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Upcoming Events December 2 nd : Robin Hood at Red Brick School at 12:30. December 8 th : Last day to donate Games for our Christmas Basket. December 11.

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Presentation on theme: "Upcoming Events December 2 nd : Robin Hood at Red Brick School at 12:30. December 8 th : Last day to donate Games for our Christmas Basket. December 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Upcoming Events December 2 nd : Robin Hood at Red Brick School at 12:30. December 8 th : Last day to donate Games for our Christmas Basket. December 11 th : Report Cards go home and FREE hot dog hot lunch. December 15 th : Christmas Concert at 1 pm. December 16 th : Christmas concert at 10 am and 1 pm. December 17 th : Math Test Unit 2  Numbers to 100. December 18 th : Last day of school and Christmas party. December 19 th – January 3 rd : Christmas Break. January 4 th : Classes Resume How to communicate with me (Mr. Meier): -Phone the school -Email: -Remind app: free download and then add 8ef431 to join the group. -Twitter: @EvergreenGrade3 Follow us to see what we’re doing! The start of December marks report card time! The Grade 3’s in Room 8 have continued being busy. In November we had our Bat Museum, had our Remembrance Day Ceremony and did contraction surgery! We started new units in Math and Science, and continued our units in Social Studies and Language Arts. In the coming weeks, we will begin our journey through the world of fairy tales, take care of our pet rocks and “let it go” with Christmas! Elves will be around all month to help see who's naughty and nice too! Language Arts: We continued working with poetry in November. We had a big focus on reading with our Reading Blitz, which was a huge success! We started a new Read Aloud called “Iqbal”, which is about a child working in a carpet factory. Hans Christian Anderson’s fairy tale “ The Snow Queen” will also be looked at, along with Disney’s retelling of the story with “Frozen”. Various Christmas tales will be looked at as well. Art: We learned about German artist Hannah Hock in November, and will continue our artist study with Canadian artist Emily Carr. We will be using some rocks and minerals to create art and look at some African art.

2 Math: We started our Numbers to 100 unit in November, and will complete this unit at the end of December. The unit test will be on December 17 th. Homework books will be going home for students to complete this week. They will be expected to complete the assigned pages and bring them to class every day. We will start a new unit in January. Physical Education: We taught dance to our Kindergarten Buddies in November. We completed some badminton, which all the students did great in! We started some creative dance last week, which will wrap up this week with students performing their own creative dance. In the coming weeks we will work on our hockey skills, improve our hand-eye coordination with cup staking, and complete some “Mission Impossible” themed activities. Health: With Anti-Bullying week occurring in November, we spent a week looking at anti-bullying themed songs like “Mean” by Taylor Swift and “Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson. We also learned about “Mean Jean”, which was part of the Superflex program that the school has started. The students learned more about internet safety, what personal information is and how to identify safe and unsafe adults. Social Studies: We have began learning about global citizenship and have really begun to understand other living conditions that other people live in. We will be joining Mrs. Kent’s Grade 3 class in a sweat shop activity that will allow students to see how some kids have to spend their days trying to help their families. The students are looking forward to it! The students received our first pen pal letters from Ms. Scott’s Grade 3 class in New Sarepta, and we will be sending ours off this week! Our passports will also get some use out of them when we finally venture to Tunisia! Science: Rocks and minerals have been our thing in November! Students were introduced to rocks and minerals through candy! We made sedimentary rocks out of wafer cookies and icing, metamorphic rocks from two Starburst candies and melted chocolate to symbolize igneous rocks. Students also got their own pet rock, which we will be using the whole month to learn about the different aspects of rocks.

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