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Warmup Sketch as much as you remember about small, simple Prokaryote cells, and also bigger, more complicated Eukaryote cells.

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Presentation on theme: "Warmup Sketch as much as you remember about small, simple Prokaryote cells, and also bigger, more complicated Eukaryote cells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warmup Sketch as much as you remember about small, simple Prokaryote cells, and also bigger, more complicated Eukaryote cells.

2 FEBRUARY 9 TH, 2011

3 Essential Standard Students know how to construct a branching diagram to classify living groups of organisms by shared derived characteristics, and expand the diagram to include fossils. They are familiar at multiple levels with animals, and also know the form and function of flowering plants including their reproductive and vascular systems. Note-Taking Preview New: Know the form and function of viruses, and why they’re not considered living things. Understand a hypothesis on how closed-membrane organelles evolved. The distinction between archea and bacteria. Review: Metabolisms The distinction between eukaryotes and prokarytoes Organelles Pasteurization, sterilization, and culturing bacteria

4 Invertebrate Porifora Sponges Cnidarians Jellyfish Mollusks Roundworms Heartworm Flatworms Tapeworm Arthropods Segmented Worms Earthworm Gastropods Snails Bivalves Clams Cephalopods Octopi Crustaceans Crawfish Arachnids Tarantula Insects Beetles Echinoderms Starfish Centipedes & Millipedes Chordate (Vertebrate) Bony Fish Salmon Reptiles Birds Mammals Cartilaginous Fish Shark Lizards Snakes Turtles Placental Human Marsupial Kangaroo Monotremes Platypus Crocodiles & Alligators Jawless Fish Lamprey Bacteria E. Coli Archaea Halophile Eukaryote Protist Amoeba Fungi Plant Animal Sac Yeast Zygote Mold Club Mushroom Tracheophytes (Vascular) Bryophyte (Non-Vascular) Moss AngiospermGymnosperm Pine tree Seedless Fern Monocot Wheat Dicot Rose Class: Sub-Class or Order: Phylum: Kingdom: Domain: Salamanders Frogs & Toads Amphibians EctothermEndotherm

5 Viruses Uses DNA – Normal type Uses RNA - Retro-virus, where a single strand is less stable than a double helix, and also gets transcribed an extra time. This causes a faster rate of mutation. Protein coat – Helps protect the virus against chemical oxidation, and helps with transport into and out of host cells. Does it use oxygen, energy, reproduce on its own, or have cells as its most basic unit of form and function? No. Is it alive? No.

6 Bacteria Shapes Spiral – aka Spirochaetes Spherical – aka Cocci Rod – aka Bacilli Transportation Flagellites – few large tails whip-kick Ciliates – many small hairs along sides Cell Membrane Setup Gram positive - can form endospores Gram negative - Reproduction Binary Fission – Asexual reproduction similar to mitosis Conjugation – DNA exchange through an external cytoskeleton

7 Archea Have cell structures similar to prokaryotes, but many chemical structures similar to eukaryotes. Have the most diverse metabolism types: methane, metal ions, hydrogen, sugar, sulfides

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