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Unit 13 Portfolio Becky Longshaw. 1. Create a free hand drawing on a topic of your choice In making the landscape, I used: Pencil and drawing tool Graphic.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 13 Portfolio Becky Longshaw. 1. Create a free hand drawing on a topic of your choice In making the landscape, I used: Pencil and drawing tool Graphic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 13 Portfolio Becky Longshaw

2 1. Create a free hand drawing on a topic of your choice In making the landscape, I used: Pencil and drawing tool Graphic shapes- Ellipsis Changing of colour, and shading Changing thickness and pressure of the different tools Brush Tool

3 1. Create a free hand drawing on a topic of your choice In making the pencil I used: Graphic shapes- Rectangles, Ellipses, Rounded Rectangles Colour and shading- fading Rotation, distortion and manipulation of shapes Drawing tool I did this graphic in Macromedia Fireworks

4 2. Create a line diagram of an ICT room In making this graphic, I used: Microsoft publisher- to create and annotate the picture A variety of graphic shapes- including rectangles and ellipsis Text boxes (when labelling) Line drawings- dotted, arrows, and plain lines. Also bordering. Colour fill- when distinguishing between similar shapes Rotation- when moving lines, boxes Grouping- when grouping shapes together to make moving parts of the picture easier

5 3. Create a labelled diagrammatic display of the ‘safe’ PC working position In making this graphic, I used: Macromedia Fireworks- because I thought this would give me the flexibility to use a wide range of techniques A variety of graphic shapes, including rectangles, ellipses and rounded rectangles Rotating, scaling, and cropping different shapes Lines for right angles, and lines and textboxes for labelling Transferring shapes to vector format for editing Colour fill for extra detail- using colour to create shadows on body parts Stretching and experimenting with objects to create new shapes- e.g chair bottom and back Manipulation of colour and size of shape, e.g in the wheels

6 4. Using line drawing and preset shapes facilities create a flow diagram representing the process of logging onto the network and changing your password. In making this graphic, I used: Microsoft Publisher Basic auto shapes Text and typeface Arrows and line drawing

7 5. Using line drawing and preset shapes facilities create a mathematical diagram (common shapes with angles marked) In making these graphics, I used: Polygon tool Fill colour tool Resizing and rotating Test Grouping and Flattening Line Drawings I made this graphic in Macromedia Fireworks

8 6. Using line drawing and preset shapes facilities create a complex, labelled scientific diagram of the construction of an eye I made this graphic in Macromedia Fireworks. The skills I used included: Text, typeface Colour Fill Brush Tool Pen Tool Line Tool Preset and Vector Shapes Layering, cropping, moving and rotating parts of the shape

9 6. Using line drawing and preset shapes facilities create a complex, labelled scientific diagram of “The process carried out by a sample extractor pump” I made this graphic in Macromedia Fireworks. The skills I used included: Text, typeface Colour Fill Brush Tool Line Tool Preset and Vector Shapes Layering, resizing, rotating and moving different parts of the image

10 7. Use the Internet to collect appropriate data to display in a statistical chart format In making these graphs, I used a spreadsheet in Excel. Over the next few slides I will present the data I used, the products created and the techniques used in making the charts. This column chart shows the population of the four individual countries inside the UK. I used the wizard to make the bar chart; then I changed the font size and typeface of the axis labels, the colour of the bars, and the background for the graph; I used an image relevant to the topic which I found on Google. The data I used is presented in the table on the right; I obtained this from the national statistics website.

11 7. Use the Internet to collect appropriate data to display in a statistical chart format Here I created a pie chart; which shows the proportion of population in the UK; and how much each separate division contributes to the total population. I used the wizard to make the pie chart; I wrote a title, and then changed the typeface of all the text. I then made sure the labels and percentages were showing; I hid the legend and changed the picture behind the pie chart; so now it is relevant. However the labels mean the pie chart is still useful- the data is still distinguishable even though the colours used in each segment are the same. The data is used is highlighted in the table; I picked the parts most relevant for this chart.

12 7. Use the Internet to collect appropriate data to display in a statistical chart format Here I created a bar chart; showing the number of live births in the UK, per 1000 people. I changed the typeface to make it tidier. I also changed the picture behind the text making it relevant. This data was from a website entitled “woodlands-junior, Kent.” The colour of the bars were almost changed; as white is a more suitable colour to the topic of this chart.

13 7. Use the Internet to collect appropriate data to display in a statistical chart format Here I another bar chart, creating some continuity between this and the previous graph; which were created from the same set of data. However, I used a 3D effect on this bar chart. I changed the picture behind the text, and also the colour of the bars. The typeface was also changed; continuing with the theme I have used throughout the graphs.

