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Human Anatomy Circulatory & Respiratory The respiratory & circulatory systems work together to maintain  homeostasis –Function of the circulatory system.

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2 Human Anatomy Circulatory & Respiratory

3 The respiratory & circulatory systems work together to maintain  homeostasis –Function of the circulatory system  transports blood and other materials  Brings  oxygen & nutrients to cells  Removes  waste -toxic chemicals & CO 2  Maintains  body temperature

4 Circulatory system includes   Heart  pumps blood throughout the body  Arteries  move blood away from the heart  Veins  move blood back to the heart  Capillaries  get blood to and from cells  Blood cells  RBC (red blood cells) – carry oxygen to all cells; WBC (white blood cells) – fight infection; Platelets- help make clots Circulatory system moves blood to  all parts of the body

5 The tissues and structures of the heart make it an efficient pump. The tissues and structures of the heart make it an efficient pump. –Cardiac tissue works continuously without  tiring  Each day heart beats  100,000 times  Circulates blood through  ~9,600 kilometers of blood vessels (almost ¼ distance of the moon)

6 –The heart is divided into two sides by the septum  Right side – pumps blood to lungs  Left side – pumps blood to body Septum

7 –The human heart has 4 chambers  2 atria & 2 ventricles  Atrium: top chambers receive the blood  Ventricles: bottom chambers pump blood out of the heart to either the body or lungs

8  One-way valves separate chambers and  prevent blood from going the wrong way  Muscles squeeze the chamber in a powerful  pumping action Valves

9 left atrium mitral valve left ventricle septum pulmonary valve right atrium tricuspid right ventricle aortic valve

10 –The heartbeat consists of  two contractions  SA node or pacemaker  stimulates atria to contract  AV node  stimulates ventricles to contract

11 Sinoatrial (SA) node Conducting fibers  The impulse spreads from the pacemaker to a network of fibers in the atria.

12 Warm up 1. What are the functions of the circulatory system? 2. Which type of blood vessel takes blood away from the heart? Which brings blood to it? Which type links the other two & brings things to each cell? 3. What is the job of the Red Blood Cells (RBC)? 4. Which side of the heart sends blood to the lungs? To the body? 5. How many chambers does the human heart have? Name them: 6. What is the function of the SA & AV nodes in the heart?

13 –When the atria contracts, blood flows down into the ventricles. –When the ventricles contract, blood flows out of the heart (to the lungs or to the body) Write what's in white; Don’t write what’s in yellow

14 The cardiac cycle (1:49 min) How the Heart Works 3D Video (2:56, pumping of heart & blood supply to heart, SA & AV nodes) Heart attack in 3d animation (3:57 diff heart disease) What happens during a Heart Attack? (9:50) Lub Dub, Khan academy heart anatomy & cycle overview (9:49 min)

15 –Blood flows through the heart is a specific path: 1) O 2 - Oxygen-poor blood from the body enters the right atrium. SA node makes atria contract – blood flows into right ventricle 1 2 4 3

16 2) AV node makes ventricle contract, blood is pumped into the pulmonary artery. Blood flows to lung (only artery that carries deoxygenated blood). 1 2 4 3

17 3) Oxygen-rich blood returns to the heart from the lungs to the left atrium (through the pulmonary veins -only veins that carry oxygenated blood). Atria contract & blood flows to the left ventricle. 1 2 4 3

18 4) Ventricles contract, blood is pumped from the ventricle into the aorta (largest artery in the body) & circulated to rest of body. 1 2 4 3

19 Heart pumps blood through 2 main pathways: Heart pumps blood through 2 main pathways: 1) Pulmonary circulation between the heart & the lungs  Oxygen-poor blood enters the  lungs  Waste CO 2 (carbon dioxide) & water are left in the lungs  Blood picks up  oxygen  Oxygen rich blood returns to the  heart Circulation = movement of blood Write what's in white; Don’t write what’s in yellow

20 Right side of heart sends O2 poor blood to the lungs Oxygen-poor = blood has less oxygen To lungs

21 2) Systemic circulation  between the heart & the rest of the body  Oxygen-rich blood goes to the body (organs, limbs, etc.)  Oxygen-poor blood returns to the heart

22 Oxygen-rich = blood has oxygen Left side of heart To body

23 Pulmonary circulation Systemic circulation Right Left


25 Pathway of blood flow 1. Superior Vena Cava (biggest vein – carries oxygen-poor blood) 2. Right atrium 3. Right ventricle 4. Pulmonary arteries (carries oxygen-poor blood) 5. To the lungs (pick up O2) 6. Pulmonary vein (carries oxygen-rich blood) 7. Left atrium 8. Left ventricle 9. Aorta (biggest artery – carries oxygen-rich blood) To the rest of the body

