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Jaromír MANHART 25 September 2008 Serbia, Belgrade, Best Western Hotel M POPs and obsolete pesticides waste management and destruction practice in Spolana.

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Presentation on theme: "Jaromír MANHART 25 September 2008 Serbia, Belgrade, Best Western Hotel M POPs and obsolete pesticides waste management and destruction practice in Spolana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jaromír MANHART 25 September 2008 Serbia, Belgrade, Best Western Hotel M POPs and obsolete pesticides waste management and destruction practice in Spolana Neratovice in the Czech Republic

2 Legislation covering POPs waste in the Czech Republic Act on WASTE No. 185/2001 Coll., amendments: - transboundary movement of waste - PCB waste management - POPs waste management - the POPs list: Aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorbenzene, mirex, toxaphen, PCBs, DDT, chlordecone, PCDDs/PCDFs, The sum of alpha, beta and gamma-HCH, hexabrombiphenyl

3 Regulation of the EP and the EC No. 850/2004 on POPs Valid from 19 May 2004 Amendments: COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 1195/2006 of 18.2. 2006 amending Annex IV (low POPs content in waste) COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 172/2007 of 16.2. 2007 amending Annex V (maximum POPs content in waste) Commission Regulation 323/2007 of 26.3.2007 amending Annex V (pre-treatment operations prior to permanent storage, repackaging) COMMISSION DECISION of 2.10.2007 establishing a common format for the submission of data

4 What is new in Act on Waste? Low POPs content in waste - 50 mg/kg (ppm) for all POPs substances - 15 μg/kg (ppb) for PCDDs/PCDFs Concentration limit is NOT a limit for hazardousness of waste Maximum POPs content in waste - 5000 mg/kg (ppm) for all POPs substances - 5 mg/kg (ppm) for PCDDs/PCDFs - 50 mg/kg (ppm) for PCBs (NO CHANGES Directive 96/59/EC) WASTES WITH HIGHER CONCENTRATION THAN MAXIMUM POPS CONTENT IS PROHIBITED TO LANDFILLED, STORED IN SALT MINES OR HARD ROCK FORMATION – NEED FURTHER TREATMENT.

5 Ways of waste management allowed for POPs Wastes D9 Physico-chemical treatment D10 Incineration on land R1 Use principally as a fuel or other means to generate energy, excluding waste containing PCBs D1 Deposit into the hazardous landfills D5 Depositing in specially engineered landfills (e.g. placement into lined discrete cells which are capped and isolated from one another and the environment) D12 Final or permanent storage (e.g. emplacement in containers in mines)

6 THE NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN OF THE STOCKHOLM CONVENTION 2001-2004 Preparation period 7.12.2005Government = YES 24.4.2006Secretariat of the SC/UNEP 28.4.2006EU 8.5.2006FINAL VERSION to UNEP 2007-2009 REVISION and IMPLEMENTATION IN THE COUNTRY REPORT TO THE EC BY THE END OF 2009

7 POSSIBLE FUNDING OF POPs WASTE DISPOSAL or REMEDIATION OF CONTAMINATED SITES In the Czech Republic: Private sector State Budget – Ministry of Finance/Industry and Trade/Agriculture/Environment Operational Programme Environment – Priority Axis 4 and Axis 5, from the structural funds of the EU for the period 2007 – 2013 from which applicants from the Czech Republic will be able to obtain grants

8 CZECH REPUBLIC Population 10 425 000 (July 2008) Area 78,866 km 2 Regions 13 regions and capitol of Prague Prague 1,176,116 inhabitants

9 Total Waste Production in the Czech Republic in 2003/2004/2005/2006 Hazardous wastes 1.775/1.693/1.626/1.455 mil. t Non-hazardous wastes 34.312/37.011/28.176/26.611 mil. t Total production36.087/38.704/29.802/28.066 mil. t Municipal wastes4.603/4.651/4.439/3.979 mil. t