14 8. Use the scanner to input an image, which you will then develop to Create a logo for the ICT department. Save it as a bitmap icon. Original Scanned Image Edited Image I scanned this image onto the computer. I then cut it out, edited the background and added some text. The skills I used in this task included: Scanning (using the scanner) Cutting out and manipulating the original image Addition of text and symbols Saving the image as a Bitmap File

15 9. Using a digital camera capture an image and then create a tiled background image. This picture was taken on GCSE results day, 2007. I made the tiled background in Macromedia Fireworks. In making this graphic I used: Image copying Image pasting Image resizing

16 9. Using a digital camera capture an image and then create a tiled background image. This picture was found on the Internet- a picture of the Eiffel Tower. I used the picture to make the tiled background in Macromedia Fireworks. In making this graphic I used: Image copying Image pasting Image resizing

17 9. Using a digital camera capture an image and then create a tiled background image. Here I extended the skill, and used 3 images in a “pop art” style pattern. As the scene is virtually the same; it doesn’t look too different- but combines different pictures into 1 background. I used these skills in Macromedia Fireworks when making this graphic: Image copying Image pasting Image resizing

18 10. Capture Images using the Internet and use these images to create another image representing ICT In making this graphic, I used: Blending and Fading tools Changing colour- hue and saturation Rotation and manipulation of shapes Resizing images Skewing images Blur tool Cropping tool Text I did this graphic in Macromedia Fireworks

19 11. Create several logos for Congleton High School’s ICT Department showing understanding of a range of advanced editing and manipulating tools In making this graphic, I used: Macromedia Fireworks Text, and changing typeface Polygon select tool Resizing, moving and rotating images

20 11. Create several logos for Congleton High School’s ICT Department showing understanding of a range of advanced editing and manipulating tools In making this graphic, I used: Macromedia Fireworks Manipulating canvas size Text and changing typeface Polygon select tool of a variety of images Manipulating the images using rotation, cropping,colour fill (to create a blank screen) Grouping

21 11. Create several logos for Congleton High School’s ICT Department showing understanding of a range of advanced editing and manipulating tools In making this graphic, I used: Macromedia Fireworks Colour Fill Bevel and Emboss Vector and Preset shapes Text and changing typeface Grouping

22 11. Create several logos for Congleton High School’s ICT Department showing understanding of a range of advanced editing and manipulating tools In making this graphic, I used: Macromedia Fireworks Colour Fill Preset shapes Text and changing typeface Grouping I changed the colour of this logo; to show how colour scheme is of a significant importance; this shows the variety impressions that can be created by the logos; whether it’s a businesslike one or one more fun and informal.

23 11. Create several logos for Congleton High School’s ICT Department showing understanding of a range of advanced editing and manipulating tools In making this graphic, I used: Macromedia Fireworks Colour Fill Preset shapes Text and changing typeface Rotation and manipulation of basic shapes Text transparency Borders Grouping

24 11. Create several logos for Congleton High School’s ICT Department showing understanding of a range of advanced editing and manipulating tools In making this graphic, I used: Macromedia Fireworks Text Manipulation of original image Line drawing

25 12. Using a digital image of yourself, produce a variety of images showing use of “colour and colour saturation” In making these graphics, I used PhotoDraw. I then assembled the images in Fireworks. I changed the hue and saturation, and sometimes employed use of negative, greyscale and other techniques to change the appearance of the original image. I did 8 of these in total, and these are displayed; plus the original. I changed the brightness, and levels of hue and saturation to change the colour, style and appearance of the image. I found that quite a diverse range of techniques can be used- and changes can be obtained just by simple small changes of the colour levels used on the images.

26 13. Extra work showing my skills in Editing and Manipulating images I used Macromedia Fireworks to make this graphic. Some of the skills I used included: Cutting out, selecting and deleting parts of the image I don’t want (when cropping the original image with the car) Copying and pasting the main part of the image (car) into another picture Moving, cropping and resizing images Tween Instance

27 13. Extra work showing my skills in Editing and Manipulating images I used Macromedia Fireworks to make this graphic. Some of the skills I used included: Cutting out and cropping unwanted bits- I cut the stool out of the original white background to make the background transparent Cloning- I cloned each picture to make it appear twice in the main picture Copying and pasting parts of the image- I did this skill when moving parts of the image around; making it look professional in the final picture

28 13. Extra work showing my skills in Editing and Manipulating images I used Macromedia Fireworks to make this graphic. Some of the skills I used included: Preset shapes; rectangles and ellipses Drop Shadow/Glow (moon) Textures (in the sea) Brush and pen Tool and changing textures (trees) Fading (for the reflection) Rotating (for the reflection) Distorting (to make it look more realistic) Copy and Pasting (windows) Grouping (to group objects together making moving the image easier

29 13. Extra work showing my skills in Editing and Manipulating images I used Microsoft Photodraw to create these images. I was testing out the different features available to carry out different effects on the original image. I used distorting, fading, smudging DistortFading Smudging Blur/Sharpening

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