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Scott Hervoyavich December 6 th, 2011 CYBERCRIME.

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Presentation on theme: "Scott Hervoyavich December 6 th, 2011 CYBERCRIME."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scott Hervoyavich December 6 th, 2011 CYBERCRIME

2 OVER VIEW What it is? Different types and there examples How to stop cyber crime Additional facts and info

3 WHAT IS CYBERCRIME? Categorized in three ways by the Department of Justice: 1.Targeting a Computer Example: Spreading Viruses from computer to computer 2.Using the computer as a weapon: 1.Called the traditional crime Example: Using the computer for fraud or illegal gambling 3.Accessory: Example: Using the computer as a fancy filing cabinet to store illegal or stolen info

4 TYPES OF CYBERCRIME Identity Theft Computer Viruses Fraud

5 IDENTITY THEFT Definition: The crime of stealing someone's personal, identifying information for the purpose of using that information fraudulently. This could include: Social security number, credit and debit card numbers, and stealing other peoples user name or passwords.

6 COMPUTER VIRUSES Definition: A virus is a malicious software program Designed to go into a hard drive and steal peoples personal information for profitable gains.

7 FRAUD Definition: Making a material misrepresentation or failing to disclose a material fact in order to induce another to give up something of value. Means lying to gain a profitable gain.

8 HOW CAN YOU STOP CYBERCRIME? From Identity Theft: Make sure to keep all of your passwords, bank statements, and other personal information secret and secure. From Computer Viruses: The easiest way to protect yourself is by making sure your firewall is turned on, or by having an anti-virus software running. Fraud: Might be easiest to stop but difficult to recognize, people can create fake websites and you enter your credentials.

9 FACTS About 80% of all attacks are inside jobs Sony’s ps3 system was just under a cybercrime attack. In total people lost 3.2 billion dollars The first recorded cyber attack was in 1820


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