10 Overview of Organochlorinated pesticides use 2002-2006



13 Overview of Produced chemical substances or their mixtures 2002-2006

14 Unintentional by-products from combustion and technological processes 2002-2006

15 Disposal of obsolete pesticides 2003-2007 Disposal/T 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Support93.051 75.591 24.407 25.898 141 No supp.- -1.301 1.219- Money and data given by State Phytosanitary Administration and Mininstry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

16 Disposal capacity for POPs waste 1 hazardous waste incinerator for POPs waste Total capacity 20,000 t/year = 1,800 t of capacitors containing PCBs Solids, oils, capacitors (up to 100 kg), soil, sludge, C&D, paste containing PCBs/POPs Dismantling decontamination unit for transformers and capacitors with PCBs 1 BCD technology in Spolana Neratovice – PCDD/F waste capacity of about 30,000 t Finishes by the end 2008

17 Capacity for incineration of other hazardous waste than POPs waste 2007: in 24 incineration plants operated (in 2004: 2x more facilities – emission limits – closed down) 3 cement kilns (tyres, solvents, oil up to 20-30 mg/kg PCB)

18 Capacity for landfilling in 2007 237 landfil sites operated total capacity 93 mil. m 3 PRICE: 1,7 EUR/kg of POPs-W 33 of 237 is for hazardous waste capacity for hazardous waste cca 10 mil. m 3

19 The locations of the hazardous waste landfil sites

20 Currently valid fees for landfilling Increasing trend of the fees (EUR/tonne/year) WASTE TYPE/ YEAR 2005 - 2006 2007 - 2008 2009 - 2010 2011 and further Hazardous 404767 84 Household and other 1020 30 Additional risk (hazardous) component Hazardous 83110150200 13

21 Price comparison for wastes disposal Incineration of wastes HW 220 - 300 EUR/tonne non-HW 110 - 150 EUR/tonne Landfilling of wastes HW 100 - 180 EUR/tonne non-HW 70 - 100 EUR/tonne

22 Spolana - Dioxins Project - SITA CZ and progress of works BCD CZ is a joint venture of SITA CZ (a Czech branch of the global SUEZ Environment) and a remediation company TCSR from UK. The core business is the project "Spolana - Dioxines" (2002-2008) where the objective is to remove one of the oldest environment loads in the Czech Republic (Neratovice). About 35,000 tons of various materials are contaminated there with PCDD/F and some OCP. Dioxins are removed using the BCD technology (Indirect Thermal Desorption and Basic Catalysed Decomposition). 12.12.2002, SITA CZ a.s. (formerly SITA Bohemia a.s.) and Czech Republic National Property Fund (Czech Republic Ministry of Finances, now) signed the Performance Contract for the Spolana Dioxins Project.

23 Spolana - Dioxins Project - history Spolana a.s. is one of the biggest chemical plants in the Czech Republic. It is located along the both banks of the Labe River in Neratovice, 25 km to the north of Prague. The joint stock company was established in the 90s of the 20th century but the history of the chemical industry in Neratovice and site where Spolana operates now dated back to the 19th century. In Spolana, an electrolysis plant was built and started producing chlorine and sodium hydroxide. In other plants, bone glue, fat, cellophane, and hydrochlorid acid were produced. At the beginning of June 1968, a caprolactam production plant was put into trial operation. In 1975, first tons of PVC powder were produced and company's production more than doubled. From 1965 to 1968, a pentachlorophenol (PCP) plant was in operation in Spolana. Final products were sodium pentachlorophenolate, 2,4,5-trichloropheno-acetic acid incl. associated sodium salt and buthylester. In that period, many highly concentrated contaminants were present in the plant. After people working in the plant had started suffering health problems, the plants were shut down and closed in 1968. In those day nobody knew that the reason for the health problems was 2,3,7,8,TCDD (2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxine), a by-product of the production process.

