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Engaging Students in Different Course Formats: Teaching small classes & labs Shivanthi Anandan, Ph.D. Department of Biology and Drexel Center for Academic.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Students in Different Course Formats: Teaching small classes & labs Shivanthi Anandan, Ph.D. Department of Biology and Drexel Center for Academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Students in Different Course Formats: Teaching small classes & labs Shivanthi Anandan, Ph.D. Department of Biology and Drexel Center for Academic Excellence

2 Drexel University Student Learning Priorities Communication Creative and Critical Thinking Ethical Reasoning Information Literacy Self-Directed Learning Technology Use Global Competence Leadership Professional Practice Research, Scholarship and Creative Expression Responsible Citizens hip

3 Bachelor of Science in Biology Learning Outcomes: At the end of their degree program, Biology majors should: 1. Attain a good functional knowledge of general biology content 2. Understand and be able to perform techniques relevant to modern biology 3. Be able to critically read and analyze their own work and the biology literature with respect to global impact and experimental design 4. Be able to communicate effectively in science 5. Understand how to conduct science in an ethical manner 6. Be prepared effectively for a career or future schooling in Biology or related fields

4 Teaching small classes & labs Class size 20-24 students Able to work in groups or pairs More personal environment More personal interaction with students Teach specialized topic 4Anandan 2012

5 Teaching small classes I Use of portfolios for learner-centered approach Project based learning Response essays Enhance research skills Enhance written communication skills Enhance collaborative skills Help train students to reflect on their learning 5Anandan 2012

6 Teaching small classes II Use of portfolios and research projects Identify goal of portfolio What should be collected ? Narrative ? Needs specific set of rubrics Group work – collaboration/ group dynamic Communication skill Research skill Use science librarian ? 6Anandan 2012

7 Teaching small classes III Portfolios (Microbial Pathogenesis class) Selection of bacterial pathogen Collection of material relating to bacterial pathogenesis Weekly submission of reflective narrative Completed portfolio at end of quarter Anandan 20127

8 Teaching small classes IV Project proposal (Ethnobotany class) Identify plant with potential application Outline for approval Full proposal due week 9 Research skills Use of business strategy Anandan 20128

9 Teaching small classes V Response essays (UNIV 241 SETL) Response to specific topic/ lecture/ reading See what the student got out of it An indication of their thinking on the topic Written communication skill Reflective Anandan 20129

10 Teaching labs I Class size 24 Use of specific techniques Hands-on approach Enhance technical competency 10Anandan 2012

11 Teaching labs II Freshman Cells & Genetics 5 different small projects Use scientific method Each has different outcome Notebooks Small reports and slide show Written and verbal communication skills Collaborative skills 11Anandan 2012

12 Teaching labs III Microbiology lab Upper classmen Specific set of techniques Notebooks Final lab practical Anandan 201212

13 Summary Teaching small classes is fun Use own expertise Identify goals and relate to Drexel and dept. learning objectives Can be used to teach more than content & facts Anandan 201213

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