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Model Lesson 2 Capitalism and Socialism

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1 Model Lesson 2 Capitalism and Socialism
Grade 10 World History Model Lesson 2 Capitalism and Socialism

2 Hook Exercise Student Handout 1 Partner Discussion
Full-Group Discussion Connections to Economic Systems

3 Student Handout 1

4 Discussion Questions Who is responsible for a person’s well-being, the government or the individual? Should the government be involved in the economy? (If so, to what extent?)

5 Connecting the Statements to Economic Systems
Capitalism Socialism Property and the means of production (factories) should be owned by businesses and individuals. 2. When individuals follow their own self interest, progress will result. 3. The government must act to protect workers since employers often take advantage of them. 4. The government should own property and the means of production. 5. The government should not interfere in the economy because the rules of the market-place (the world of business) benefit everyone. 6. Goods should be distributed according to each person’s needs. 7. Competition among businesses is good. 8. Progress results when producers of goods cooperate for the benefit of all. x x x x x x x x

6 Student Handout 2

7 Lesson Overview

8 Economic Systems and Philosophies
Introduction to Key Systems and Philosophies (Student Handout 3) Mini-lecture Defining the Systems

9 Student Handout 3

10 Review Review Economic Systems and Philopshies and Student Handout 2

11 Student Handout 2

12 Experiential Exercise
Rock, Scissors, Paper Guidelines Practice Debrief (Student Handout 4)


14 Debriefing the Exercise

15 Student Handout 4

16 Visual Analysis What do you see? What is happening in the image?
What are the different people feeling/thinking? What is the message of the image? How does the image relate to the experiential exercise?

17 From the Depths, William Balfour Ker, 1906

18 Review Homework Be prepared to share the information you wrote down on your index card when called upon.

19 Student Handout 5 Partner Reading One person reads paragraphs 1 and 2
The other person reads paragraphs 2 and 3 Discuss paragraphs and take notes Full-group review

20 Student Handout 5 Note the section on capitalism.
As you read write down any questions you have in the left hand margin.

21 Student Handout 5 Note the section on socialism.
As you read write down any questions you have in the left hand margin.

22 Primary Sources Document Analysis
Sources Related to Capitalism and Socialism Student Handout 6 to Record Notes Sections of Student Handout 6 Practice with Document 1

23 Student Handout 6

24 Document 1: The Pyramid of the Capitalist System

25 Document 2: Excerpt from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

26 Document 3: Excerpt from Adam Smith

27 Document 4: Excerpt from Ralph Waldo Emerson

28 Student Handout 6

29 Reviewing the Documents
Check for understanding Key Ideas Key Evidence

30 Preparation for Writing
Prompt and Task Sheet (Student Handout 7) Thesis and Evidence from Documents Pre-Writing (Student Handout 8) Organize Ideas

31 Student Handout 7 Read the writing assignment.
Review the prompt and task structure. Consider vocabulary to be included in your essay.

32 Student Handout 8 Use Student Handout 8 to help you formulate your thoughts and ideas: Historical Context Thesis Main Ideas Characteristics Benefits Problems

33 Student Writing Using Student Handouts 7 and 8 complete the writing task.

34 Reflection Writing Learning from the Lesson

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