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Current issues in internationalization of higher education in Finland Conference in Seinäjoki 19.3.2010 Dr. Carita Blomqvist Head of Unit Recognition and.

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Presentation on theme: "Current issues in internationalization of higher education in Finland Conference in Seinäjoki 19.3.2010 Dr. Carita Blomqvist Head of Unit Recognition and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current issues in internationalization of higher education in Finland Conference in Seinäjoki 19.3.2010 Dr. Carita Blomqvist Head of Unit Recognition and International Comparability of Qualifications Finnish National Board of Education

2 Contents of the presentation -Strategy for the Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in Finland -New dimension in higher education co-operation: joint/double degrees and transnational education -National Qualifications Framework -Evaluation of the Finnish degree reform

3 Strategy for the Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions in Finland 2009-2015 Preparation of the strategy included in the Government Programme and in the Development Plan for Education and Research for the period 2007-2012 The Ministry of Education was responsible for the preparation Open and interactive process: views were invited from HEIs, students, business community and other stakeholders Web-based open consultation was implemented and several seminars and workshops were organised to gather views (incl. strategy document in English)

4 Strategy for the Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions in Finland 2009-2015: five primary aims A genuinely international higher education community: HE provides the competence to work in an international environment; HEIs offer high-quality education focused on their fields of expertise; HEIs actively utilise international co- operation opportunities; by 2015 the number of non-Finnish teachers, researchers and degree students has risen considerably Increasing the quality and attractiveness of HEIs: HEIs are internationally renowned and attractive study and work environments; internationally networked HEIs support internationalisation, competitiveness and well-being of society

5 Strategy for the Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions in Finland 2009-2015: primary aims Promoting the export of expertise: HEIs are attractive and reliable cooperation partners who engage in high-quality and mutually beneficial international research, education and cultural cooperation; HE and expertise are nationally significant exports Supporting a multicultural society: HEIs actively take part in supporting the multicultural higher education community and civil society Promoting global responsibility: HEIs utilise their research and expertise to solve global problems and to consolidate competence in developing countries; the activities are ethically sustainable

6 Why new forms of co-operation in higher education? European dimension already in action; now shift to global dimension? Two cycles (Bachelor-Master) have become common in Europe; Bologna Process/European Higher Education Area From (student)mobility to deeper co-operation: teacher mobility, benefits of joint curricula, quality assurance Added value to all involved (preconditions exist)

7 Transnational and cross-border education Export of educational services by HEIs is being discussed in national committees and working groups Recommendations are being prepared for cross-border quality provision for Finnish actors on the basis of the UNESCO and OECD Guidelines Information provision on Finnish HE Quality assurance of international co-operation

8 One form of transnational education: Joint/double degrees, joint programs No common definition in use, but certain characteristics, e.g.: programs developed and implemented jointly by several higher education institutions in two or more countries agreement between institutions (governments?) students move from one institution to another full recognition

9 Definition of joint degree: Recommendation on the recognition of joint degrees (Lisbon Recognition Convention) A joint degree may be issued as a)A joint diploma in addition to one or more national diplomas b)A joint diploma issued by the institutions offering the study program in question without being accompanied by any national diploma c)One or more national diplomas issued officially as the only attestation of the joint qualification in question (double degree) -reflects the approach in Finland

10 Instructions for Finnish HEIs about planning and development of joint degrees Information e.g. on: Student admissions Curricula/learning outcomes Quality assurance Awarding of the degree and degree certificate Information for prospective students; access/equal opportunities Funding and sustainability

11 Finnish National Framework for Qualifications and Other Learning (NQF) Development Plan for Education and Research 2007-2012: A national qualifications framework based on the description of learning outcomes will be prepared by the end of 2010. The Ministry of Education appointed a Committee in August 2008. The report was submitted in August 2009. Public consultation 8 – 10/2009. 86 statements were received. The Finnish NQF is based on the EQF and has eight levels. The EQF level descriptors have been clarified and further developed based on a national perspective. Important background: comparability and recognition of qualifications

12 The Committee’s Central Proposals The NQF describes the learning outcomes as knowledge, skills and competence, based on the descriptors of the EQF levels, but does not distinguish between different dimensions of learning outcomes. The following dimensions of learning outcomes are described: knowledge, skills, responsibility, management, entrepreneurship, evaluation and the key skills of lifelong learning. The Finnish NQF includes the qualifications specified in the legislation of the education authorities and other administrative sectors.

13 The Finnish Approach to the EQF Dr. Carita Blomqvist Head of Unit, Recognition and Comparability of Qualifications

14 Evaluation of the Finnish degree reform Implemented in 2010 Target: Bachelor and Master degrees in universities and polytechnics Central topics: Functionality of the new structure and success of its implementation Mobility (national and international) Learning outcomes provided by qualifications and their relationship to the labor market

15 More information Thank you for your attention!

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