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Quiz on prefix and suffix Friday Yes, this Friday.

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz on prefix and suffix Friday Yes, this Friday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz on prefix and suffix Friday Yes, this Friday

2 Prefixes and Suffixes Anti Auto Bi Bio Carn Hetero Homo Micro Mono Against Self Two Life Meat or flesh Different Same Small One

3 Prefixes and Suffixes Di Multi- -ology Photo Pseudo Uni -phyll Two Many or several Study of Light False One Leaf

4 Prefixes and Suffixes Endo- Exo- Chloro- Hydro- Macro- Karyo- -troph Telo- Poly Pro Meta Inside Outside Green Water Big Nucleus Food End Many/More than One Before Middle

5 Pro BeforeProactive - active before

6 - troph Pig troughTo eat

7 Telo- End Telomeres are the ends of the DNA strands

8 Karyo Nucleus

9 -phyll Leaf

10 Auto Self Autobiography self story

11 Pseudo (sudo) False P soundPretend Not real Fake Forgery

12 Poly Many

13 Chloro Green green green green green green green green

14 Di and Bi

15 Mono and Uni

16 More to challange Mono Bi Carn Multi Pseudo Auto Hetero -troph -phyll To eat Meat 1 Different Self False Leaf Many 2

17 More still Meta Pro Poly Telo Endo Chloro Macro Green Big Inside Outside End Middle Many

18 Biology the Science of Life Science is the study of both living and nonliving things. One of the main types of science is Biology, the study of living things. Bio means, ‘life’ and –ology means, ‘study of.’ Because there is so many different kinds of living things, Biology must be divided into many different subdivisions.

19 Many of the most types of Biology are: 1.Microbiology- The study of small living things 2. Zoology- The study of animals 3. Botany- The study of plants 4. Entomology- The study of insects

20 types of Biology 5. Anatomy- The study of the structure of living things. 6. Physiology- The study of the functioning of living things. 7. Cytology- The study of cells 8. Genetics- The study of hereditary

21 types of Biology 1.Molecular Genetics- The study of the structure and function of genes, DNA. 10. Taxonomy- Classification 11. Ecology- The study of interactions between organisms and their environment.

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