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INTERACTIVE SCIENCE NOTEBOOK “Your Key To Success in Science” = 7 th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERACTIVE SCIENCE NOTEBOOK “Your Key To Success in Science” = 7 th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERACTIVE SCIENCE NOTEBOOK “Your Key To Success in Science” = 7 th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook


3 7 th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

4 An Interactive Science Notebook (ISN) your own personalized JOURNAL of learning about Science. A portfolio of your work in ONE convenient spot. This is great for studying for upcoming quizzes & tests! A great ORGANIZATIONAL tool that gives you permission to be PLAYFUL AND CREATIVE in your responses without "messing up" your notes. Allows you to be like a REAL SCIENTIST! 7 th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

5 Alexander Graham Bell’s Invention of the Telephone

6 The LEFT SIDE “LOVES” YOUR work. This is the side that you can use to show me your creativity. This is your “output” or product side. The RIGHT SIDE is “RESTRICTED” and contains only information given by me, Mrs. Turner, or “input”. Nothing else should be placed on the RIGHT SIDE!! The notebook is divided into TWO sections.

7 LEFT side “loves ” YOUR work = OUTPUT RIGHT side is “restricted” to Mrs. Turner’s INPUT “Bell Work Assignment” Fill in the missing word. Decomposers Producers Consumers Plants are ____. Cats and rabbits are ____. Maggots are ____ LS.6d

8 The LEFT SIDE belongs to you. It contains the date, the day’s objective, any bell-work assignments (indicated with a question mark) and the day’s lesson (indicated with a light bulb). On this page you may include diagrams, cartoons, drawings, poems, foldables, etc. Let your CREATIVITY go wild! ODD PAGES =1, 3, 5, 7, 9…YOU GOT IT..

9 Fill in the Blank Short Answer Questions Multiple Choice Graphic Organizers Drawings/Illustrations Poems, Songs Cartoons/Comics Lab Analysis Foldables Reflections YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BE AS CREATIVE AS YOU WANT TO BE





14 The RIGHT SIDE belongs to me, Mrs. Turner, and therefore should only contain information given or “input” from me. This is the ESSENTIAL information that will DEFINITELY be on a quiz or test. Nothing else should go on this side. Even Pages = 2,4,6,8..YOU KNOW IT.

15 Notes from –Readings –PowerPoints –Movie/Video Scientific vocabulary exercises Lab Reports Study Guides Tests LS.6d

16 Scissors Colored Pencils Pencils1- SUBJECT Composition Notebook Glue Sticks NO liquid glue please! HIGHLIGHTER 1- Binder

17 For the front of your ISN… The name of the course: –7th Grade Science The words: Interactive Science Notebook Your name: (self explanatory) The class period that you have science: –Example: 1 st Period Your teacher: Mrs. Turner The school year: 2013-2014 TWO OR MORE SCIENCE PICTURES TO DECORATE YOUR NOTEBOOK: –You can draw, get them from a magazine or print from the Internet. 7 th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

18 Interactive Science Notebook 7 th Grade Science YOUR Name YOUR Class Period Mrs. Turner 2013-2014

19 Starting with the 1 st page, number the first 10 pages. The 1 st page is 0 – EVEN numbers will always be on the RIGHT and ODD numbers on the LEFT. Number at the BOTTOM OUTSIDE CORNER of every page. 2 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHORS PAGE “ALL ABOUT YOU PAGE” TABLE OF CONTENTS 0 Inside front cover TABLE OF CONTENTS

20 2 (Pages 0-10 will be REFERENCE PAGES) 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHORS PAGE “ALL ABOUT YOU PAGE” TABLE OF CONTENTS 0 Inside front cover TABLE OF CONTENTS At the top of PAGES 0,1,2,3 & 4, write Table of Contents. Divide each page into 3 columns: Date,Title, Page #, Grade/Stamp

21 DATETITLEPAGE #Grade/ Stamp 8/16/13 Author’s Page inside cover 8/16/13 ISN Guidelines 5 8/16/13 ISN Grading Rubrics 6 8/16/13 Lab Safety Rules 7 8/16/13 Lab Group Roles 8 8/16/13 Class Information 9 8/16/13 Classroom Rules & Procedures 10

22 345 On pages 5-6, you will glue class handouts. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS ISN GUIDELINES ISN Grading Rubrics

23 910 On pages 7-10, you will continue to glue class handouts. 78 Lab Group Roles Lab Safety Rules Class Information Classroom Procedures & Rules

24 Do not RIP OUT pages or tear corners. All handouts MUST BE GLUED IN. Please DOODLE your information as it relates to Science. Your ISN should only be used for SCIENCE CLASS and COMES TO CLASS EVERYDAY Each page should have the DATE, TITLE and PAGE#. Write ALL entries in the Table of Contents. BE COLORFUL & LOVE YOUR NOTEBOOK.

25 7 th Grade Science Interactive Science Notebook

26 “ISN's are easy to do and worth a lot of points, so take time and effort to do them well.“ "Always update your table of contents so papers don't get messed up - or in case of an ISN check.” “My ISN is a great way for me to keep my work organized.” “I didn’t used to like to take notes until I started using my ISN.” “My ISN helps me keep track of any homework assignments I might have missed when I was absent.” “I love to draw pictures in my ISN and doodle information about Science.” “My ISN has helped me learn to summarize paragraphs and better understand what I’m reading. I use the same strategy in English now.” “My quiz and test grades have improved because of the ISN.”

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