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WASTE LAB: OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND OBJECTIVES Recognize various categories and amount of solid waste produced. Compute percentages of waste, by category.

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Presentation on theme: "WASTE LAB: OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND OBJECTIVES Recognize various categories and amount of solid waste produced. Compute percentages of waste, by category."— Presentation transcript:

1 WASTE LAB: OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND OBJECTIVES Recognize various categories and amount of solid waste produced. Compute percentages of waste, by category produced/person in a single day. Generalize data from a small sample for a large population using calculations. Infer from small data samples the impact that waste production has on a large population. Evaluate how waste data can be used to communicate results and offer solutions

2 MATERIALS Balances Calculator Bags of dry, non-hazardous /no food waste 1 paper towel per person

3 SAFETY Be careful of broken pieces in your bag Put any broken glass pieces in the broken glass box NO EATING OR DRINKING DURING THIS LAB- please set them on the surrounding counters Gloves are provided so you don’t have to handle the trash bear handed. Surgical masks are provided so you don’t have to smell it either

4 PROCEDURE Separate out your trash on your own paper towel into the following categories: Paper and crdboard Plastic Metal Glass Other Each student needs to weigh the trash categories each and put the mass in your charts. Calculate the total mass at the bottom of each column Calculate the total mass of waste in each category of your group Then calculate the average mass/student

5 Discussion Questions we asked ourselves Which category of waste makes up the greatest percentage of the total waste? Explain your answer. How could you calculate the waste produced in each category overall by your entire school’s student body in a day? What are some ways businesses can reduce the waste produced? LIST 5 Good, practical ways in sentences. How could you reduce the waste you produce? (Recycling is not a way to reduce the waste produced? It’s just what you do with the waste you already have. Give a thoughtful and practical answer to this too).

6 PERIOD 1 Waste Category Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5Group 6 Paper and cardboard 82.613.6 151 203 82.7 Plastic 88.6g150.9 229.8 186.3 88.6 Metal 1.233.1 12.0 4 1.2 Glass 00 0 0 0 other 00 63.7 13.65 0 Total 172.4197.6 446.6 406.45 772.4

7 PERIOD 2 Waste Category Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5Group 6 Totals Paper and cardboard 3.2137.6 234.4 101.1 14.5 248.3 739.1 Plastic 52.654.6 47.5 446.5 206 52.1 859.3 Metal 00 38.5 39.3 602 33.2 713 Glass 00 0 0 9.32 0 other 00 7 11.6 0 0 Total 55.8196.7 347.5 604.5261.31 333.6 2331

8 PERIOD 4 Waste Category Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5Total Paper and cardboard 147.3195.5 74.2 55.4 128.3 600.7 Plastic 222.5114.5 26.5 39.7 111.5 514.7 Metal 3.739.5 0 2.8 1.6 47.6 Glass 00 139 0 0 other 00 0 0 10.4 Total 373.5349.5 239.7 97.9251.3 1311.9g

9 PERIOD 6 Waste Category Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5Group 6 Paper and cardboard 79.9g48.7 220.6 143.15 17.7 8 Plastic 108.3g90.8 65.4 128.8418.5 19 Metal 1g24.9 21.1 0 0 1 Glass 0g0 0 0 0 0 other 32.6g8.2 0 0 2.6 1 Total 221.8g172.6 307.1 272.538.8 30

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