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Workshop synthesis Robert Judd General Secretary GERG GERG/MARCOGAZ Gas Sensor Workshop, Brussels, 27th February 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop synthesis Robert Judd General Secretary GERG GERG/MARCOGAZ Gas Sensor Workshop, Brussels, 27th February 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop synthesis Robert Judd General Secretary GERG GERG/MARCOGAZ Gas Sensor Workshop, Brussels, 27th February 2014

2 Setting the Scene What are the challenges for Europe Gas quality harmonisation at the heart of the functioning energy market for Europe Increasingly diverse sources of gas both natural gas, including LNG, and renewable gas Step changes in gas quality at entry points large and unpredictable e.g. >10% How do we ensure safe operation in a future of changing gas quality?

3 Setting the Scene We need fast, accurate measurement Different applications have different requirements Accuracy requirement differs with application – cost requirement differs with application Self adapting heating systems still extremely rare – condensing boilers Cost implications for gas – electricity does not have this problem! Can the Gas Industry define its needs to send right signals to manufactures?

4 What are sensors How do we define a sensor? Detection methods – chemical, optical etc Where are the challenges – how do we match a sensor technology to the field requirement Compromises – selectivity versus accuracy versus stability versus cost – do we fully understand the capability map? MEMS, for example can be mass produced at low cost MEMS devices seeing increasing use Complete extended gas analysis versus correlative? Where can we use correlative devices – regulatory issues

5 sensors - applications Cheap Wobbe meters for installers – can we reach €300? Mass market versus niche applications – how is this driving cost targets Correlative devices vs GC at network injection points Vehicle and transport – millions of units – can this application drive down costs for other market applications – OEMS and manufacturers working with gas suppliers. Combustion control in boilers number of developments How do we integrate a cheap sensor for required functionality without pricing ourselves out of the market?

6 Issues with sensors Materials issues – gas quality includes contaminants Can sensors handle eg H2S, CO2, moisture GC on a chip or correlative devices Downstream roadmap – where is the focus on development and cost reduction? When will sensors reach domestic environment? The vision of a SMART gas distribution system enabled by sensors and data

7 Development focus Methane number sensors for engine control Combustion control in boilers etc Biomethane gas quality control Integrated and portable Wobbe meters Micro-scale devices Micro GCs Specific correlative devices for defined applications Low cost, packaged, fit for purpose devices

8 What next - overview What are the key challenges? Main applications? Can we define the development roadmap? What is the role for R&D, the gas industry, OEMS etc? How do we define our requirement as an industry so we can collaborate effectively?


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