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Published byMarjory Parsons Modified over 8 years ago
Cross-border Institution Building The IPA Multi-beneficiary Programme Cross-border cooperation programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina Public Consultations – Bijeljina Milan Marjanović, Aleš Zupan 1
PROGRAMME STRATEGY Amendments proposed by the European Commission Basic points: -Even greater FOCUS required, due to limited funds -CROSS-BORDER PERSPECTIVE to be taken into account in all proposed objectives/ activities -IMPACT is of outermost importance -Too broad programme area 2
Approach by the Joint Task Force Taking into account the EC comments – FOCUSING the programme strategy Taking the ‘’old’’ strategy as a basis, remaining as close to it as possible Changing the focus from ‘’procedural requirements’’ (exclusion of certain Thematic Priorities) to ‘’practical possibilities’’ (what can practically be done in the scope of proposed strategy) 3
TP 1 – Zapošljavanje i sociala 5 SPECIFIČNI CILJEVIREZULTATI Poboljšanje zaposlenosti kroz ispunjavanje konkretnih i dokazanih potreba privatnog sektora Razvijeni i sprovedeni održivi programi stručne spreme, na osnovi konkretnih potreba tržišta rada (dokazana potreba za stručnim profilima) Sprovedeni programi prakse za nezaposlene u postojećim preduzećima Unapređen kapacitet obrazovnih institucija i institucija za obrazovanje odraslih za bolje ispunjavanje potreba tržišta rada Poboljšanje saradnje i komunikacije između privatnog sektora i tržišta rada
TP 1 – Zapošljavanje i socijala 6 SPECIFIČNI CILJEVIREZULTATI Promocija socijalne i ekonomske integracije osoba sa posebnim potrebama Razvijene nove i podržane postojeće šeme podrške, koje se zasnivaju na konkretnim potrebama i usmerene su na grupe sa posebnim potrebama Promovisano zapošljavanje grupa sa posebnim potrebama, uključujući razvoj socijalnog preduzetnštva i zapošljavanje mladih
TP 1 – Zapošljavanje i socijala 7 SPECIFIČNI CILJEVIREZULTATI Podizanje kapaciteta ljudskih resursa u privatnom sektoru kroz poslovno unapređenje i otvaranje prema spoljnim tržištima Udruživanje resursa preduzeća iz programske teritorije sa ciljem unapređeja poslovanja i izgradnje konkrentnosti prema spoljnim tržištima Razvoj novih proizvoda, koji se zasnivanju na konkuretnih prednostih programske teritorije i koji omugućavaju proširenje delatnosti
TP 2 – Životna sredina 8 SPECIFIČNI CILJEVIREZULTATI Promocija odživog razvoja životne sredine i energetske efikasnosti Unapređene prakse zaštite životne sredine i energetske efikasnosti Unapređenje javnih usluga i službi u sektoru životne sredine Podizana svest različitih grupa o održivom upravljanju životne sredine, klimatskim promenama i energetskoj efikasnosti
TP 2 – Životna sredina 9 SPECIFIČNI CILJEVIREZULTATI Unaređenje prevencije od prirodnih katastrofa i zajedničke vanredne intervencije Unapređenje postojeće hitne i intervencijske službe Razvoj novih i unapređenje postojećih modela planiranja, informisanja i obaveštavanja o prirodnim katastrofama i vanrednom upravljanju
TP 4 - Turizam 10 SPECIFIČNI CILJEVIREZULTATI Razvoj i promocija novih turističkih proizvoda/destinacija, koji demonistriraju kritičnu masu elemenata i povezuju veći broj interdisciplinarnih aktera sa obe strane granice Razvijeni novi turistički proizvodi/destinacije, koji povezuju kritičnu masu elemenata i veći broj interdisciplinarnih aktera sa obe strane granice Promovisani novi turistički proizvodi/destinacije
TP 4 - Turizam 11 SPECIFIČNI CILJEVIREZULTATI Unapređenje turističke ponude Unapređen nivo usluga u turističkom sektoru preko poboljšanja kapaciteta zaposlenih Poboljšana zaposljivost nezaposlenih, preko dokazanih i konkretnih potreba u turističkom sektoru Unapređena mala turistička infrastruktura (dustup i infrastruktura na konkretnim turističkim atrakcijama)
TP 4 - Turizam 12 SPECIFIČNI CILJEVIREZULTATI Jačanje identiteta programske teritorije Povezivanje korisnika sa obe strane granice preko kulturnih sadržaja Povezivanje korisnika sa obe strane granice preko sportskih sadržaja Istraživanje i zaštita istorijske baštine i tradicija
TP 8 – tehnolog., istraž., inovacije 13 SPECIFIČNI CILJEVIREZULTATI Podrška saradnji između istraživačkog, javnog i privatnog sektora Unapređenje kapaciteta javnog i istraživačkog sektora za bolju podršku inovacijama i istraživanju u privatnom sektoru
TP 8 – tehnolog., istraž., inovacije 14 SPECIFIČNI CILJEVIREZULTATI Transfer znanja, inovacija, istraživanja i tehnologija u privatni sektor, za podizanje nivoa inovacija i tehnološkog razvoja u konkuretnim sektorima Podržane nove preduzetničke iniciative istraživačkih institucija, istraživača i diplomaca, koje se zasnivaju na njihovim istraživačkim, inovativnim i tehnološkim postignućima Rešavanje specifičnih istraživačkih i teholoških izazova u privatnom sektoru preko unapređene saradnje sa istraživačkim sektorom Tehnološki unapređeni i inovirani procesi, produkti i usluge u privatnom sektoru
SELECTED THEMATIC PRIORITIES TP1: Promoting employment, labour mobility, social and cultural inclusion across the border TP2: Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management TP4: Encouraging tourism, cultural and natural heritage 16
