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Name the four regions of the U.S.. West, Midwest, South, Northeast.

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Presentation on theme: "Name the four regions of the U.S.. West, Midwest, South, Northeast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name the four regions of the U.S.

2 West, Midwest, South, Northeast

3 What kind of regions are these?

4 Formal

5 Which region has a humid subtropical climate?

6 South

7 Which region contains the dairy belt, corn belt and the Great Lakes?

8 Midwest

9 The wheat belt runs through what physical feature of the U.S.?

10 Great Plains

11 The Continental Divide does what in the U.S.?

12 Divides the flow or rivers east and west

13 Define outsourcing.

14 When jobs are transferred out of the country due to lower labor costs.

15 Why is it that only 2% of Americans are farmers and yet we have plenty of food?

16 Technology (machinery for farming), good climates and plenty of farm land

17 Give an example of Americanization.

18 McDonalds in China

19 Canada has a parliamentary democracy. What does that mean?

20 Only 2 branches of government; parliament picks PM

21 In which Canadian province do they speak French?

22 Quebec

23 Define urban sprawl.

24 Poorly planned development of suburbs

25 Why is it important for a city or state to have access to a waterway, such as a river, lake or the ocean?

26 Makes trade much easier

27 What is the recent population trend in the U.S.?

28 People moving south to the sun belt

29 Where do most Canadians live and why?

30 Southern part of the country, near the U.S. border where it is warmer

31 Why is there more acid rain in the eastern U.S. than in the western part of the country?

32 More cities, factories in the east

33 What is a perceptual region?

34 When people have a perception of what an area is like without having ever been there.

35 The United Nations (U.N.) is to ________ as NAFTA is to trade.

36 World peace

37 What innovation made living in the South more favorable?

38 Air conditioning

39 In what region is the megalopolis?

40 Northeast

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