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Effects of the Depression. Escapism victims of depression wanted to escape their dismal reality radio shows like “Amos ‘n Andy” and “Hockey Night in Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Effects of the Depression. Escapism victims of depression wanted to escape their dismal reality radio shows like “Amos ‘n Andy” and “Hockey Night in Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of the Depression

2 Escapism victims of depression wanted to escape their dismal reality radio shows like “Amos ‘n Andy” and “Hockey Night in Canada with Foster Hewitt became popular

3 Effects of the Depression Escapism popular magazines featured glamour and wealth movies focused on fantasy

4 Effects of the Depression Escapism the Dionne Quintuplets born in May 1934 at Callander, Ontario, attracted attention across the globe as a symbol of hope religion became a source of hope or emotional escape

5 Effects of the Depression Relief Efforts – “the Dole” when Conservatives came to power federally, they passed a bill to provide $20 million in relief (they had a budget of $500 million)

6 Effects of the Depression Relief Efforts – “the Dole” by 1934, 2 million Canadians (20% of the population), depended on relief

7 Effects of the Depression People’s Thoughts about R. B. Bennett (this slide is not in your notes, so you need to write it down!) This is a Bennett Buggy – named after the Prime Minister People had cars but no money for gas, so they took out the engines and hitched up their horses to pull them.

8 Effects of the Depression Relief Efforts – “the Dole” the thinking at the time was that the unemployed should work for their money, so as not to become dependent on “hand outs” but public works projects proved to be expensive to run federal and provincial governments gave grants (free money) to cities for municipalities to add to their welfare budgets

9 Effects of the Depression The thinking at the time was that the unemployed should work for their money, so as not to become dependent on “hand outs” But public works projects proved to be expensive to run Federal and provincial governments gave grants (free money) to cities for municipalities to add to their welfare budgets

10 Effects of the Depression Relief Requirements Facing eviction (kicked out of your apartment) Notice of electricity and water cut off Turn in your license plate if you owned a car Telephone cut off Did not own a radio

11 Effects of the Depression If You Were On Relief You Received Vouchers for food Cash payments weekly (varied across the country) –Toronto Welfare Council estimated a family of five needed $28.35 a week to maintain an adequate living standard –North York gave $11.60 –PEI gave $1.93 –New Brunswick gave $1.67 –Families of 15 in Quebec barely got $13.00

12 Effects of the Depression Intolerance Immigrants were unwelcome and viewed as a strain on an already strained system According to the Immigration Act, immigrants on relief could be deported Between 1930 and 1935 Ottawa returned 30 000 immigrants to Europe

13 Effects of the Depression In Montreal, 3 000 women were disqualified from relief because they were unmarried mothers, widows with young children, or whose husbands were in jail (eventually given assistance under the Public Charities Act) In 1937, Quebec adopted “Aid to Needy Mothers” legislation, but it only applied if an invalid, husband in an asylum, proved poverty, proved a good mother and certificate signed by a priest

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