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1 ALEKSANDRAS STULGINSKIS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT Study programme: Administration of Rural Development The 6 th and 7th Semester Student TOPIC OF YOUR STUDY PAPER Group in development of Rural economy ( diversification inside of farming ( forestry, recreation,tourism,food processing) diversification outside of farming ( new employment possibilities)

2 Group Analysis review During the course of the intensive internship program organized by economic faculty 2016 academic session below are the list of list of student who participate in accomplished the research program Afiz Adeshina (Group leader) Moses Adenle Adeshola (Group researcher) Chinedu Mba (Assistant Group Leader) Ntumba Simon Ntumba ( questions Tubajika Ngindu Pytchien ( Photographer ) Zhu Mengyu (

3 INTRODUCTION This report reviews information on the role of Rural economy diversification within agriculture as a whole which included Recreational activities, Tourism and food processing. Also the farm household diversification inside and outside of farming in the rural economy of Sakiai and Jonova, then finally the possibilities of new employment possibilities. Based on material compiled from all of our visits in this two municipalities ( Sakiai and Jonova ), This project determines The extent to which factors like depopulation, immigration, tourism affect the Development in Rural economy. There for determine the Mission and vision of all the rural economic activities in the rural areas of Sakiai and Jonova This topic is particularly based on the availability of data pertaining to the growth, In and Out of agriculture and the agro-food sector in the economies of Sakiai and Jonova at the Rural economic level. This diary also provides The availability of data relating to the income situation achieved due to the diversification within Agriculture, which include Recreational activities, Tourism and food processing and also availability of information related to diversification outside of farming activities.

4 VISION: The vision of the research center is to create very high level Agricultural and Forestry Research Center that must have the capabilities to perform Innovation, Develops Technology and also provide services to business and society in general within the Baltic and International Research levels. Mission: The Mission of the Research center is to carry out scientific Research Biological Resources for the sustainable use of Raw Materials, as well as Food quality Research. They Monitor Plant Development and productivity formations: soil sustainability, plant adaptations, Climate change and Agro Forest Ecosystem, New quality plant development, quality of raw food materials, Nanotechnology fundamental and applied Research and experimental Development STRATEGIC GOALS: 1) The goals are the implementation of regional, National and Public works 2) They commercialize and invest on Modern Technology and Innovations 3) Bring about good development in the Economy and the society in general

5 SWOT ANALYSIS No. STRENGHTS No. WEAKNESS S1 Sustainable rural economic development with useful products to attract investors W1W1 Lack of population and lack of employee because of migration of citizens. S2 New innovation for technological farming W2W2 Lack of haulage distribution S3 Recreation / Sport Center W3W3 Lack of progration opportunities and limited choices within local areas S4 Municipality co-operation with local action group and rural communities. S5 Different strategy which support agro-sector S6Processing food tradition in Sakiai, No. OPPORTUNITY No. THREATS O1 Structural fundsT1 Political conflict in the border regions O2 Partnership in research outside Sakiai T2 Low number of human resources O3 Opportunity for foreigners investors O4Cultural heritage

6 STRENGHTS Sustainable rural economic development with useful products to attract investor The sustainability of Agricultural AND FARMING has made SAKAI one of the strong Agricultural developing state in Lithuania producing big quantity of milk, meat and cheese with a very high quality foe exportation, Sakai has different strategic plans which support business and other activities like agro- sector.Sakai as a Municipality are very strong in their own individual resources financially sufficient and they indulge their youths in sports activities such as football, ballyball and many more sporting activities. Sakia Basketball Team participates in the National Basket tournaments and they accept basketball as their own second religion also they have Badminton Team that also pacitipate in international competitions. Sakiai as a region is well known for its agricultural activities. Rich soils provide excellent condition for growing a wide range of crops, the core industry has a very good food industry Food processing standing tradition in sakiai, and is core sector of the sakiai economy. Šakiai boasts a number of well-established exporters of processed Wood and furniture products.Sakiai has allow number if company to grow in green and peaceful environment, while Lithuania’s superfast internet connection has given them a supper talk of the point in glober Market. giving bellow is the picture of how the green and peaceful environment Sakiai look like. Šakiai region is characterised not only by large areas of rich soil, but also by the natural landscape, which has been preserved in many localities; it is one of the ecologically cleanest regions of Lithuania

7 New innovation for technological farming New Innovation for Technological farming we had prudent visit in the ASU Research center. The Head of Laboratory Prof. Natalija Burbulis lectured us on the on Mission and Vision and the Strategic goals of the Research Center.

8 WEAKNESSES Weaknesses refer to the internal factors which deal with the resources and experience available in the Sakiai and Jonava region visited during the intensive internship, our group observed the follow bellow weaknesses in both city: 1) lack of population in other to make rural economic grow population is one of the most essential by visited the two region we found out that the population was very small because the population of the entire functional area, Sakiai was 33000 persons in the village and 6000 was in the city center and the people leave the rural area and move to urban area. Our group believe that if the community leader can provide poverty alleviation to the youth it could help the youth to stay in the community and improve the standard living and improve the rural economic grow. 2) lack of haulage distribution, During the visit to the two region Sakiai and Jonava our group observed that the two region are agricultural area but there are lack of haulage distribution of this finished agricultural product Consumers have difficulty purchasing agricultural product because of their inability to access markets and their inability to afford the costs. On the other end, farmers cannot sell their produce for the similar reasons. Therefore, the main problems with the current distribution system are the lack of markets, the inadequacy of transportation to markets transportation is often very limited. There are few high quality roads or railways to transport goods and people to the centralized markets. Transportation routes are expensive and almost exclusively require public funding and public maintenance. Poorly maintained roads are a huge problem in many regions, particularly in rural Africa where the poor roads make an area inaccessible and delay any movement of goods so solutions must be formed on a local level by critically examining the geography as well as the available resources of the regions. Some solutions for increasing access to transportation. 3) lack of progression opportunity and limited choices within local area. 4) Has not benefited from tourism as much as other parts of the county Tourism is largely undeveloped in the two region both sakiai and Jonava compared to other areas in the region Palanga, klaipedia and trakia. Tourism needs to focus on the strengths of the area, namely the untouched rural landscape. 5) Some Municipality are located too far from the Centre cities, our group also observed that most Municipality in the both sakiai and Jonava are too far away from the city center this could be the limiting factor for the development of rural economic grow. 6) Lack of employment opportunities; also we all know that employment increase the well-being of people in the city and increase the rural economic grow, unfortunately our group take an intensive observed that there are lack of employment opportunity to the youth in the city and this doesn't encourage youth to stay in the city

9 OPPORTUNITY Structural Funds: The aim of structural funds is to reduce regional disparities in income, wealth and opportunities. The Structural Funds make up one of the largest items of the Sakia region Opportunity for foreigner’s investments: The Investment Map helps Investment Promotion Agencies identify priority sectors and competing cities for foreign investments, as well as existing and potential foreign investors. Moreover, it helps companies identify potential locations for investment abroad. 2009201020112012 4,62 5,989,8113,3 Partnership in research outside Sakiai: Primary THRIVE research goals are outcome oriented, evidence based, and focused on improving clinical, behavioral, and population health management outcomes by integrating the resources and research efforts of both partners




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