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Aims of today: The background to Inspire Maths How Inspire teaches maths to children – to include a look at some of the resources. How we think Inspire.

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2 Aims of today: The background to Inspire Maths How Inspire teaches maths to children – to include a look at some of the resources. How we think Inspire maths will help your children Supporting children in KS1 and KS2.

3 PISA 2012 mathematics performance (age 15)


5 JEROME BRUNER concrete pictorial abstract

6 The first conclusive proof that Far Eastern teaching methods can improve UK pupils’ maths performance is revealed in research just published. A study, by UCL Institute of Education and Cambridge University, shows that children who were taught through the Singaporean “maths mastery” approach learn faster than their classmates - making, on average, an extra month of progress in a calendar year. Academics also forecast that the increase in their maths skills is likely to lead them to earning more after they leave school - by up to £200 a year. Singapore-style teaching helps solve problem of maths failure, says new research Thursday 18 th June 2015


8 How Does Inspire Maths Work? Built on a spiral approach to build up knowledge over time Children should have direct teaching every day. Led by Googol characters Every Units contains:  Let’s learn = direct teaching  Let’s Explore  Put on your thinking caps (challenge)  Maths activity (practice book)  Home maths  Assessment books

9 REGROUPING Bar model Part part whole

10 Sam and Sally share £36. Sam has twice as much money as Sally. How much does each child have? SAM SALLY

11 In a class of 32 children ¼ are girls. How many boys are there?

12 Rowan and Emma each had an equal number of popsicles. After Roan ate 25 popsicles and Emma ate 31, Rowan had twice as many as Emma. How many popsicles did each have at first? ROWAN EMMA

13 How will Inspire Maths help children at High Hurstwood? Explain how you know Ability to tackle the same maths in a variety of real life contexts.

14 Children will enjoy using Inspire Maths It gives me time to think I like these books, it makes my brain think Child at Nutley School

15 SATS questions that only 4% got right.

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