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Presentation on theme: "Rubrics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rubrics

2 Activity Goals... Recognize different types of rubrics and scoring tools Explain the features of an analytic rubric Design or modify an analytic rubric to evaluate a performance assessment that targets deep and enduring understanding

3 Measuring Performance
Criterion Performance List List with traits identified and possible points listed


5 What is a Rubric? An evaluation tool for assessing a performance or product Two kinds: holistic vs. analytic Holistic rubric (single scale): Levels of performance Descriptive indicators Analytic rubric (multiple scales): Levels and descriptive indicators plus Specific attributes of the performance


7 Attributes listed in columns
Levels of performance across rows Descriptive indicators in each box Analytic Rubric

8 Specific Attributes The criteria by which the performance will be evaluated Earth science content Scientific inquiry skills Organization Thinking (originality, creativity) Communication

9 Levels of Performance Uses a rating scale Numerical (1, 2, 3, 4)
Descriptive (novice to expert)

10 Descriptive Indicators
What does the performance look like at each level?



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