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Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Down’s Syndrome Scotland is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland no 356717 Scottish.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Down’s Syndrome Scotland is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland no 356717 Scottish."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Down’s Syndrome Scotland is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland no 356717 Scottish Charity number SC011012 Sharing Good Practice Around Transitions Sarah Van Putten Secondary to Adulthood Primary to Secondary Nursery to Primary

2 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Down’s Syndrome Scotland is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland no 356717 Scottish Charity number SC011012 The Essential Elements for a Successful Transition A positive attitude from receiving school. A carefully prepared transition plan. A timeous strategy for implementation.

3 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Down’s Syndrome Scotland is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland no 356717 Scottish Charity number SC011012 So why is it so difficult to get it right………..

4 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Down’s Syndrome Scotland is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland no 356717 Scottish Charity number SC011012 Pre School Choices At age 3 begin planning………. Which school, what pre school provision do they have? Where do siblings go? What additional support is needed? Get support in place early, build relationships, Can the nursery and school staff work closely together for the future Age 4 – what about deferment???

5 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Down’s Syndrome Scotland is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland no 356717 Scottish Charity number SC011012 Nursery to Primary School What additional support is needed? Get support in place early ideally begin the year before Build relationships, can the nursery and school staff work closely together Utilising other professionals Staff training – understanding the child’s learning profile Lot’s of visits – photographs, book for child to take home Make the environment visual Build in routine Boundaries and relationships Don’t forget about those yearly transitions!!!!!!

6 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Down’s Syndrome Scotland is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland no 356717 Scottish Charity number SC011012 “It would be fair to say we were a little apprehensive about Gregor starting. We had never had a child with DS in our school, we didn’t know what to expect and whether we had the skills to teach him…” “I wish teachers would be honest, I don’t mind that they aren’t sure, I just want them to be willing to try………” How does Gregor feel? “Everyday Stresses”

7 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Down’s Syndrome Scotland is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland no 356717 Scottish Charity number SC011012

8 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Down’s Syndrome Scotland is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland no 356717 Scottish Charity number SC011012 P6 Begin planning now by: Choosing a secondary school Involving secondary school: Additional Support for Learning Staff Utilising other professionals Thinking about further independence skills that can be developed whilst still at primary Having a plan in place by the end of P6 Beginning to think about support hours/support required

9 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Down’s Syndrome Scotland is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland no 356717 Scottish Charity number SC011012 P7 – A time of Transition The work begins: Identify key staff – get support in place before August Lot’s of visits: two way and remember non class time visits are just as important Don’t miss out on P7 experiences it’s a rite of passage… Buddies and Friends Take a camera- Photographs, Training for all staff at secondary including subject specialists Timetable preparation – colour coded, pictures/symbols Maps of the school – map reading skills Differentiation – give yourselves a head start Involve the Young Person

10 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Justin: Successfully completed S1,S2, and S3. The S4 plan ready for August: 2 days a week at college 1 day a week work experience 2 days in school, literacy, numeracy, HE, Computing, Duke of Edinburgh Award Case Study

11 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Leaving School Must begin 18 months before school leaving age! Accreditation for learning Think about action steps to greater independence Education is about all four capacities Think about Person Centred Planning or Big Plans as a tool for involvement and planning Involve all the important people; especially the young person and their family

12 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Leaving School cont. Find out what’s out there – get help!! Bring in adult services/transition teams they are the budget holders for future support.  Get a plan  Monitor it closely  Keep everyone on track

13 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Andrew: Successfully completed mainstream High School. Receiving his SQA Gold Award Works as a trainer for DSS Attends college 3 days week Gymnastics coach Would really like a job…… Case Study

14 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Useful Resources professionals/education/celebrating-success- resources.html http://www.downs- ndary/1121-interactive-visual-timetable-for-home- and-school-use.html

15 Copyright Down’s Syndrome Scotland 2009 © Contact Details Family Support Service Down’s Syndrome Scotland 0131 313 4225

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