24 Technologies used in the project - ITD A special technology is used for the removal of PCDDs/Fs in Spolana chemical plant's site. The technology consists of 2 efficient, environment friendly, and well-proven plants: ITD (Indirect Thermal Desorption) and BCD (Basic Catalysed Decomposition). In ITD, the mixed building debris are heated up to temperatures higher than 600°C where dioxins and other Cl-HC evaporate and disintegrate to create simple molecular structures. ITD prevents the hot flammable gases from contact with materials under treatment. Mechanical sealing and inert N2 atmosphere reduces the contents of oxygen in the system. Released contaminants condense in a special unit and collect prior to treatment in BCD.

25 Technologies used in the project - BCD In BCD, chemical decomposition of Cl-HC takes place. This material is frequently very stable and occurs either as a pure waste or as a concentrated collected in ITD. BCD reaction products are salt, water, and residual carbon. Metal wastes are treated in metal parts furnaces. Cost of the project 100 mil. EUR Paid by the CZ Government

26 Time Schedule of Works - December 2002-12.12. signing of the Performance Contract - January 2003 – December 2003: pilot project - March 2004 – July 2005: permitting process (EIA, IPPC, building permit) - July 2005 – October 2005: construction of site facilities and site infrastructure - October 2005 – March 2006: installation, putting into operation, trial operation with non-contaminated materials in the plant - April 2006 – December 2007: decontamination stage and total clean up of A1420 and A1030 buildings - February 2008 – NOW: new decontamination of A1400 building; PROCESS CONTINUES!! Winter/Spring 2008

27 Results from Pilot Project – before Full Project ITD – results examples INPUT (before decontamination)OUTPUT Dioxins 385 ng/g < 0,2 ng/g HCB 44 333 mg/kg < 1,0 mg/kg Lindane 17 mg/kg < 1,0 mg/kg BCD – results examples INPUT (before decontamination)OUTPUT Dioxins 209 ng/g < 0 ng/g HCB 29 000 mg/kg < 1,0 mg/kg Lindane 1 500 mg/kg < 1,0 mg/kg

28 BCD technology in Spolana Neratovice






34 Spolana Neratovice Indirect Thermal Desorption

35 Spolana Neratovice Metal Part Furnace

36 Spolana Neratovice After Decontamination

37 Building A1420, A1030 decontami- nation and demoli- tion of = 6 000 t Excavating and treatment of contaminated soil around the A1420 and A1030 = 37 000 tonnes Old inside facilities decontamination and dismantling = 610 t of metal Chemical waste management and handling = 160 t Backfill, recultivation and remediation of the area AND new site started II/2008 (A1400)

38 Results from Full SPOLANA Project ITD – Indirect Thermal Desorption Average INPUTOUTPUTLimit Compulsory PCDDs/Fs70 ng/g0.035 ng/g0.2 ng/g OCPs6,500 mg/kg0.56 mg/kg5 mg/kg (OCPs = HCB, HCH, PCP, TeCB, DDT, DDD, DDE)

39 Results from Full SPOLANA Project MPF – Metal Parts Furnaces Average INPUT OUTPUT Efficiency PCDDs/Fs 385 mg 0.059 mg 99.98% OCPs 18.1 kg 0.00359 kg 99.98% (OCPs = HCB, HCH, PCP, TeCB, DDT, DDD, DDE)

40 Results from Full SPOLANA Project BCD – Base Catalysed Decomposition Average INPUT OUTPUTEfficiency PCDDs/Fs3,000 ng/g 0.46 ng/g99.985 % HCB 135,660 mg/kg 0.44 mg/kg99.9997 %

41 BCD technology in Spolana A1400 - Decontamination of the A1400 - Treatment of contaminated metal parts (180 t) - Treatment of contaminated soil and concrete (4100 t)

42 BCD technology in Spolana A1400 – currently in process I

43 BCD technology in Spolana A1400 – in process from III-IX 2008


45 Latest information about BCD technology in the Czech Republic In the market of the Czech Republic – 2008 - ????

46 Thank you very much for your attention JAROMÍR MANHART ++420 26712 2109, ++420 776278737 JAROMIR.MANHART@MZP.CZ MANHARTJAROMIR@SEZNAM.CZ Ministry of the Environment Environmental Damage Department Vršovická 65 100 10 PRAGUE 10 Česká republika

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