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What are Hurricanes? A Hurricane is a tropical cyclone that has a low pressure system that generally forms in the tropics. Hurricanes carry thunderstorms.

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Presentation on theme: "What are Hurricanes? A Hurricane is a tropical cyclone that has a low pressure system that generally forms in the tropics. Hurricanes carry thunderstorms."— Presentation transcript:


2 What are Hurricanes? A Hurricane is a tropical cyclone that has a low pressure system that generally forms in the tropics. Hurricanes carry thunderstorms with them,and in the Northern Hemisphere they rotate counter clockwise.

3 How And Where do hurricanes form? Hurricanes first start out as tropical storms that gather together and there equally combine their warm air with those of the of the evaporated air of the ocean, then the Earth's rotation sets the tropical storm spinning at high winds creating a hurricane.

4 How are Hurricanes Classified? Hurricanes are classified by the Saffir/Simpson Hurricane Damaged-Potential Scale. That scale measures in numbers from 1-5 that measures the disaster potential of the hurricane's winds.

5 Why do people name Hurricanes? People name hurricanes to be able to know the differences between each hurricane happening at the same time.

6 How big and dangerous are Hurricanes? Hurricanes are more than 100 miles or 160 kilometers wide and capable of flooding and destroying half of the state.

7 How to prepare for a Hurricane? To prepare for a hurricane you need to find a good place to be and bring the most important things that you need to use for an emergency like:  Water for seven days  Can food  Blankets  Money  Flash lights  Candles Batteries Radio First aid kit clothes

8 Community Safety Plan. To help the community you could cut down the trees to reduce the damage during a hurricane. Another way to help the community is to gather canned food for others to eat. But you mostly need to watch out for pole wires because the wires could be hot and you could be electrocuted.

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