TP 1 Employment & Social 17 TP1: Promoting employment, labour mobility, social and cultural inclusion across the border Specific objective 1: Promoting employment through joint upgrading of skills and performances in the private sector Specific objective 2: Promoting social and economic inclusion Results: Upgraded existing and developed new products, processes and services, based on transfer of knowledge and innovativeness, demonstrating concrete linkages to new employment Joint use of resources for increase of competitiveness and production in strategic sectors of the programme area (wood, food processing, metal sector) Obtaining practical skills for unemployed based on concrete and proven demand in the labour market and private sector Results: Developed new and/or upgraded existing social and health support schemes, built around concrete and proven challenges Employability of vulnerable groups improved including in self-employment, social entrepreneurship, women and youth employment Vulnerable groups integrated through joint cultural activities
TP2 Environment 18 TP2: Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaption and mitigation, risk prevention and management Specific objective 1: Promotion of joint sustainable environmental planning in solid waste management and water protection sectors Specific objective 2: Improving prevention of natural disasters and joint emergency interventions Results: Existing public services and practices in the solid waste management and water protection sectors upgraded Setting-up joint platforms for protection of Drina river basin Promoted and planned sustainable waste management and water protection in private sector companies Results: Strengthened existing emergency prevention services Established new and upgraded existing models of planning, information and notification in relation to the prevention of natural disasters and emergency management
TP 4 Tourism 19 TP4: Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage Specific objective 1: Development of new joint tourism products / areas and upgrading of existing ones in extent and quality Specific objective 2: Identity of the programme area enhanced Results: New joint tourism products/areas developed, or existing ones upgraded, connecting critical mass of elements and a number of interdisciplinary actors from both sides of the border Quality of services in tourism increased through targeted training and practice of tourism employees and unemployed Results: Connected participants from both sides of the border through cultural and/or sports exchange Historical heritage and traditions of the programme area explored and protected
What CAN be done? 20
KEY CHALLENGES OF THE P. AREA High unemployment rates and negative migration trends from the programme area Limited integration of vulnerable groups Preservation of environment and best use of natural potentials Development of tourism and related sectors Limited economic activities and low level of value added in SMEs (private sector) 21
HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT RATES SO1.1. Promoting employment through joint upgrading of skills and performances in the private sector ACTIVITIES: -vocational training for unemployed, -practice in real-work environment in companies for unemployed 22
LIMITED INTEGRATION SO1.2. Promoting social and economic inclusion ACTIVITIES: -Supporting social and health schemes, -Supporting employability of vulnerable groups (women, youth) -Supporting social entrepreneurship, -Organisation of cultural events, advisory services -Sub-granting…. 23
ENVIRONMENT – 1 SO2.1. Promotion of joint sustainable environmental planning in solid waste management and water protection sectors ACTIVITIES: -upgrading of existing procedures, -physical equipping of public utility companies, -training and capacity building, -informing and capacity building of private sector 24
ENVIRONMENT – 2 SO2.2. Improving prevention of natural disasters and joint emergency interventions ACTIVITIES: -upgrading existing procedures, -physical equipping of emergency services, -improving information and notification in emergency situations. 25
TOURISM – 1 SO4.1. Development of new joint tourism products / areas and upgrading of existing ones in extent and quality ACTIVITIES: -development of new tourism products, -networking, positioning, structuring, -promotion and visibility, -training and capacity building of staff, -physical upgrading of tourist sites 26
TOURISM – 2 SO4.2. Identity of the programme area enhanced ACTIVITIES: -organisation of events, seminars…, -initiatives for protection of historical heritage 27
SMEs etc. – 1 SO1.1. Promoting employment through joint upgrading of skills and performances in the private sector ACTIVITIES: -joint business development activities, - development of new products, services and processes, upgrading of existing ones, -branding, promotion, certification -transfer of knowledge and information 28
Eligible participants Who can participate in the proposed framework -Municipalities √ -Public utility companies √ -Civil sector organisations (environment, tourism, employment, social, youth, culture…) √ -Public and social institutions √ -SME agencies, chambers, associations √ -Tourism organisations √ 29
Other issues PROGRAMME AREA: Proposal to remain with the programme areas as defined now IMPACT: Strong focus will be dedicated to impact of the proposed actions in evaluation and implementation – projects having proven and realistic impact (for instance perspectives for employment, decrease of solid waste) will have considerable advantage 30
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