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A Volcano and a Monster: Tambora & Frankenstein Prof. Laura Wetzel Spring 2007 Prof. Laura Wetzel Spring 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "A Volcano and a Monster: Tambora & Frankenstein Prof. Laura Wetzel Spring 2007 Prof. Laura Wetzel Spring 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Volcano and a Monster: Tambora & Frankenstein Prof. Laura Wetzel Spring 2007 Prof. Laura Wetzel Spring 2007





6 Anak Krakatau

7 Tambora


9 Tambora Eruption, 1815  Largest in recorded history  April 1815 series of eruptions  April 5 eruption heard 1400 km away  Largest in recorded history  April 1815 series of eruptions  April 5 eruption heard 1400 km away Sheveluch Kamchatka 2007

10 Tambora Eruption, 1815  April 10-11 eruption  Super-Colossal eruption  VEI 7 VEI 7  Heard 2,500 km away  Atmospheric shock waves shook houses 800 km away  40 km column of smoke, ash & pumice  Nearly total darkness for 3 days  April 10-11 eruption  Super-Colossal eruption  VEI 7 VEI 7  Heard 2,500 km away  Atmospheric shock waves shook houses 800 km away  40 km column of smoke, ash & pumice  Nearly total darkness for 3 days Mount Pinatubo 1991

11 Tambora Eruption, 1815  Pyroclastic flows  Left deep summit caldera –1.2 km deep –6 km wide  Pyroclastic flows  Left deep summit caldera –1.2 km deep –6 km wide

12 Tambora Eruption  Island of Sumbawa, Dutch East Indies  70,000 (or more) died locally –Eruption –Tsunami –Starvation –Disease  Island of Sumbawa, Dutch East Indies  70,000 (or more) died locally –Eruption –Tsunami –Starvation –Disease

13 Charles Lyell Principles of Geology Out of a population of 12,000 in the province of Tomboro, only 26 individuals survived. Violent whirlwinds carried up men, horses, cattle, and whatever else came within their influence, into the air; tore up the largest trees by the roots, and covered the whole sea with floating timber. Great tracts of land were covered by lava [pyroclastic flows], several streams of which, issuing from the crater of the Tomboro Mountain, reached the sea. Image:

14 Charles Lyell Principles of Geology The floating cinders to the westward of Sumbawa formed, on April 12th, a mass 2 feet thick, and several miles in extent, through which ships with difficulty forced their way. The darkness occasioned in the daytime by the ashes in Java was so profound, that nothing equal to it was ever witnessed in the darkest night.

15 Global Climate  Volcanic cloud lowered temperatures 3°C worldwide  SO 2 and aerosols ejected into atmosphere  1816, Northern Hemisphere temperatures up to 10° C below normal  Volcanic cloud lowered temperatures 3°C worldwide  SO 2 and aerosols ejected into atmosphere  1816, Northern Hemisphere temperatures up to 10° C below normal

16 Global Climate  Rainfall patterns changed –Disrupted Indian monsoons, causing drought in summer followed by rain and severe flooding in Bangladesh  Famine in Pakistan  Major flooding in China  Harvests failed in Ireland –Famine lead to typhus epidemic – > 100,000 deaths  Rainfall patterns changed –Disrupted Indian monsoons, causing drought in summer followed by rain and severe flooding in Bangladesh  Famine in Pakistan  Major flooding in China  Harvests failed in Ireland –Famine lead to typhus epidemic – > 100,000 deaths

17 Cholera Outbreak  1st - India’s lower Ganges Valley  Spread to Afghanistan & Nepal  Muslim pilgrimages carried it to Mecca  By 1923, reached Caspian Sea  1930, outbreak in Moscow  1931, Cairo lost 12% of population  Eventually reached Poland and France –France’s Prime Minister died of the disease, along with hundreds of thousands of others  Summer 1932, cholera reached US & Canada Image:  1st - India’s lower Ganges Valley  Spread to Afghanistan & Nepal  Muslim pilgrimages carried it to Mecca  By 1923, reached Caspian Sea  1930, outbreak in Moscow  1931, Cairo lost 12% of population  Eventually reached Poland and France –France’s Prime Minister died of the disease, along with hundreds of thousands of others  Summer 1932, cholera reached US & Canada Image:

