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Antares status and plans  Reminder  Project status  Plans M. de Jong.

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Presentation on theme: "Antares status and plans  Reminder  Project status  Plans M. de Jong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Antares status and plans  Reminder  Project status  Plans M. de Jong

2 Neutrino detection  Neutral  point back  Weak interaction  no absorption Need huge detector   X N 

3 1960 Markov’s idea:  Range of muon:  Detect Cherenkov light:  Transparency of water: Use sea water as target/detector

4 Active Galaxy (e.g. M87) Black hole with 10 8 x mass of sun  10 4 ly extra-galactic Microquasar (SS433 etc.) Black hole with  mass of sun  1 ly galactic Possible neutrino point sources: Supernova remnant (Crab nebula)

5 Neutrino production  Acceleration:  Decay:

6 Dark matter Annihilation of neutralinos in the sun Mini workshop @ NIKHEF 27-28 January 2005

7  Astrophysics –Neutrino astronomy –Composition of jets –Engine of cosmic accelerators  Particle physics –Origin of UHE cosmic rays –Massive particles (GUT) –Dark matter –Neutrino properties ( ,  ) Physics motivation

8 Antares detector Equipped volume 0.1 km 2 x 0.4 km (=800 x SuperK) 42° 50’ N 6° 10’ E Atlas

9 Detection principle:   + N   + X c(t j - t 0 ) = l j + d j tan(  c )  = 0.2 deg.  x = 20 cm  t = 1 ns medium properties

10 Angular resolution

11 “All-data-to-shore” concept position time 10 ms DataFilter 2  s offline reconstruction 1 MB/s determination of  trajectory 1 GB/s events

12 time [ms] Singles rate [kHz] old new NIKHEF Trigger Algorithm 2.5 x faster ‘expected’

13 Accidental Trigger Rate rate [ms] Singles rate [kHz] old new 100 x less!

14 Trigger Efficiency old new efficiency 10 log(E/GeV) Same efficiency

15 6PCs @ 2.2 GHz2003  CPU 600 MHz  2.2 GHzx 2.5  13 strings, 30 floors  12 strings, 25 floorsx 1.2  New algorithmx 2.5  g++ compiler 2.96  3.3x 1.5 100PCs @ 600 MHz1999

16 Background rejection  L0 10 8 Hzall PMTs  L1 10 5 Hzlocal coincidences  L2 10-100Hz3D cluster  L3 0.1Hz1D cluster  Offline<10 -3 Hzreconstruction  Trigger 10 photons  L3 rate Atmospheric  rate

17 Operation prototype lines March - June 2003 1.Clock system failure in all storeys 2.Electronics container LCM3 not operational 3.MIL failure after 1 month of operation

18 Clock system failure After line recovery failure disappeared... Located “broken” fibre during pressure test Acknowledged by manufacture (steel tubes) Collapse of plastic tube

19 LCM3 not operational Found small quantity of water inside container He test revealed small leak in penetrator

20 MIL water leak All flanges were tested at 320 bar for 1 hour before integration O-RING EXTRUSION

21 O-RING detail  mm With dimensions as specified risk of extrusion if not aligned flange

22 Prototype experience in a nutshell  Timing accuracy 2 ns in laboratory  Deployment & recovery “easy”  DAQ system working and flexible  Quality control needs improvement  Large background from bioluminisence  Could not verify acoustic positioning in situ

23 Production status  PMTs on stock  Mechanical parts on stock  Cables qualified & ordered (2+10)  Electronics qualified (PRRs)  Instrumentation in production Start of mass production 2004

24 Plans  Line_0 (cable test) spring 2005 –NIKHEF delivered autonomous DAQ system  Instrumentation line –DeploymentMarch 2005 –ConnectionApril 2005  Deployment schedule of detector lines –Line 1September 2005 –Line 2-3November 2005 – March 2006  Submarine (ROV) connections –October 2005 – April 2006

25  First PhD thesis (A. Heijboer)  New trigger algorithm  Prototyping phase completed  Infrastructure ready  Mass production started  First (physics) data expected end 2005 Summary

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