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Rae Lan, 20131 Learning Styles and Language Learning Strategies 由學習風格與學習策略談有效教學 Sep. 30, 2013 Rae Lan, Ph.D. Rae Lan, Ph.D. Director, Language Center Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Rae Lan, 20131 Learning Styles and Language Learning Strategies 由學習風格與學習策略談有效教學 Sep. 30, 2013 Rae Lan, Ph.D. Rae Lan, Ph.D. Director, Language Center Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rae Lan, 20131 Learning Styles and Language Learning Strategies 由學習風格與學習策略談有效教學 Sep. 30, 2013 Rae Lan, Ph.D. Rae Lan, Ph.D. Director, Language Center Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics National Taipei University Email:

2 Rae Lan, 20132 Course Agenda Warm-up activity : AKA film Learning Styles- theory and application 8 Secrets of Success Learning to Learn: Language Learning Strategies Pedagogical implication and application Task1- indentifying your learning style Task 2- Taiwanese Children’s LLS

3 Rae Lan, 20133 Does one size fit all?

4 Rae Lan, 20134 Learning Styles- Definition Learning style is an individual's natural or habitual pattern of acquiring and processing information in learning situations. A core concept is that individuals differ in how they learn and by utilizing their strengths and preferences, learners might be able to maximize their learning.

5 Rae Lan, 20135 Learning Styles- Models Fleming's VAK/VARK model Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic Grasha-Reichmann Learning Style Scale Avoidant vs. participative Competitive vs. collaborative Dependent vs. independent Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Model

6 Rae Lan, 20136 Learning Styles- Pedagogical Applications Marilee Sprenger (Differentiation through Learning Styles and Memory) bases her work on three premises: 1) Teachers can be learners, and learners teachers. We are all both. 2) Everyone can learn under the right circumstances. 3) Learning is fun! Make it appealing.

7 Rae Lan, 20137 Learning Styles- Pedagogical Applications Visual learners- see words written, using pictures, and drawing time lines for events. Auditory learners- repeating words aloud, small-group discussion, debates, listening to books on tape, oral reports, and oral interpretation. Tactile/kinesthetic learners -hands-on activities (experiments, etc.), projects, frequent breaks to allow movement, visual aids, role play, and field trips

8 Rae Lan, 20138 Learning Styles-Assessment Methods Fleming's VARK Learning Style Test Kolb's Learning Style Inventory (LSI) NASSP Learning Style Profile International Learning Style Network Learning Style Inventory (handout)

9 Rae Lan, 20139 A Fish Or A Fishing Rod?

10 Rae Lan, 201310 What Are Language Learning Strategies? “broad, goal-directed actions consciously employed by the learner for the purpose of reaching certain language learning goals or overcoming language learning barriers”. (Oxford, 2011) “behaviors or thoughts that the learner uses with some degree of control or awareness to enhance his or her learning” (Oxford, 2003) “Specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self- directed, more effective and more transferable to new situations” (Oxford,1990, p.8)

11 Rae Lan, 201311 How Are Strategies Categorized? Oxford’s Six Strategy Taxonomy (1990) Direct StrategiesIndirect Strategies Memory Strategies (1) Compensation Strategies (2) Cognitive Strategies (3) Affective Strategies (6) Social Strategies (5) Meta- cognitive Strategies (4)

12 Rae Lan, 201312 Key Features for Language Learning Strategies Goal-oriented Aspects of Learning Self-directed Flexibility Support Learning Actions-based Teachability Problem-oriented Levels of consciousness Degrees of Observability Various Factors Roles of Teachers

13 Rae Lan, 201313 Examples of Language Learning Strategies 1- Using images to remember words 2- Taking notes, summarizing & highlighting 3- Guessing intelligently 4- Planning and organizing 5- Positive self-talk and self-rewarding 6- Cooperating with peers (4-Activating prior knowledge/experiences)

14 Rae Lan 201214 Direct Strategies Memory Strategies Cognitive Strategies Compensation Strategies Helping with storing & retrieving new information Facilitating understanding & producing new language Enhancing communication when lacking linguistic knowledge

15 Rae Lan, 201315 Direct Strategies Memory Strategies Cognitive Strategies Compensation Strategies Creating mental linkages Applying images & sounds Reviewing well Employing action Practicing Receiving & sending messages Analyzing & reasoning Creating structure for input & output Guessing intelligently Overcoming limitations in speaking & writing

16 Rae Lan 201216 Memory Strategies Creating mental linkages- grouping, associating/elaborating, placing new words into a context Applying images & sounds- using imagery, Semantic mapping, using keywords representing sounds in memory Reviewing well- Structured reviewing Employing action- using physical response or sensation, using mechanical techniques

17 Rae Lan 201217 Cognitive Strategies Practicing- repeating, formally practicing with sounds and writing systems recognizing and using formulas & patterns recombining practicing naturalistically Receiving & sending messages getting the idea quickly using resources for receiving & sending messages Analyzing & reasoning reasoning deductively analyzing expressions analyzing contrastively (across languages) translating transferring Employing action- taking notes summarizing highlighting

