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What is the first requirement / expectation of everyone who sails in the ships of the U.S. Navy? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the first requirement / expectation of everyone who sails in the ships of the U.S. Navy? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the first requirement / expectation of everyone who sails in the ships of the U.S. Navy? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

2 What is the title of the division officer in charge of deck division? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

3 What is the polite nickname given to aviation department personnel? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

4 Who are referred to as Blackshoes? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

5 What must all new non-rated enlisted personnel do before they can “strike” for a specialty rating? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

6 What rating serves as the enlisted supervisors of the deck division? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

7 What is the title of the division officer in charge of deck division? First Lieutenant NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

8 What is the first requirement / expectation of everyone who sails in the ships of the U.S. Navy? Seamanship NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

9 Who are referred to as Blackshoes? Non-aviation personnel NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

10 What is the polite nickname given to aviation department personnel? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1 Brownshoes

11 What rating serves as the enlisted supervisors of the deck division? Boatswain’s Mates NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

12 What must all new non-rated enlisted personnel do before they can “strike” for a specialty rating? Qualify in Seamanship NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

13 On larger ships, what is the title of the warrant officer who assists the First Lieutenant? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

14 What is the name of the tapered steel tool used for separating strands of wire rope? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

15 What type of seamanship concerns the use and care of fiber line and wire rope at sea? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

16 Name the two types of rope: NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

17 What natural fiber is the strongest and used on USN ship for highline transfers? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

18 Of the fiber lines, which is the one most often used aboard Navy ships? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

19 What is the name of the tapered steel tool used for separating strands of wire rope? Marlinspike NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

20 On larger ships, what is the title of the warrant officer who assists the First Lieutenant? Ship’s Bosun NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

21 Name the two types of rope: fiber (line) and wire. NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

22 What type of seamanship concerns the use and care of fiber line and wire rope at sea? marlinspike NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

23 Of the fiber lines, which is the one most often used aboard Navy ships? Nylon NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

24 What natural fiber is the strongest and used on USN ship for highline transfers? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1 Manila

25 Beside nylon, what other synthetic fiber line may be found on a Navy ship? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

26 Why is nylon not used in highline transfers? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

27 Why should line handlers wear gloves when using wire rope? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

28 Which of the following is the correct order for making fiber rope (line)? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

29 What does it mean when rope is described as plain-laid? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

30 What is the most common type of line used aboard ship in terms of strand, braid, and twist? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

31 Why is nylon not used in highline transfers? Dangers of stretching and snapping NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

32 Beside nylon, what other synthetic fiber line may be found on a Navy ship? Kevlar NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

33 Which of the following is the correct order for making fiber rope (line)? Fibers, to yarn, to strands, to line NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

34 Why should line handlers wear gloves when using wire rope? Spurs and burrs can cut hands NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

35 What is the most common type of line used aboard ship in terms of strand, braid, and twist? 3 strand – plain laid – with a right hand twist NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

36 What does it mean when rope is described as plain-laid? Successive twists of fiber,yarns, and strands are always opposed. NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

37 Compared to plain-laid line, what is the advantage of braided line? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

38 What is a halyard? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

39 Which type of rope is now commonly used for mooring due to its greater strength, resistance to rot, resistance to water, and greater flexibility? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

40 In what increments are lengths of line measured? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

41 What are we referring to by size of rope? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

42 What is the principal use of manila aboard ship? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

43 What is a halyard? A line used to raise signal flags or sails NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

44 Compared to plain-laid line, what is the advantage of braided line? Braided line will not unlay or untwist when it is free to rotate on swivels (as on a halyard) NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

45 In what increments are lengths of line measured? Feet, or possibly in fathoms NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

46 Which type of rope is now commonly used for mooring due to its greater strength, resistance to rot, resistance to water, and greater flexibility? Kevlar NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

47 What is the principal use of manila aboard ship? Highline transfer NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

48 What are we referring to by size of rope? Circumference, in inches NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

49 How wide is the largest line used for general shipboard purposes in the USN? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

50 What do seamen call rope larger than five inches in circumference? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

51 What do seamen call line less than one and three quarters inches (1 ¾ ) in circumference? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

52 How do we ask for different sizes of small stuff? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

53 What name is given to the most common type of small stuff, made of two- stranded, left-braided tarred hemp and similar to household twine? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

54 What is seizing stuff? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

55 What do seamen call rope larger than five inches in circumference? A hawser NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

56 How wide is the largest line used for general shipboard purposes in the USN? 10 inches NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

57 How do we ask for different sizes of small stuff? By the number of threads NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

58 What do seamen call line less than one and three quarters inches (1 ¾ ) in circumference? Small stuff NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

59 What is seizing stuff? 3-stranded right laid small stuff similar to marline NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

60 What name is given to the most common type of small stuff, made of two- stranded, left-braided tarred hemp and similar to household twine? Marline NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

61 What is serving? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

62 Name the three acceptable methods for laying fiber line out on the deck. NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

63 Where are lines supposed to be stowed? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

64 What do seamen call it when they wrap the bitter end of a line with small stuff to keep it from fraying or unwrapping? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

65 What is a palm, and what is it used for? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

66 What is the name of the tapered wooden tool used to separate strands of fiber line? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

67 Name the three acceptable methods for laying fiber line out on the deck. Coiling, faking, flemishing NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

68 What is serving? An outer protective covering or casing over line NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

69 What do seamen call it when they wrap the bitter end of a line with small stuff to keep it from fraying or unwrapping? Whipping NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

70 Where are lines supposed to be stowed? Boatswain’s Locker NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

71 What is the name of the tapered wooden tool used to separate strands of fiber line? Fid NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

72 What is a palm, and what is it used for? Piece of tough leather used like a thimble when whipping line NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

73 A steam vapor rising off a wet line could be a sign of what? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

74 Over a two year period, you could expect a natural fiber line to deteriorate about what percentage? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

75 Generally speaking, what are “knots” used for? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

76 Generally speaking, what are “bends” used for? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

77 Generally speaking, what are “hitches” used for? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

78 What is the best knot to tie two lines of the same size together? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

79 Over a two year period, you could expect a natural fiber line to deteriorate about what percentage? 30 NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

80 A steam vapor rising off a wet line could be a sign of what? Too much strain NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

81 Generally speaking, what are “bends” used for? To secure two lines together NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

82 Generally speaking, what are “knots” used for? To form loop (eyes) or secure a cord or line around a package NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

83 What is the best knot to tie two lines of the same size together? Square or Reef knot NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

84 Generally speaking, what are “hitches” used for? To bend a line around an object or another piece of line NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

85 What is another name for a reef knot? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

86 What knot is used to bend two lines of different sizes together? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

87 What knot is the best to form an eye in a line? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

88 What is the best way to tie a line to something round, like a ring or spar? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

89 “Never step in a bight.” What is a bight? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

90 What is chafing gear? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

91 What knot is used to bend two lines of different sizes together? Becket bend NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

92 What is another name for a reef knot? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1 Square knot

93 What is the best way to tie a line to something round, like a ring or spar? NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1 Clove hitch

94 What knot is the best to form an eye in a line? Bowline NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

95 What is chafing gear? A piece of material placed as a buffer between a line and a surface to prevent wear and tear NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

96 “Never step in a bight.” What is a bight? A loop of line NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

97 BONUS: What are some of the evolutions that fall under the category of deck seamanship? Anchoring Mooring Cargo Handling UNREP Line Handling NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

98 What are some of the advantages Nylon line has over natural fiber line? Stronger Lasts longer Less Bulky More flexible to handle NS3 Naval Skills Deck SeamanshipUnit 3 Chapter 1

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