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 Handwritten character recognition is a frontier area for research for the past few decades  OCR-process of translation of images of handwritten shorthand.

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2  Handwritten character recognition is a frontier area for research for the past few decades  OCR-process of translation of images of handwritten shorthand to printed document form  shorthand was invented by Sir Isaac Ritman  Proposed system is on android platform  Android-Linux based OS for mobile devices

3  Developers write primarily in a customized version of Java  Android uses the Dalvik virtual machine with just-in-time compilation to run Dalvik dex- code (Dalvik Executable), which is usually translated from Java byte code.  The main hardware platform for Android is the ARM Architecture.

4  An attempt for recognition of malayalam characters  Input is 24 bit image which is inscribed in light pen  Output version is editable version of editable malayalam character.  Tested 3 sets of samples ranging 402 characters in noiseless environment  Accuracy 94% 1.An Efficient Character Recognition System for Handwritten Malayalam Characters Based on Intensity Variations

5  Offline tamil handwritten character recognition is done  Challenges:the system doesnot work on following situation  In recognition of nomarl as well as abnormal writing  similar shaped character joined characters, curves 2.A Survey on Tamil Handwritten Character Recognition using OCR Techniques

6  Introduce a Robust algorithm for recognition of handwritten malayalam characters  Here image input device by light pen device  Output is an editable computer file which is equivalent character written by the user  Proposed an algorithm which uses inveterate characteristic features to recognise these characters  Characters are recognised with perspective accuracy by utilising the intensity variation in which they may be written 3.An HCR System for Combinational Malayalam Handwritten Characters based on HLH Patterns

7  This paper proposes an Android application to convert handwritten shorthand English printed documents  Pitman shorthand method uses straight strokes and quarter circle strokes in various orientation  Shorthand can enhance the speed in note taking and literature  OCR-is a electronic conversion of images of handwritten into printed documents

8  Image of handwritten shorthand material is captured initially  By using Android application the image is processed  The processed image is segmented into paragraphs, lines,words and finally into character image  Each character image is subjected to feature extraction procedure

9  Then each character is compared with the data stored in database  If each shorthand match with the correct word in the database, then it is displayed  Then it is processed to a editable text document

10  1] M. Antony Robert Raj,Dr.S.Abirami,A Survey on Tamil Handwritten Character Recognition using OCR Techniques  [2] Jomy John, Pramod K. V, Kannan Balakrishnan, Handwritten Character Recognition of South Indian Scripts: A Review,National Conference on Indian Language Computing

11  [3] Abdul Rahiman M, Aswathy Shajan, Amala, Rajasree M S, An HCR System for Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 8– No.11, October 2010 19  [4] Abdul Rahiman M and Rajasree M S An Efficient Character Recognition System for Handwritten Malayalam Characters Based on Intensity Variations,International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, June 2011  [5]Vishwaas M,Arjun M M and Dinesh R,Handwritten kannada character recognition based on kohonen Neural network,IEEE

12  [6]John J,Promod K.V,Balakrishnan K,Offline handwritten Malayalam character Recognition based on chain code histogram,IEEE  [7]Rahim M.A,Rajsree M.S,Masha N,Rema M, Recognition of handwritten Malayalam character using vertical and horizontal line positional analyzer algorithm,IEEE  [8]Rahiman M.A,Adheena C.V,Deepa N,Kumar G.M,Rajasree M.S, Bilingual OCR system for printed documents in Malayalam and English,I

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