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SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Critical Mass Achieved: C&D Waste Recycling at Sandia National Laboratories OFEE Symposium June 3, 2008 Ralph Wrons P2 Program.

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Presentation on theme: "SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Critical Mass Achieved: C&D Waste Recycling at Sandia National Laboratories OFEE Symposium June 3, 2008 Ralph Wrons P2 Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Critical Mass Achieved: C&D Waste Recycling at Sandia National Laboratories OFEE Symposium June 3, 2008 Ralph Wrons P2 Program Coordinator Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

2 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Presentation Overview  Sandia’s C&D Recycling Approach  Recent Improvements  Results  Challenges/Next Steps

3 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Impact of C&D Waste  >150 million tons of construction and demolition (C&D) waste generated annually in the U.S.  C&D waste > 80% of SNL’s solid waste ( from Recycling Opportunity Assessment )

4 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention VISION  Promote and integrate Environmental Sustainability into all Sandia operations, e.g., Achieve 100% recycling of all recyclable commodities  City of Albuquerque goal announced June 2007 – end land-filling by 2030

5 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention C&D Waste Recycling Approach  FY06 & FY07 P2 Goal: Recycle 50% of C&D waste generated.  STRATEGIES: Focus on & support Construction and D&D Projects Improve Internal Capabilities CWM Specification 01505 Report & reinforce accomplishments

6 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention  Recycling Revenues reinvested in the program recycling infrastructure paying for recycling costs  Solve the big issue – Concrete & Asphalt C&D Waste Recycling Approach

7 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention  Assessment & Identification of opportunities Waste minimization, recycling  Implementation Specifications Guidance sheets Recycling containers Signage  Reporting data  Reporting accomplishments P2 Support to Construction and D&D projects

8 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Expanded Infrastructure for Small Projects  One-Stop Location for Disposition of Construction Waste from T&M projects

9 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Contract Documents  Contractors won’t recycle unless it’s in the Contract  Specification Section 01505, Construction Waste Management  Readily Available Examples ( index.html)

10 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention  Now a Standard Spec  Line Item, Infrastructure and GPP Projects Waste Management Plan only for Line Item Projects Reporting for Line item only Instructions for Waste Streams  Recycling-focused, but waste min emphasized at beginning Construction Waste Management Specification, 01505

11 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention LEED Project Recycling

12 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention LEED Project Recycling

13 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Elements of Successful Recycling WIF Containers are clearly labeled and color coded with large signs. RESULTS: 78% recycled

14 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention P2 Recycling Tent

15 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Disposition Pathways for Suspended Ceiling System  No Reuse Identified  Mineral Fiber Ceiling Tiles recycled through Armstrong World Industries, Inc. –30,000 SF minimum to fit on one semi-trailer  Suspended Ceiling Grid recycled as Scrap Metal

16 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Disposition Pathways for Carpet  No Reuse Option Identified  SNL Funded Carpet Tile Recycling Program through Interface $800 for full semi-trailer load; aiming for >25,000 pounds

17 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Concrete & Asphalt – The Big Ticket Dedicated Stockpile Area

18 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Concrete and Asphalt Applications for Crushed Concrete & Asphalt

19 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Concrete and Asphalt Contract for Crushing – 7 sieve sizes

20 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention C&D Recycling Results  72% Diversion Rate for FY07 ~ 6,000 tons crushed concrete base coarse ~ 2,000 tons milled asphalt ~ 130 tons scrap metal from small projects  Wood Pallet Recycling/Reuse Program  Improved accounting of waste & recyclables at landfill

21 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention FY07 C&D recycling breakdown

22 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention C&D Recycling Benefits  Improved Housekeeping on Construction and Demolition Sites  Energy savings, direct and indirect  Increased Lifetime of KAFB Landfill  Promoting Community Business Development

23 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Challenges/Next Steps  Keeping abreast of projects  Landfill tipping fee charged to contractors  Scheduling an asphalt crushing event  Calculate energy savings  Specifications for recycled content or reuse –Concrete base course –Milled asphalt –Carpet tile –Ceiling tile

24 SNL/NM Pollution Prevention Acknowledgments: Doug Vetter, Margie Marley, Jack Mizner Questions?

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