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Miss Armstrong Language Arts, Reading & Social Studies Fourth Grade 2015-2016 Mrs. Rhodes Math and Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Armstrong Language Arts, Reading & Social Studies Fourth Grade 2015-2016 Mrs. Rhodes Math and Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Armstrong Language Arts, Reading & Social Studies Fourth Grade 2015-2016 Mrs. Rhodes Math and Science

2 READING -Readers Workshop Model -Independent Reading -Reader’s Notebook/Annotations -One on one conferencing -Teacher Read Alouds -Assessed through rubrics and some traditional exams

3 WRITING -Teacher Modeling -Independent Writing -Writer’s Notebook -One on one conferencing -Assessed through rubrics, compositions, and some traditional exams

4 Math & Science Math – Lotsa’ Math Fast Math Fast Math Texas Go Math! Texas Go Math! Reflex Math Reflex Math Hands on and group activities Hands on and group activities Skills will build upon each other Skills will build upon each other STAAR Test Monday, May 9, 2016 STAAR Test Monday, May 9, 2016 Science – Will be using physical experiments as well as Science Lab Students will be making daily entries in Interactive Notebooks

5 Schedule *SPECIALS:Monday 10:00-10:45 Tuesday 9:15-10:45 Wednesday-Friday 9:15-10:00 Conference: Same as Specials *No Conferences will be scheduled on Tuesdays Recess: 12:20-12:35Lunch: 12:35-1:05 Miss ArmstrongMrs. Rhodes *MondayP.E.Music *TuesdayP.E. & MusicP.E. & Art *WednesdayMusicP.E. *ThursdayP.E.P.E. *FridayArtMusic

6 Tuesday Folder *Major Grades Circled *Please sign & return on Wednesday *Grades below 70 sign and return *Look for additional comments and announcements on back of sheet *Compositions always sign and return for portfolio

7 Homework *Assignments written in planner daily *Students should be able to complete all assignments independently. *Assignments on web site under Class work/Homework/Tests

8 4 th Grade Grading Guidelines Weights: Major  50% Daily  40% Homework  10% *Re-tests (grades averaged for no more than 70%) *No extra credit

9 Important Connections Ashley Armstrong Missy Rhodes

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