26 3 types of blood vessels: Arteries, veins, and capillaries carry blood to all parts of the body 3 types of blood vessels: Arteries, veins, and capillaries carry blood to all parts of the body Aorta

27 Arteries carry blood away from the heart Arteries carry blood away from the heart  Great pressure moves Blood through arteries  Arteries have thick, muscular walls to help move blood throughout the body

28 –Veins carry blood back to the heart  Blood is under less pressure  Have thinner walls, larger diameter opening  Valves in veins prevent backflow of blood

29 Large veins contain valves that keep blood moving toward the heart. Large veins contain valves that keep blood moving toward the heart. Skeletal muscles help blood return to the heart by pushing against the veins as you walk or run. Skeletal muscles help blood return to the heart by pushing against the veins as you walk or run.

30 –Capillaries move  blood between arteries and veins and to each cell  This is where nutrients are delivered & gas exchange (deliver O 2 & pick up CO 2 ) happens  Their walls are only one cell thick which allows for diffusion of O 2 & CO 2

31 ARTERY VEIN CAPILLARIES arteriole endothelium connective tissue smooth muscle venule valve

32 Blood pressure is a  measure of the force of blood pushing against artery walls Blood pressure is a  measure of the force of blood pushing against artery walls –Systolic pressure  left ventricle contracts –Diastolic pressure  left ventricle relaxes –You can write these numbers as a fraction in which systolic pressure is always on top: Normal blood pressure 120systolic = numerator 70diastolic = denominator 70diastolic = denominator –High blood pressure can  proceed a heart attack or stroke

33 Lifestyle plays a key role in circulatory diseases. Lifestyle plays a key role in circulatory diseases. –Some choices lead to an  increased risk of circulatory diseases.  Smoking  Long-term stress  Excessive weight  Lack of exercise  Diet low in fruits and vegetables, high in saturated fats

34 Circulatory diseases affect mainly the heart and the arteries Circulatory diseases affect mainly the heart and the arteries –Arteries become  thick and inflexible –Plaque blocks  blood flow in arteries

35 Heart attack in 3d animation (3:57 diff heart disease) What happens during a Heart Attack? (9:50) Lub Dub, Khan academy heart anatomy & cycle overview (9:49 min)

36 Blood is composed mainly of  cells, cell fragments, & plasma Blood is composed mainly of  cells, cell fragments, & plasma Write what's in white; Don’t write what’s in yellow

37 –Whole blood is made up of different materials:  Plasma  liquid part of blood, 54% of total blood volume  Red blood cells  carries O 2, 44% of total blood volume  White blood cells  Immune system cells~2% of blood v  Platelets  cytoplasm fragments of cells that help make clots, < 1% of blood

38 Whole Blood Sample Sample Placed in Centrifuge Plasma Platelets White blood cells Red blood cell Blood Sample That Has Been Centrifuged Blood Composition

39 Cells: Red blood cell, Platelet, White blood cell Cells: Red blood cell, Platelet, White blood cell

40 Plasma is key in  maintaining homeostasis Plasma is key in  maintaining homeostasis –Carries important Molecules to cells so they diffuse into and out of cells for nutrient, gas delivery, etc. –Contains  proteins that stabilize blood volume –Contains  clotting factors –Contains  immune proteins

41 Bone marrow makes most of the cellular parts of blood components: RBC, WBC & platelets Bone marrow makes most of the cellular parts of blood components: RBC, WBC & platelets Cells: Red blood cell, Platelet, White blood cell

42 –Red blood cells (erythrocytes) make up most of all blood cells  Transport  oxygen to cells and remove carbon dioxide  Have  no nuclei  Contain  hemoglobin to carry the oxygen through the body

43 –White blood cells  fight pathogens and destroy foreign matter

44  Many types: 1)Phagocytes: “eat” bacteria and other pathogens 2)B Lymphocytes: make antibodies 3)T Lymphocytes: help fight tumors and infected cells

45 –Platelets help  form clots that control bleeding

46 Blood Clot



49 Lymph is collected from tissues and returned to the circulatory system Lymph is collected from tissues and returned to the circulatory system –The lymphatic system  collects fluid that leaks out of the capillaries (Lymph)

50  Lymph is moved by  contraction of the skeletal & smooth muscle  Lymph vessels have  valves to prevent backflow  Lymph nodes filter  the lymph and destroy foreign matter  Lymph vessels  return cleaned fluid to the circulatory system –If lymph vessels or nodes are damaged  lymph collects in an area causing swelling