18 U.S.: “The Year Without a Summer”  NE dry & cold –Frost & snow during growing season  High food prices in cities  No widespread famine  NE dry & cold –Frost & snow during growing season  High food prices in cities  No widespread famine

19 Europe: Summers of 1816 & 1817  Cold & wet  Snow fell in many areas  Hungary - snow brown from volcanic dust  Yellowish & reddish snow as far south as Italian boot  Widespread crop failures  Famine  Food costs skyrocketed, causing riots in France  Cold & wet  Snow fell in many areas  Hungary - snow brown from volcanic dust  Yellowish & reddish snow as far south as Italian boot  Widespread crop failures  Famine  Food costs skyrocketed, causing riots in France

20 Darkness by Lord Byron I had a dream, which was not all a dream. The bright sun was extinguish’d, and the stars Did wander darkling in the eternal space, Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air; Morn came and went--and came, and brought no day, And men forgot their passions in the dread Of this desolation… All earth was but one thought--and that was death, Immediate and inglorious, and the pang Of famine fed upon all entrails. Image:

21 Inspiration for Frankenstein  Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin  Geneva, Switzerland  Summer 1816  Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin  Geneva, Switzerland  Summer 1816  19 years old  Lord Byron, Percy Shelley & others  19 years old  Lord Byron, Percy Shelley & others

22 Ghost Stories  Torrential rains  Incredible lightning  June 16: Group reads ghost stories  Inspires Byron to challenge the group to write a ghost story  Torrential rains  Incredible lightning  June 16: Group reads ghost stories  Inspires Byron to challenge the group to write a ghost story

23 Mary’s Nightmare I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life, and stir with an uneasy, half-vital motion. Frightful must it be; for supremely frightful would be the effect of any human endeavor to mock the stupendous Creator of the world.

24 In the morning…  She writes the first lines of the story which would open Chapter IV of Frankenstein: It was on a dreary night in November…  December 1816 - Mary & Percy marry  May 1817 - completes the novel  January 1, 1818 - publishes the novel  She writes the first lines of the story which would open Chapter IV of Frankenstein: It was on a dreary night in November…  December 1816 - Mary & Percy marry  May 1817 - completes the novel  January 1, 1818 - publishes the novel

25 Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley frank_birth.html 2002-03project2/Shelley.htm

26 Frankenstein  Frontispiece to Frankenstein  First illustrated edition published in 1831  Theodore Von Holst  Steel engraving  Frontispiece to Frankenstein  First illustrated edition published in 1831  Theodore Von Holst  Steel engraving gothicnightmares/rooms/room2.htm

27 Frankenstein 1823 Stage Play1910 First Movie - Silent

28 Boris Karloff, 1931

29 How has Frankenstein influenced modern culture? What do you think?

30 Do you agree with this statement: Frankenstein insists that scientists must take moral considerations into account and assume responsibility for the outcomes of their experiments.

31 What is “acceptable” science?  Smallpox vaccine  Originally for people infected with cowpox  Scared people –Cow-borne disease –Usurping God’s will –The Unknown  Cartoon –recipients erupt with cow-like features  Smallpox vaccine  Originally for people infected with cowpox  Scared people –Cow-borne disease –Usurping God’s will –The Unknown  Cartoon –recipients erupt with cow-like features The Cow Pock-or-the-Wonderful Effects of the New Innoculation! James Gillray (1802 cartoon)

32 Issues  Animal organs in humans  Human dissection  Cloning  Genetic testing  Genetic screening of unborn children  Genetically engineered food  Animal organs in humans  Human dissection  Cloning  Genetic testing  Genetic screening of unborn children  Genetically engineered food March 10, 1997 frankenstein/frank_promise.html

33 Thank you! Any additional questions?

34 Addendum

35 Volcanic Explosivity Index Return

36 Return Yacht Maiken

37 stone-sea-and-volcano.html Yacht Maiken Return

38 Hope Reef Maps Created Using GeoMapApp April 30, 2007 Created Using GeoMapApp April 30, 2007 Return

39 Hope Reef


41 Why does Hope Reef exist?

42 Cross Section Home Reef Return



45 Franklin Mangazeya seaway Closed 1619 Bering 1725-1730 Bering 1735-1742 1500’s 1609 – Hudson Franklin Amundsen 1905-05 1915 Fram sailing 1893 Fram ice bound 1893-1896 Nansen Overland 1895-1896

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