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Delaware Science Assessments and Scoring Rubrics Karon Massado Elementary Science Specialist Red Clay Consolidated School District.

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Presentation on theme: "Delaware Science Assessments and Scoring Rubrics Karon Massado Elementary Science Specialist Red Clay Consolidated School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delaware Science Assessments and Scoring Rubrics Karon Massado Elementary Science Specialist Red Clay Consolidated School District

2 Goals For Participants Learn about double-digit rubrics and how to use them: to diagnose student understandings and knowledge in science content; to increase knowledge about the units; to inform instruction.

3 All science assessments are scored with a double-digit rubric. Every rubric includes: Question Statement of What the Question Measures Criteria for a complete response Rubric

4 We know that rubrics provide an objective way for teachers to measure a student’s performance and/or understanding in relation to established criteria. Score 3 Complete 2Partially Complete 1Minimally Complete 0Incorrect Response

5 Why use a double-digit rubric?

6 Double-digit rubrics give educators the information needed to provide students with the specific, appropriate feedback that leads to higher quality student work, greater achievement, and the data needed to inform instruction.

7 Double-digit rubrics are easy to score because they follow a logical pattern. The first digit is the student’s score! The second digit clarifies the student’s response!

8 Code Response 3Complete Response 2Partially Correct Response 1Minimally Correct Response 7Incorrect Response 9Non response Correct responses are coded in familiar ways, 3 – 1. The way that incorrect responses are coded, 7 and 9, is less familiar. These codes were selected because of computer programming considerations and in no way reflect point values. Remember: The first digit is the student’s score!

9 The second digit will change as the clarifying information changes. Code Response 30 30Complete Response 20 20Partially Correct Response 10 10Minimally Correct Response 70 70Incorrect Response 90 90Non response Remember: The second digit clarifies student’s response!

10 Double-digit rubrics increase the value of the scoring process by including a second layer (coded with a second digit) to emphasize the student’s level of understanding and depth of understanding or misunderstanding.

11 Now let’s compare a model of the double-digit framework to the actual rubrics for this science unit!

12 Start with a copy of a 1-Point rubric for this science unit. How does it compare to the general framework and pattern for all 1-Point double-digit rubrics in the following frame?

13 This general pattern is repeated on every 1-Point rubric. CodeResponse Complete Response 10Meets criteria above. 19Meets any other scientifically accurate response. Incorrect Response 70Describes instead of giving an explanation. 76Repeats the question. 79Any other incorrect response. Non response 90Crossed out, erased, illegible or impossible to interpret. 99BLANK.

14 Now find a copy of a 2-Point rubric for this science unit. How does it compare it to the general framework and pattern for all 2-Point double-digit rubrics in the following frame?

15 This general pattern is repeated on every 2-Point rubric. CodeResponse Complete Response 20Meets criteria above. 29Any other completely correct response. Partially Correct Response 10Records one correct observation. 19Any other partially correct response. Incorrect Response 76Repeats the question. 79Any other incorrect response. Non response 90Crossed out, erased, illegible or impossible to interpret. 99BLANK.

16 Finally, find a copy of a 3-Point rubric for this science unit. How does it compare it to the general framework and pattern for all 3-Point double-digit rubrics in the following frame?

17 This general pattern is repeated on every 3-Point rubric. CodeResponse Complete Response 30Meets criterion. 39Any other completely correct response. Partially Correct Response 20Explains functions of all parts with one exception. 21Explains all parts and functions, but incorrectly labels one of the functions as a part. 29Any other partially correct response. Minimally Correct Response 10Explains function of three parts, omits or incorrectly explains two parts. 19Any other minimally correct response. Incorrect Response 70Correctly explains the function of only two parts. 71Correctly explains the function of only one part. 76Repeats the question. 79Any other incorrect response. Non response 90Crossed out, erased, illegible or impossible to interpret. 99BLANK.

18 Double-digit rubrics define quality. Science assessments are scored more easily and effectively with double-digit rubrics.

19 Record students’ scores to obtain a class profile similar to the one in the next frame where individual and class results can be displayed and examined.

20 Date: Science Assessment Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Totals Rubric Point Value 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 116 Student Names Joe1070201020 1011 Julio107029192920291911 Mary107629102030291012 Maria1070761910392079 8 Mar’Lisha107620 19102010 # Correct50413254 # Partially Correct0042300 # Incorrect05100001

21 How does this help students?

22 Thoughtful examination of the data is key to understanding the level of student understanding and misconception.

23 What use is the data on the class profile?

24 Because kids get things “wrong” or “right” for different reasons the data on the class profile can be used: to differentiate instruction, to regroup students, to make a different decision about the use of materials or time, to better plan future instruction.

25 Scoring Rubrics help teachers improve instruction!

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