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What is a thesis statement? One to two sentence answer to the question It makes a claim that others might/can dispute It tells the reader what to expect.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a thesis statement? One to two sentence answer to the question It makes a claim that others might/can dispute It tells the reader what to expect."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a thesis statement? One to two sentence answer to the question It makes a claim that others might/can dispute It tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper Directly answers the question It is an interpretation of a question

3 A strong thesis statement… Takes a position that can be challenged Is specific Justifies discussion or is controversial Passes the “so what”, “how”, “why” test

4 Creating a thesis statement Organize your evidence… make a chart or list Look for relationships Think about the importance or significance of the evidence or relationships

5 Three elements of a good thesis statement… Topic Precise opinion Reasoning (a plan that determines the shape of your paper)

6 Strong v. Weak Thesis There are some positive and negative aspects to the unification of Germany. Strong or weak? Does not take a stand “positive and negative aspects” is vague

7 Strong v. Weak Thesis Hunger persists in Somalia because there is continuing civil unrest, jobs are scarce and there are incidents of recurring drought. Strong or weak? Takes a stand Specific Controversial… position can be challenged Answers “how”, “why”

8 Strong v. Weak Thesis Hunger persists in Somalia because there is continuing civil unrest, jobs are scarce and there are incidents of recurring drought. Topic… Precise opinion… Reasoning…

9 Strong v. Weak Thesis The question is to write an analysis of some aspect of Charles Dickens’ novel Hard Times Charles Dickens’ Hard Times is a great Victorian English novel. Strong or weak thesis? Positive opinion that could lead to a narrative essay Not specific Can ask “why”, “so what”

10 Strong v. Weak Thesis Black Elk Speaks accurately represents Indian lifestyle through its attention to cultural detail, its use of Indian words and its direct quotes from the book. Strong or weak? Topic… Precise opinion… Reasoning blueprint…

11 Strong v. Weak Thesis Black Elk Speaks fails to represent Indian lifestyle by its limited description of Indian culture, misunderstanding of Indian words and by taking Black Elk’s quotes out of context. Topic… Precise opinion… Blueprint…

12 Now you try it… Write a thesis to answer one of the following questions. Identify your topic, precise opinion & blueprint. 1. How important were the contributions of Mazzini and Garibaldi to Italian unification? 2. Why, in spite of efforts to reform, was Russia still a backward country at the end of the nineteenth century? 3. How did events in the Balkans cause disruption in Europe between 1878-1914?

13 More practice… Be sure to identify the topic, precise opinion and blueprint Why was Germany unified by Prussia and not Austria? “His measures of reform did not disguise his belief in the need to maintain autocratic rule.” To what extent do you agree with this view of Alexander II? “Cavour was the most important and the most successful of the exponents [promoters] of Italian unification.” How far do you agree with this assertion?

14 Sources… many years of reading history essays

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