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Year 10 Science The clock is ticking…… ExamDateRevision days left Biology17 th May25 Chemistry19 th May27 Physics25 th May33.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 10 Science The clock is ticking…… ExamDateRevision days left Biology17 th May25 Chemistry19 th May27 Physics25 th May33."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 10 Science The clock is ticking…… ExamDateRevision days left Biology17 th May25 Chemistry19 th May27 Physics25 th May33

2 Three different groups of students in this room Those studying Triple science, who will be doing all their exams next year Those studying Double science, who are taking their exams next Month Those who are studying either Single or Double science who are going to sit their exams next year.

3 At the end of this assembly, we are going to give you a personalised letter It will show you: Your ISA grade Your results from your Science mocks What overall grade these two results would give you

4 We want you to see how far off you are from the next grade up So we have converted your grade into UMS points And given you a table showing you how many points you need for each grade

5 How many revision days do you have left until your Science exams? ExamDateRevision days left Biology17 th May25 Chemistry19 th May27 Physics25 th May33

6 Top tips to improve memory

7 Sleep you need at least 8 hours

8 Good Diet

9 Mnemonics My Very Energetic Mum Just Served Us Nine Pizzas

10 Acronyms ROY-G-BIV

11 30 mins Revision 25 mins Revise 5 mins Review 10 mins Rest

12 Using Flashcards Bad Revision Revising word to word only! Good Revision 1.Revising word to word 2.Know the meaning of each word in the definition 3.Recall definition in own words 4.Provide examples

13 Long term memory is all about repetition

14 Using Flashcards Sort flash cards into piles the ones you know and the ones you don’t. 3-1-2-3 For 3 days Review last thing before sleep and first thing in the morning Leave for 1 day For two days Review last thing before sleep and first thing in the morning For three days of the week (spread days out) review again in the same way

15 Questions that require long(er) answers It can be very easy to be put-off by a question that looks like this: Where do you start? Which bits are relevant? Exactly how much do I need to write? Take a deep breath, then break it all down into smaller chunks!

16 Read the question first. Take note of any command words, such as “describe”, “explain” or “evaluate”. Now read the text, highlighting any key information. Describe: Students may be asked to recall some facts, events or process in an accurate way Explain: Students should make something clear, or state the reasons for something happening Evaluate: Students should use the information supplied as well as their knowledge and understanding to consider evidence for and against These longer answers are perfect for making use of “PEE” that you use when writing essays.


18 Vocabulary is key Not sure if your wording is appropriate? The best place to check is on the mark schemes. These can be found by simply searching for “AQA GCSE Science mark schemes” on Google – it is the first link! Use of the correct scientific language is important across all questions. Often, when students get back mock exams they say “Yeah, but that’s what I meant”. It might be what you meant, but it isn’t what you put.

19 Revision resources Today we are emailing home your letter, along with a selection of revision resources, so there should be something for everybody! There are – Short facts to learn – Checklists of topics – Posters for each subject – Powerpoints for each subject

20 GCSE Science Revision What’s being covered B1B2B3C1C2 & C3 P1P2 & P3 WhereS306S308S306S310S302S312S402 WhenFri 15:30 Thurs 15:30 Wed 12:45 Wed 15:30 Wed 15:30 Mon 15:30 Tue 15:30 WhoMr Day Ms Kaur Mr Day Ms Cham pion Mr Goddar d Mr Diete- Spiff Mr Sulliva n

21 GCSE Science Core Revision Revision B1C1P1 WhereS306S310S312 WhenFriday 15:30 Wednesda y 15:30 Monday 15:30 WhoMr DayMs Champion Mr Diete- Spiff

22 Imagine yourself opening your results envelope in August And think about what you would like to see in it

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