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Technical Presentation Rob Haberstroh.  Brief History  Types of wireless power transmission  Examples  Future Outlook  Conclude.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Presentation Rob Haberstroh.  Brief History  Types of wireless power transmission  Examples  Future Outlook  Conclude."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Presentation Rob Haberstroh

2  Brief History  Types of wireless power transmission  Examples  Future Outlook  Conclude

3  Heinrich Hertz ◦ Electromagnetic radiation(1888)  Nicola Tesla ◦ Tesla experiment(1894)  William C. Brown ◦ Rectenna(1964)

4  Current moves through wire  magnetic field  Place another coil into field  Creates power/charges battery

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6  Coil of wire with capacitance plate at either end  Alternating electric current causes resonance  A second coil with same resonance frequency picks up the energy


8  Microwave transmitter sends microwaves  Rectenna converts into DC

9 SHARPPower from the Moon


11  Hertz, Tesla, Brown  Inductive Coupling  Resonant Inductive Coupling  Microwave Power Transmission  Projected Increase in the Future

12  “Wireless Power.” Wikipedia.  Wilson, Tracy V. “How Wireless Power Works.” ay-tech/wireless-power1.htm ay-tech/wireless-power1.htm  “Resonant inductive coupling.” Wikipedia. ive_coupling ive_coupling

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