18 Rae Lan 201218 Compensation Strategies Guessing intelligently using linguistic clues using other clues Overcoming limitations in speaking/writing switching to the mother tongue getting help using mime or gestures avoiding communication partially or totally selecting the topic adjusting or approximating the messages coining words using a circumlocution or synonym

19 Rae Lan 200819 Indirect Strategies Meta-cognitive Strategies Social Strategies Affective Strategies Coordinating the learning process and knowing about one’s learning via POEM Facilitating learning by working with others Regulating one’s emotions

20 Rae Lan, 2013 20 Indirect Strategies Meta-cognitive Strategies Affective Strategies Social Strategies Planning Organizing Evaluating Monitoring Lowering anxiety Encouraging yourself Taking emotional temperature Asking questions Cooperating with others Empathizing with others

21 Rae Lan 200821 Metacognitive Strategies Centering your learning- overviewing & linking with already know materials playing attention delaying speech production to focus on listening Arranging and planning your learning finding out about language learning organizing setting goals and objectives identifying the purpose of a language task planning for a language task seeking practice opportunities Evaluating your learning self-monitoring self-evaluating

22 Rae Lan 200822 Social Strategies Asking questions asking for clarification or verification asking for correction Cooperating with others cooperating with peers cooperating with proficient users of the new language Empathizing with others developing cultural understanding becoming aware of others’ thoughts and feelings

23 Rae Lan 200823 Affective Strategies Lowering your anxiety- using progressive relaxation, deep breathing, meditation using music using laughter Encouraging yourself- making positive statements taking risks wisely rewarding yourself Taking your emotional temperature- listening to your body using a checklist writing a language learning diary discussing your feelings with someone else

24 Rae Lan, 201324 Why Are LLSs Important? LLSs facilitate and enhance language learning LLSs are tools used by teachers to scaffold learning LLSs help to reach the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD, Vygotsky) LLSs make teaching more efficient LLSs change the roles played by teachers LLSs transform passive learners to active learners LLSs promote learner autonomy

25 Rae Lan, 201325 Factors Affecting LLSs Use Learning Styles Gender Self-rating Prior Learning Proficiency Learning Context Attitude Language Learning Strategies

26 Rae Lan, 201326 Strategy Instructional Models 1.Preparation: Raising students’ awareness through retrospection, think-alouds, and discussion 2.Presentation: Developing students’ knowledge about strategies by providing rationale, describing/naming strategies and by modeling strategy use 3.Practice: Developing students’ skills in using strategies for academic learning through cooperative learning tasks, thnk- alouds, peer tutoring, and group discussions. 4.Evaluation: Developing students’ ability to evaluate their own strategy use through recording strategies used, discussions, and keeping dialog journals. 5.Expansion: Developing transfer of strategies to new tasks by discussions on metacognitive and motivational aspects of strategy use, additional practice, and assignments. (Chamot & OMalley (1990)

27 Rae Lan, 201327 Typical Steps in Strategy Instruction 1.Determine the learners’ needs and the time available 2.Select strategies well 3.Integrate SI into language teaching 4.Consider motivational issues 5.Prepare materials and activities 6.Conduct completely informed SI 7.Evaluate the SI 8.Revise the SI (Oxford, 2004)

28 The Plan-Do-Review Model Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Reflection Pre- Experimentation While- Further Reflection Post- Plan Do Review 28Rae Lan, 2013

29 29 Techniques for Developing Meta-cognitive Strategy Providing methodological preparation Encouraging active reflection  Raising self-awareness  Asking questions that probe  Running teacher-led review sessions  Completing self-assessment  Discussing in group/peer questioning  Explaining an activity  Reflecting silently/self-questioning

30 Rae Lan, 201330 Techniques for Developing Cognitive Strategy Discussion and activity evaluation Modeling Explaining, Prompting & Practicing Evaluating Expanding

31 Rae Lan, 201331 Techniques for Developing Socio-affective Strategy Drawing up a class contract Promoting cooperative learning Encouraging peer/group support Appointing a class monitor(s) Adopting project work Enhancing interaction outside of classroom Teaching formulaic language Using materials that develop cultural awareness Being fair & supportive about positive reinforcement and feedback for error correction

32 Rae Lan, 201332 Pedagogical Implication & Application Incorporating Multiple Intelligences Adopting Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Model Applying graphic organizers Providing auditory/visual/tactile learning Encouraging cooperative learning Raising students strategic awareness Providing systematic strategy training

33 Rae Lan, 201333 Graphic Organizers Graphic Organizers Improving Knowledge Transfer Using Concept Maps and PowerPoint How to Make a Mind Map - The Basics How to Mind Map

34 Rae Lan, 201334 Considerations for Implementing Strategy Instruction Policymakers, School authorities, teacher educators and parents need to be informed by research to advocate the values of SI in both English and other disciplines. Teacher education programs need to include and highlight SI as an important component to build up teachers’ knowledge, interests beliefs, and confidence in implementing SI. Strategy instructional models should provide specific steps and procedures to help teachers with their job. Teachers need to guide and facilitate students in understanding the need and value of using learning strategies for effective learning

35 Rae Lan, 201335 Be a workaholic or a workaholic?

36 Rae Lan, 201336 Questions and Answers

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