51 The lymphatic system is a major part of the immune system The lymphatic system is a major part of the immune system –Structures in the lymphatic system help  fight disease  Lymph Nodes & Spleen  filters lymph, filter bacteria & viruses out so immune cells can destroy them  Tonsils filter bacteria & viruses  Thymus  develops white blood cells (Lymphocytes) –Lymphocytes help  destroy pathogens, parasites, and foreign matter

52 quiz 1. Top chambers of the heart are called…. 2. Bottom chambers of the heart are called… 3. Which side of the heart has oxygenated blood? 4. Name the four components of the blood 5. Name the three types of blood vessels.

53 The respiratory system is  where gas exchange occurs The respiratory system is  where gas exchange occurs –Picks up oxygen from  inhaled air –Expels  carbon dioxide and water

54 The respiratory system moves gases into and out of blood The respiratory system moves gases into and out of blood –The lungs contain  the bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli –Millions of alveoli give the lungs a  huge surface area –The alveoli absorb  oxygen from the air you inhale Pulmonary vein Capillaries Pulmonary artery Alveoli

55 To keep your lungs healthy, air entering must be warmed, moistened, and filtered. To keep your lungs healthy, air entering must be warmed, moistened, and filtered. –Mucus moistens air and traps particles of dust or smoke. –Cilia sweep particles and mucus to the throat.

56 Pharynx – passageway for both food and air Pharynx – passageway for both food and air Nose Pharynx Mouth

57 Epiglottis – flap of tissue that covers the entrance to the trachea when you swallow Epiglottis – flap of tissue that covers the entrance to the trachea when you swallow Trachea – also called windpipe; tube in neck that leads to lungs Trachea – also called windpipe; tube in neck that leads to lungs Epiglottis Trachea Epiglottis

58 Larynx –contains two elastic folds of tissue called vocal cords Larynx –contains two elastic folds of tissue called vocal cords /watch?v=-XGds2GAvGQ /watch?v=-XGds2GAvGQ Singing Basics: How do Vocal Cords Work? (5:40) /watch?v=P2pLJfWUjc8 /watch?v=P2pLJfWUjc8 Larynx Vocal cords

59 Bronchi – two branches off the trachea that lead to a lung Bronchi – two branches off the trachea that lead to a lung Lungs Bronchus

60 Bronchioles – smaller tubes of the bronchi that lead to the alveoli Bronchioles – smaller tubes of the bronchi that lead to the alveoli Bronchioles Alveoli Bronchiole

61 Alveoli – clusters of tiny air sacs, surrounded by capillaries Alveoli – clusters of tiny air sacs, surrounded by capillaries Pulmonary vein Capillaries Pulmonary artery Alveoli Bronchiole

62 Breathing involves  the diaphragm and muscles of the rib cage Breathing involves  the diaphragm and muscles of the rib cage –Air flows from areas of  high pressure to low pressure

63  Inhalation: diaphragm contracts (moves down)  Exhalation: diaphragm relaxes (moves up) Exhalation Rib cage lowers Air Exhaled Breathing

64 Gas exchange occurs in  the alveoli of the lungs Gas exchange occurs in  the alveoli of the lungs –Oxygen and Carbon dioxide are carried by  the blood to and from the alveoli Pulmonary vein Capillaries Pulmonary artery Alveoli

65  Oxygen diffuses from  alveoli into capillaries  Oxygen then binds to  hemoglobin in red blood cells Capillary O2O2 REMEMBER: Diffusion is when molecules move from an area of high concentration to low concentration.

66  Carbon dioxide diffuses from  capillaries into alveoli Capillary O2O2 CO 2 Diffusion is when molecules move from an area of high concentration to low concentration.

67 Respiratory diseases interfere with gas exchange: Respiratory diseases interfere with gas exchange: –Lung disease  reduces air flow and oxygen absorption

68  Emphysema  destroys alveoli Non-smoker lungSmoker lung

69  Asthma  constricts airways (bronchioles) thma_Overview.html rground/upload/2009/01/a_little_scien ce_a_little_rant/asthma01.jpg

70 Tuberculosus-bacterial infection that damages lung tissue

71  Cystic fibrosis  produces sticky mucus stic%20fibrosis.jpg es/cysticfibrosis01.jpg

72 –Smoking is the  leading cause of lung disease

73 Inside the living body (1 hr 29 min) wiktPsQ#t=23.324921 wiktPsQ#t=23.324921 wiktPsQ#t=23.324921 wiktPsQ#t=23.324921

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