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753 BC – Romulus founds Rome 620 BC – Etruscans gain control Ruled by a wealthy family – eventually driven out 509 BC – Rome becomes a Republic 264 BC.

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2 753 BC – Romulus founds Rome 620 BC – Etruscans gain control Ruled by a wealthy family – eventually driven out 509 BC – Rome becomes a Republic 264 BC – Punic Wars begin 79 BC – Volcanic eruption destroys Pompeii 33 AD – Jesus dies in Jerusalem 180 AD – Pax Romana Ends 312 AD – Constantine begins his rule Edict of Milan – All religions can worship freely 392 AD – Christianity is declared official Religion

3 Patricians = Wealthy aristocrats Declared Rome a Republic Plebians = Most of Rome’s population Non-aristocratic townspeople Landowners Merchants Shopkeepers, etc… Created two Branches Executive & Legislative Assembly of Centuries & The Senate Title of Consul is created Patrician official elected for 1 year term Headed executive Branch Power to veto Oversaw praetors (reporters) & censors

4 Dictators followed Consuls – temporary ruler whose word was law Tribunes were elected as representatives of Plebians Responsible for legal protection and had the right to veto 451 BC – Twelve Tables were enacted Patricians set up basis for Roman Law 287 BC – Plebians began to make laws

5 Carthage had become world’s wealthiest city through trade Conquered Spanish coast and most of Sicily by 300 BC Romans controlled Italian peninsula and wanted to stop Carthaginian expansion 264 BC – Punic Wars began Rome vs. Carthage (3) 1 st = 264-241 BC = Rome vs. Carthage over straight of Messina (Sicily) Carthage seizes S of M Rome builds up navy & learns to fight at sea Carthage accepts defeat and pays indemnity

6 2 nd = 221-202 BC = Hannibal took battle to Italy Hannibal marched from Spain to Rome Snow, hunger, sickness & attacks by mountain people kills half of his army and most of his elephants Almost wins but Romans rally and push him out of Spain Hannibal hands over their war ships and pays indemnity 3 rd = 146 BC = Rome burns Carthage Survivors were sold into slavery Gave Rome complete control of Med. Sea

7 133 BC = Gracchus brothers attempt Reform Tiberius Gracchus becomes tribune Proposes land redistribution Romans oppose and assassinate him Gaius Gracchus Tiberius’ brother Continues the fight Faces same fate

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