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1. Glogster 2. Whyville 3. Itouch 4. E-readers  Glogster Video presentation by Cathy Willard Glogster Video.

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2 1. Glogster 2. Whyville 3. Itouch 4. E-readers

3  Glogster Video presentation by Cathy Willard Glogster Video

4  Whyville youtube video Whyville youtube video

5  Languages  Health  Grammar/Reading  Brain exercises  Math  Science  History  Flashcards

6  There are apps to help students with all different languages  Example  Free Italian Tutor- Italian language game  easy to use and understand without directions  Definitely has scaffolding depending on which activities you start with  Finished the entire free app in about an hour (purchased one has more to do)

7  Yoga poses app  Provides free poses to help exercise  Calorie Counter-  Allows you to look up the calories of food  Maintain a healthy lifestyle  Recipe Finders—several free versions (tastebook, Mccormick, betty crocker, crock pot recipes)  Cooking Teachers could have this available for students to search for recipes and generate shopping lists

8  Grammar Up- Late elementary to early high school  Gives students quizzes on a variety of grammatical topics  Read me stories (reading)  You get a new book, everyday you use the app  Free books, students can read what they want and independently  Can’t advance the screen if you read faster than the narrator  Comes with two free books, so teachers would have to manually continue adding books  Animation is cool

9  Storykit  Students can make their own stories with ready made animation or by importing pictures  They can add text and speech  Teacher could create stories for students to complete at their own pace


11  Brain Pop- free  Probably mostly geared towards elementary school, but I learned a lot about semi-colons. I seriously never really understood when to use them before  It has a video that gives instruction on a topic and then you take a 10 question quiz applying the information.  Topics include: Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts and Music, Health and Science and Engineering


13  Brain tuner  Makes student determine whether a math equation is correct or incorrect— faster time and more correct responses=high score  Makes it a competition, which perhaps it shouldn’t be  If you buy the version, you can compare your scores with other global users  Math problems range from addition to division  Graphing Calculator Pro  Does all the same functions as a graphing calculator, fraction of the cost

14  Chem pro-  $4.99- provides flash cards, lessons and tools  Lessons- 31 hours of video lessons, 80 different videos that provide multiple representations of typically tested problems  Tools- molar mass calculator and unit converter tool


16 Today in history-lite- $ free

17  Flashcards Deluxe- $3.99  There is a free version but you can only have 4 sets of 6 flashcards  You can download premade ones  You can create your own  On app or computer

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