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Single Photon Detector for Laser Transponder on Mars František Bína Project manager: Doc. Ing. Ivan Procházka, DrSc. Presented at Seminar Project Czech.

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Presentation on theme: "Single Photon Detector for Laser Transponder on Mars František Bína Project manager: Doc. Ing. Ivan Procházka, DrSc. Presented at Seminar Project Czech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Single Photon Detector for Laser Transponder on Mars František Bína Project manager: Doc. Ing. Ivan Procházka, DrSc. Presented at Seminar Project Czech Technical University, 11519 Prague 1, Brehova 7 Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering Department of Physical Electronics E-mail:

2 Prague 03-06-2002František Bína, Seminar Project2 Goals pick up the function of single photon detector based on the SPAD diode pick up the requested parameters of the laser transponder on Mars scale characteristics of the detector find the acceptable configuration for the detector verify parameters of the detector in range of temperature between -80°C and +30 °C Single Photon Detector for Laser Transponder on Mars

3 Prague 03-06-2002František Bína, Seminar Project3 Single Photon Detector for Laser Transponder on Mars very high time resolution (order of magnitude 10 picosecond) produces uniform output impulse single electronical circuit providing power supply and output impulse forming foolproof SPAD diode

4 Prague 03-06-2002František Bína, Seminar Project4 Required parameters low operating voltage (under 100V) low comsuption low sensitivity to radiation no analog data processing wide range of temperature (-80°C and +30 °C) no temperature stabilisation Single Photon Detector for Laser Transponder on Mars

5 Prague 03-06-2002František Bína, Seminar Project5 Solution SPAD diode with the supporting circuits Single Photon Detector for Laser Transponder on Mars

6 Prague 03-06-2002František Bína, Seminar Project6 Results picked up the function of single photon detector based on the SPAD diode picked up the requested parameters of the laser transponder on Mars got familiar with the SPAD diode and measuring equipment and techniques Single Photon Detector for Laser Transponder on Mars

7 Prague 03-06-2002František Bína, Seminar Project7 Future Single Photon Detector for Laser Transponder on Mars scale characteristics of the detector –noise in blackness –relative sensitivity –time resolution in different operating points find the acceptable configuration for the detector verify parameters of the detector in range of temperature between -80°C and +30 °C

8 Prague 03-06-2002František Bína, Seminar Project8 Conclusion Single Photon Detector for Laser Transponder on Mars made background research: –got together parameters required for the detector –found knowledge necessary for working with SPAD diode laboratory research for future

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