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Chapter 7 East Asia under Challenge Mr. Marston Modern World History Arcadia High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 East Asia under Challenge Mr. Marston Modern World History Arcadia High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 East Asia under Challenge Mr. Marston Modern World History Arcadia High School

2 Section 1 The Decline of the Qing Dynasty Causes of Decline: Significance: Pressure from West, and Internal problems led to Qing Dynasty’s decline

3 Causes of Decline 1. Internal-Corruption, Peasant revolts, incompetence, & surging population External-ships, weapons, and ideas from West

4 Opium War Significance: War erupted between Britain and China because of constant opium shipments to China.

5 Opium War 1. Unfavorable Balance of Trade Do not Write (unless you want too) Favorable balance of trade is where imports=Exports Unfavorable balance of trade Imports (not equal) to exports

6 Opium field-notice the bulbous plant

7 Opium War 2.Britain shipped Opium (from India) to China (starts Opium War 1839-1842)

8 Opium War Anglo Chinese War

9 Map of China during Opium Wars

10 Opium War 3. Treaty of Nanjing A. Britain has access to 5 new ports B. They get island of Hong Kong C. Extra-territoriality

11 Tai Ping Rebellion Significance: there was much Chinese discontent with Qing dynasty.

12 Tai Ping Rebellion 1. Bloody Civil War that lasted 14 years, reforms were geared towards Socialist goals. It resulted in further Western Intrusion into China. 20 million people died during T.P. Rebellion

13 Battle of Sanhe

14 Female prisoners/battle on Yang Tze river

15 Map of Tai Ping Rebellion

16 Efforts at reform Significance: Chinese government adopted Self Strengthening policy

17 Efforts at Reform 1. China was forced to adopt Western technology while practicing Confucian principles. (do not have to write) below (meant to introduce Democracy into region-resulted in further industrialization: Ship Yards, RR’s, weapons factories-no Change in gov’t structure)

18 The Advance of Imperialism Significance: Western Nations & Japan set up Spheres of Influence so as to access exclusive trading rights Sphere of Influence-an area in which a foreign power has been granted exclusive rights and privileges (i.e. mining privileges, trading rights)

19 Spheres of Influence, China 1910

20 Spheres of Influence

21 Political Cartoon Notice the French and Russian pulling China Backwards

22 Political Cartoon of Western Influence into China

23 The Advance of Imperialism 1. Mounting Pressures: After Tai Ping rebellion, Provincial Warlords dealt directly with foreign nations

24 The Advance of Imperialism 2. Because of their war with Japan, China was forced to relinquish (give up) additional territory. Taiwan Laiodong Pennisula

25 China’s war with Japan

26 The Advance of Imperialism 3. Internal Crisis-100 Days of Reform Under Guang Xu, later cancelled under Empress Ci Xi

27 Emp. Guang Xu/Emp. Ci Xi

28 Opening the Door to China Significance: Ensured that the United States was on equal trading status with the other W. European nations in China

29 Opening the Door to China 1. Open Door Policy Relaxed & Equalized fears of Equal Trading in China between U.S. & W. Europe

30 The Boxer Rebellion Significance: Chinese angered by foreign control, led to the Boxer rebellion

31 The Boxer Rebellion 1. Hatred of Chinese foreign missionaries, (especially converted Christian Chinese missionaries) led to massive invasion in 1900 @ Beijing-China had to pay an Indemnity. Indemnity-payment for damages

32 Boxer Rebellion




36 Section 2 Revolution in China Fall of the Qing: Significance: Sun Yat Sen led a successful revolution but not a stable government.

37 Sun Yat Sen

38 Fall of the Qing 1. Three stages of reform: A) Military takeover B) Transitional phase towards a democracy C) Final Stage Constitutional Democracy

39 Fall of the Qing 2. Revolution of 1911-Qing collapsed No political or military strength General Yuen Shigai

40 General Yuan Shigai

41 Fall of the Qing 3. Glorious Revolution-no new political or social reforms. (have a lot to do)

42 Era of Civil War Significance: General Yuan Shigai’s military leadership was not well accepted.

43 Era of Civil War 1. Military leadership offended much of China’s societal groups.

44 Chinese Society in Transition Significance: Westerners infused China’s economy with much energy, However the benefits went to western countries.

45 Chinese Society in Transition 1. West affected the Chinese economy in 3 ways. A) Modern means of Transportation & communication B) Set up an export market C) Integrated the Chinese market into the 19 th century world economy

46 China’s Changing Culture Significance: Western influence enormously changed the Urban Chinese population.

47 China’s Changing Culture 1. Western books, paintings, music, art, and ideas changed China forever. Ba Jin: wrote of disintegration of Confucian values

48 Westernized version of King Kong using the visual of a Giant Panda representing China.

49 Section 3: Rise of Modern Japan End of Isolation: Significance: Military pressure from the United States forced Japan to open ports to the west.

50 End of Isolation 1. Japanese isolation viewed as a threat to Western trade.

51 End of Isolation 2. Treaty of Kanagawa-opened up Japanese ports allowing trade with the west.

52 Resistance to the New Order Significance: Western relations brought the downfall of the Tokugawa shogunate.

53 Resistance to the New Order 1. Sat-Cho leaders refused western admittance to Japan and ended the Shogun system of rule.

54 The Meiji Restoration (May Jee) Significance: Modernized Japan through political, Social, and Economic reforms Meiji means “Enlightened Rule”

55 The Meiji Restoration (May Jee) 1. Political-Emperor a figurehead Real power rested with Prime Minister & cabinet.

56 The Meiji Restoration (May Jee) 2. Economic-Daimyo (Local Nobles) stripped of land-given territorial positions and Government bonds as compensation Peasants forced to pay 3% tax every year.

57 The Meiji Restoration (May Jee) 3. Economic-Industrialization encouraged through subsidies.

58 The Meiji Restoration (May Jee) 4. Social-Military service mandatory (3 years). Upgraded weaponry Education based on western model of schools. Virtues based on Family & Loyalty

59 The Meiji Restoration (May Jee) 5. Social- Women extended rights under Meiji Restoration-given a chance to get an education. Westernized ideas adopted by Japanese.

60 Joining the Imperialist Nations Significance: Japan did 2 things at the start of the 20 th century, A) strengthened military B) started Empire building-Imperialism

61 Empire Building/Japanese Imperialism

62 Joining the Imperialist Nations 1. Through a war with China, Japan was able to gain additional territory (Taiwan, Liaodong peninsula)

63 Joining the Imperialist Nations 2. Russia was soundly defeated by the Japanese, and became a force to be reckoned with.

64 Russo-Japanese War 1904-05

65 Russo-Japanese War

66 Joining the Imperialist Nations 3. United States had a suspicious relationship with Japan, and instituted the “Gentleman’s Agreement” which limited East Asian immigration into the United States.


68 Culture in an Era of Transition Significance: Japan was tremendously influenced by Westernized culture and traditions.

69 Culture in an Era of Transition 1. Of all the Western ideas, the novel had the most impact upon the ideas and culture of Japan. Last Slide Compose your thesis statement now- Chapter 7

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