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YouthBuild Webinar Series Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education April 3 rd, 2012;

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Presentation on theme: "YouthBuild Webinar Series Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education April 3 rd, 2012;"— Presentation transcript:

1 YouthBuild Webinar Series Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education April 3 rd, 2012; 2:00 - 3:00 PM (EDT)

2 2 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Presenter: Ted Roan Ted Roan DOL Green Director YouthBuild USA

3 3 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education What is Integration?  Staff (education and construction) work together toward common goals/objectives  Opportunity to reinforce critical skills in the classroom and worksite  Soft skills (e.g. time management)  Hard skills (e.g. calculations)

4 4 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Program Content Alignment  Math instructor and construction manager work together to implement a project- based lesson plan  Can we reduce homelessness in our community by better understanding energy usage and cost?  Example: Green Module 1Green Module 1

5 5 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education  Teacher and construction staff reinforce professional behaviors on the worksite and the classroom  Resource: Five Dimensions of ProfessionalismFive Dimensions of Professionalism Program Culture Alignment  Example: Portland YouthBuilders

6 6 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Program Structure Alignment  Construction trainer and program director regularly plan literacy lessons together  Classroom and construction time to practice reading skills and strategies  Example: YouthBuild McLean County

7 7 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Why is Integration Important?  Provides consistent learning opportunities across program components  Promotes increased GED/HS diploma attainment rates, and math and literacy gains  Reinforces important habits and behaviors  Facilitates excellent project-based learning opportunities

8 8 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Why is Integration Important? (Continued)  Creates conditions for consistent program culture of high expectations and support  Fosters higher levels of motivation and commitment to students  Makes learning more tangible and “real”

9 9 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Presenter: Eva Blake Eva Blake, LEED GA Green Initiative YouthBuild USA

10 10 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Elements of Successful Program Integration  All staff have high expectations of students and believe in their potential  Staff across program components have clearly defined and shared learning goals and outcomes  Regular, focused meeting time between construction staff and teachers

11 11 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Elements of Successful Program Integration (Continued)  Access to and understanding of relevant and engaging curriculum, projects, activities  Staff across components are willing to learn new content and teaching strategies

12 12 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Types of Integration  Program Content Integration  Examples: Interdisciplinary curriculum, Project-based learning  Program Culture Development  Reinforce behaviors/expectations across program components  Program Structure  Use similar instructional techniques across program components  Examples: Journaling, hands-on exercises, student presentations

13 13 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Presenter: Krista Sabados Krista Sabados Education Resource Manager YouthBuild USA

14 14 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Getting Started: On-Site Observations  Teaching staff visit worksite. Vocational staff visit classrooms.  Identify common instructional approaches  Identify content areas for collaboration  Look for specific ways to support each other

15 15 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Getting Started: Staff Retreat  Set common goals and expectations (academic and soft skills)  Discuss how construction and education experiences can help students reach goals  Identify specific actions as next steps toward achieving goals

16 16 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Maintaining Momentum: Creating Regular, Structure Planning Time  Hold weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly staff meetings  Plan activities/lessons, assign roles and responsibilities, evaluate student progress and work products  Lesson plan ideas and templates can be found in the program integration tool kit

17 17 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Resources  YouthBuild Program Manual (Chapter 5 – Integration) YouthBuild Program Manual  Interdisciplinary Curriculum Exercises Interdisciplinary Curriculum Exercises  Getting Started with Program Integration (Toolkit) Getting Started with Program Integration  Five Dimensions of Professionalism Five Dimensions of Professionalism  Five Dimensions of Professionalism (Rubric) Five Dimensions of Professionalism  Project Based Learning Resources (Developed by the Buck Institute) Project Based Learning Resources

18 18 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Feedback If you’d like to provide us with feedback about this tutorial, the following three slides will allow you to tell us what you thought and you can even tell us about future training topics! Click Play or Next button on the Playbar to start!

19 19 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Please rate this tutorial from the options below! SubmitClear A)Excellent B)Good C)Fair D)Poor

20 20 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Below, tell us what you liked or how we can improve! SubmitClear

21 21 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education Use the area below to tell us about other training topics that you'd like to have administered! SubmitClear

22 22 Increasing Student Motivation and Outcomes: Strategies for Successful Integration of Construction and Education If you have a question for one of the presenters, post your question in the comments section located at the link below!:

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