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Partnership for Sustainable Communities Brownfields Pilot Amortization Ranking National City, California.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnership for Sustainable Communities Brownfields Pilot Amortization Ranking National City, California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnership for Sustainable Communities Brownfields Pilot Amortization Ranking National City, California

2 Identifying properties with nonconforming uses Rank these properties based on a consistent set of criteria Develop amortization recommendation for each property in the order of its ranking. Amortization Process

3 Rank properties that contain nonconforming uses in relationship to one another Utilize a structured decision process – Determine criteria that will affect the ranking – Assign a weight to each criteria (25%) – Assign a value to each criteria ($/sq ft, Yes/No) – Normalize values to a common scale (0 – 100) – Calculate a score for each property Ranking Process Criteria 1 Value x Weight Score Criteria 2 Criteria 3 Value x Weight

4 Does not determine whether a property is a nonconforming use Does not provide a method to calculate a score for an individual property, independent of other properties. Is not used for the purpose of developing the amortization recommendation Ranking Process

5 Ranking Process (Car Example) Criteria and Weights Value Options

6 The score is the sum of the weight times the normalized value for each criteria Ranking Process (Car Example) Score

7 The criteria or factors important to ranking a property were identified Factors ValueTime in UseAdaptabilityNonconformanceCompatibilityThreat Ranking Process Value of land and improvements Time the use has existed Adaptability of the land and improvements Significance of the nonconforming use Compatibility with existing land use patterns and neighborhood densities Possible threat to public health, safety or welfare

8 The criteria were group into two groups Ranking Process Groups Business Operations Neighborhood Impact Factors ValueTime in UseAdaptabilityNonconformanceCompatibilityThreat Sub Factors Sub factors were identified to better define factor values

9 Value Land Value Improvement Value Improvement depreciation Time Time in business Sub Factors – Business Operations Ranking Process

10 Adaptability Lot size Building size Building Type Building condition Building set back Floor area ratio Building height Parking Nonconformance Lot size Building size Building setbacks Floor area ratio Building height Parking Business license Compatibility Proximity to sensitive area Proximity to residential area Residential density Threat Compliance violations Operating permits Hazardous waste storage Discharge violations Open Storage Work in right-of- way Security Sub Factors – Neighborhood Impacts Ranking Process

11 Business Operation Value Land Value ($/sq ft) Improvement Value ($/sq ft) Improvement Depreciation (years) Time in Use (years)

12 Ranking Process Neighborhood Impact Adaptability Minimum Lot size (yes/no) Minimum Building Size (yes/no) Acceptable Building Type (yes/no) Building Condition (unusable to good) Minimum Building Setbacks (yes/no) Minimum Floor Area Ratio (yes/no) Minimum Building Height (yes/no) Minimum Parking (yes/no) NonconformanceCompatibilityThreat Ability for the existing land and improvements to be utilized for a new use permitted under the revised zoning Building ConditionScore Good0 Major rehab75 Minor rehab50 Unusable100 Useable25 Yes/No ResponseScore No100 Yes0

13 Ranking Process Neighborhood Impact AdaptabilityNonconformance Minimum Lot size (yes/no) Minimum Building Size (yes no) Building Setbacks (yes /no) Minimum Floor Area Ratio (yes/no) Minimum Building Height (yes/no) Minimum Parking (yes/no) Business License (current/previous/no) CompatibilityThreat Conforms to current city, state, and federal requirements Yes/No ResponseScore No100 Yes0 Business LicenseScore Current License0 No license100 Previous License50

14 Ranking Process Neighborhood Impact AdaptabilityNonconformanceCompatibility Proximity to Sensitive Area Proximity to Residential Neighborhood Residential DensityThreat Compatible with the existing land use patterns and densities of the surrounding neighborhood Sensitive AreasScore <100 feet100 >=100 feet75 >=250 feet50 >=500 feet25 >1000 feet0 Residential AreasScore No residential0 One residential33 Three or more residential100 Two residential66 DensityScore <= 20 Parcels25 <= 40 Parcels50 <= 60 Parcels75 > 60 Parcels100 No residential0

15 Ranking Process Neighborhood Impact AdaptabilityNonconformanceCompatibilityThreat Compliance Violations Operating Permits (Yes/No) Hazardous Waste Storage Permits (Yes/No) Discharge Violation (Yes/No) Open Storage (Yes/No) Work in right-of-Way (Yes/No) Security (Yes/No) Presents potential threats to human health, safety, security, and the environment ComplianceScore No NOV0 NOV Not Resolved100 NOV Resolved50 Yes/No ResponseScore No0 Yes100

16 Show Spreadsheet Ranking Process

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