase in temperature.

9 What is the human body temperature in Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin?

10 Temperature Fahrenheit is used most America for weather. Celsius and Kelvin are used in science. On the Kelvin scale the lowest temperature is 0 Kelvin. It is called Absolute Zero! You can not reach a temperature below –273 o C. That became 0 on the Kelvin scale.


12 1. What temperature on the Celsius scale = 375 K? 2. Absolute zero is 0 K. What is the equivalent temperature on the Celsius scale? Fahrenheit? 3. Which temperature is colder, 0 o F or 200 K?

13 Problems: Example:=5/9 x (59-32) 59 0 F to 0 C=5/9 x 27 0 C = 5/9 x ( 0 F – 32)59 0 F = 15 0 C ***************************************************** Celsius to FahrenheitFahrenheit to Celsius a.112 0 Ca. 98.6 0 F b.24 0 Cb. 482 0 F c.17 0 Cc. –4 0 F d.0 0 Cd. 75 0 F Kelvin to Celsius to Fahrenheit. a. 117 Kb. 16 K

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