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Breeds of Cats and Dogs 4-H Veterinary Science Extension Veterinary Medicine Texas AgriLife Extension Service College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical.

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Presentation on theme: "Breeds of Cats and Dogs 4-H Veterinary Science Extension Veterinary Medicine Texas AgriLife Extension Service College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breeds of Cats and Dogs 4-H Veterinary Science Extension Veterinary Medicine Texas AgriLife Extension Service College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science Texas A&M System

2 Objectives Discuss the evolution of man’s relationship with dogs and cats Describe the characteristics shared by members of the Canidae family Describe the classification system for dogs List the uses for different breeds of dogs Identify and describe the different breeds of dogs Describe the characteristics shared by members of the family Felidae Describe the classification system for cats Identify and describe the different cat breeds

3 History of the Dog Domestication of the dog about 1,000 years Greeks Shepherd dogs Guard dogs Hunting dogs Egypt Dogs used in war Bred based on purpose Climate Environment Man’s preference

4 Domestication of the Dog In family Canidae Direct descendents of the wolf Wolf’s scientific name– Canis lupus Dog’s scientific name– Canis familiaris Popularity of the dog 48 million dogs live in U.S. One dog per house hold in half American family homes.

5 Economic Impact Why so important Consume $2 billion dollars worth of food per year Dogs support Veterinarians Pharmaceutical industry Breeders Racers Trainers Herders Hunters

6 Economic Impact Dogs support human lives Protection Sight Hearing Security Companionship

7 Characteristics Size 6 inches to 40 inches At the shoulder Life expectancy 9 to 15 years Small dogs live longer than large dogs Common traits Shedding Non-retractable claws 2 sets of teeth (puppy and adult) Sweating Sweat glands on nose and feet Panting

8 Physiology and Anatomy of Dogs Hearing 2 times better than humans higher frequencies Smell Tracking Vision Three eyelids Most have 20/75 vision Have color vision, but it isn’t the best

9 Reproduction Gestation about 9 weeks 3-9 pups in litter on average


11 Dog Breeds Two classifications Natural system Dog show system Organizations American Kennel Club United Kennel Club

12 Classification of Dogs GroupExamples of BreedsOriginal Uses Terrier Airedale Terrier, Bedlington Terrier, Bull Terrier, Calrn Terrier, IIrish Terrier, Fox Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier Originally used in catching prey such as foxes, badgers, and rabbits Working Collie, Boxer, Alaskan Malamute, German Shepherd, and St. Bernard Guards, guides, and herders such as muscular, even-tempered, and obedient Sporting Pointers, Retrievers, Setters, and Spaniels Sective dogs - hunt by air scent Hound Beagles, Foxhounds, and BloodhoundsTrack their prey by ground scent Greyhound type such as Whippets, Borzois, and SalukisHunt mainly by sight Herding Collie, Australian Shepherd, Corgi Drive livestock and keep farm animals from straying Toy Pekinese, Pomeranian, and PugPets and companions Non-sporting Boston Terrier, Bulldog, Chow, Dalmatian, and PoodleBred principally as pets and companions

13 Sporting Dogs WeimaranerPointerEnglish Spaniel Labrador Retriever Irish SetterGerman Short-haired Pointer

14 Terriers Airedale TerrierSchnauzer Scottish Terrier Bedlington Terrier Norfolk Terrier Bull Terrier

15 Non-Sporting Dgos DalmationChowBull DogKeeshond PoodleLhasa Apso Boston Terrier

16 Working Dogs Bullmastiff Siberian HuskyRottweiler Great Pyrenees St Bernard Bernese Mountain DogNewfoundland Komondor

17 Herding Dogs Australian Shepard Australian Cattle Dog CollieBorder collie (aka. Blue Heeler) Bouvier des Flandres Cardigan Welsh Corgi Belgian Tarvuren German Shepherd

18 Toys Chinese Crested Pug Pomeranian Japanese Chin Miniature Pinscher Silk Terrier Shih Tzu Chihuahua

19 Hounds Irish Wolf HoundBlood HoundBorzoiBasenji Afghan Hound Greyhound Basset hound English Fox hound


21 History of Cats History of the Family of Felidae One of the oldest mammalian groups Pets of Egyptians ~ 4,000 BCE Worshiped and mummified their beloved pets 15 th Century the Pope considered cat lovers witches Black Cats are a symbol of good luck in Europe

22 Today’s Cat Population in U.S. is ~ 55 million cats Outnumber dogs by 7 million Why Require less space and less personal attention Beneficial to people Mouser Companions Aid disabled people Alert people with hearing disability

23 Anatomy and Physiology of Cats Size Range from 4 -18 pounds Readily puts on weight Life expectancy Up to 10-15years Common traits 5 toes in front, 4 toes in back Except for Polydactyl cats Retractable claws 30 teeth Whiskers Vibrissae (antennae) True carnivores

24 Anatomy and Physiology of Cats Vision (largest eyes of any mammal) Can see color Partially colorblind (shades of red and green vary) Excellent night vision Can see up to 120 feet away, peripheral vision 285 degrees Hearing Can hear better than dogs and humans Semi-circular canals in ear help maintain balance Aids in cat’s ability to land on feet when they fall

25 Anatomy and Physiology of Cats Smell Can detect smells 14x better than human Reproduction Gestation 65 days 1- 8 kittens per litter, 2 - 3 litters a year Color Calicos are almost always female


27 Cat Breeds Long-haired BalineseSomaliAmerican CurlMaine Coon Scottish FoldPersian/HimalayanBirman

28 Breeds of Cats Short-haired Siamese Burmese Abyssinian Color-point Havanah BrownExotic Short-hair American Short-hair Bengal

29 Breeds of Cats—Rex and Hairless Cornish RexDevon Rex Sphynx --Hairless


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