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How winning organisations encourage constructive debate The Value of Disagreement: BCC EVENING BUSINESS FORUM 1 st July 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "How winning organisations encourage constructive debate The Value of Disagreement: BCC EVENING BUSINESS FORUM 1 st July 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 How winning organisations encourage constructive debate The Value of Disagreement: BCC EVENING BUSINESS FORUM 1 st July 2015

2 Deep Democracy facilitated by Yvonne O’Reilly Authentic dialogue Listening to all the “voices” Enriching decisions

3 “Deep Democracy” Workshop  Business Context  Set up of Activity  Deep Democracy Experience  Debrief & Applications  Plenary Group

4 “Deep Democracy” ?  Not just about openness to other people’s views; it’s also about the emotions and personal experiences that often get excluded from group discussions  It’s about listening to all the “voices” of the system – including the unpopular ones. Every voice carries data, information and wisdom in some way for the system Arnold Mindell, The Deep Democracy of Open Forums, 2002

5 Deep Democracy – An Awakener  Helps people to see, hear and understand each other in new and profound ways  Recognises and explores group tensions and conflict in a constructive manner - transforms difficult or sensitive issues into revealing community experiences  Widens the pool of information available to guide Decisions - enables people to move forward with fresh insights and ideas for “what’s next”

6 “Deep Democracy” – Alliance  Try on different roles – take a stand from these roles; share your views with conviction  Be ready to engage in dialogue with other roles – deepen the exchange and the learning  Be open to influence - remember the groundrule « EVERYONE IS RIGHT – PARTIALLY! »  Follow the energy in the room - trust the process  Pause for reflection; look at what’s possible for the future

7 Constructive Debate - 5 Key Steps to Success 1.Get the right people in the room 2.Set conditions for safety - leader models the way 3.Challenge the “status quo” - ask powerful questions 4. Listen to all the “voices of the system” – explore, play, experiment with different tools & techniques 5.Co-create solutions - commit to taking bold action

8 Sample Powerful Questions for Group Dialogue  What (stakeholder) voices have we not heard from yet? / What else needs to be said?  What’s the challenge? /What’s the opportunity?  How do we feel about this situation?  What are we learning from each other?  What’s possible from here?  If nothing were in our way, what would we do? What’s stopping us?  What can we do better than has ever been done before?  How can we best support each other moving forward?

9 Disagree and Commit facilitated by Sarah Battey Decision quality Gaining commitment Taking action

10 Workshop Introduction Decisions can be strategic or operational in nature; At times decisions can be emotionally charged

11 Pros and Cons When introducing mechanisms to limit decision-making time, and when finding ways to managing emotions during debates, a “Disagree & Commit” approach to decision-making can have many advantages

12 Mechanisms Mechanisms help anchor the desired behaviour within the company culture, e.g. -Clear communication plans -Setting timeline for debate -Agreeing on “rules of the game” -Aligning hiring, feedback, promotion

13 Dealing with “no” Setting clear rules of engagement sets framework & expectations for “Disagree & Commit process”; for example rules might include providing data to back up arguments or setting a timeline for the debate; See also Deep Democracy slide “Encouraging Constructive Debate”

14 “It is only through dialogue, deep listening, and passionate disagreement that we find our way to something larger than a singular and isolated point of view.” - Henry Kimsey House

15 Contact Yvonne at Tel: +352 621 136 065 Contact Sarah at Tel: +352 661 740730 For more information, feel free to get in touch …

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