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Thaddaeus Main Menu. Encounters with Jesus  Thaddaeus was selected as one of Christ’s twelve apostles. (Matthew 10:2-4; Acts 1:13)Matthew 10:2-4Acts.

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Presentation on theme: "Thaddaeus Main Menu. Encounters with Jesus  Thaddaeus was selected as one of Christ’s twelve apostles. (Matthew 10:2-4; Acts 1:13)Matthew 10:2-4Acts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thaddaeus Main Menu

2 Encounters with Jesus  Thaddaeus was selected as one of Christ’s twelve apostles. (Matthew 10:2-4; Acts 1:13)Matthew 10:2-4Acts 1:13  Sent out on a mission to the Jews to preach “the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. (Matthew 10:5-8)Matthew 10:5-8  Asked Jesus whether he would reveal himself to his followers and not to the world. (John 14:22)John 14:22  Was present at the Last Supper. Thaddaeus Jude Judas

3 Encounters with Jesus  Was present when Jesus appeared to the apostles after the Resurrection. (John 20:19, 20)John 20:19, 20  Was present for the Great Commission and Jesus’ Ascension into heaven. (Matthew 28:16-19)Matthew 28:16-19  Witnessed Jesus being taken up into heaven. (Acts 1:8, 9)Acts 1:8, 9 Thaddaeus Jude Judas Lebbaeus

4 General Information  Son of James. (Luke 6:16)Luke 6:16  Listed as one of Christ’s twelve apostles. (Matthew 10:2-4; Acts 1:13)Matthew 10:2-4Acts 1:13  The Aramaic meaning of both Thaddaeus and Lebbaeus is the same, “beloved” or “dear to the heart.” Thaddaeus Jude Judas Lebbaeus Apostle Jude, Sir Anthony van Dyck (1619-1621)

5 General Information  The name Judas derives from the Hebrew name Judah, meaning “praise.”  Jude (Thaddaeus) is often confused with two people: Judas Barsabbas, and Judas Iscariot. Thaddaeus Jude Judas Lebbaeus Apostle St Thaddeus (Jude) El Greco (1610-14)

6 Stories suggest that Jude ministered to Judea, Lebanon, Syria, Mesopotamia, Armenia, and Libya. Thaddaeus Jude Judas Lebbaeus Syria Mesopotamia Libya Judea Lebanon Armenia Other Stories About Thaddaeus

7  The symbol for Thaddaeus is a gold ship with silver sails before a red horizon, which is a reference to the ship he took on missionary journeys. Thaddaeus Jude Judas Lebbaeus Other Stories About Thaddaeus

8 Simon the Zealot Main Menu

9 Encounters with Jesus  Sent out on a mission to the Jews to preach “the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. (Matthew 10:5-8)Matthew 10:5-8  Was present at the Last Supper.  Was present when Jesus appeared to the apostles after the Resurrection. (John 20:19, 20)John 20:19, 20  Was present for the Great Commission and Jesus’ Ascension into heaven. (Matthew 28:16-19)Matthew 28:16-19 Simon Simon the Zealot Simon the Cananaean

10 General Information  Was a Zealot (one who revolted against Roman rule out of zealous loyalty to God alone). (Matthew 10:2-4; Mark 3:16-19)Matthew 10:2-4Mark 3:16-19  Listed as one of Christ’s twelve apostles. (Matthew 10:2-4; Acts 1:13)Matthew 10:2-4Acts 1:13 Simon Simon the Zealot Simon the Cananaean Apostle Simon, Rembrandt (1661)

11 General Information  Zealots were freedom fighters in first century Judea. They believed that God is and should be the only ruler of Israel.  Zealots were patriots, and often lead military revolts against foreign rule. Simon Simon the Zealot Simon the Cananaean

12 Key Lesson  When Simon encountered Jesus, he might have hoped that Jesus would be the military and political Messiah—who the Zealots were hoping would come to restore Israel.  Jesus did not necessarily fit Simon’s understanding on who and what the Messiah would be. Simon Simon the Zealot Simon the Cananaean

13 Simon Simon the Zealot Simon the Cananaean Some suggest that Simon was a missionary to Egypt, Carthage, Spain, and Britain. Other Stories About Simon Britain Spain Carthage Egypt

14 Simon Simon the Zealot Simon the Cananaean After ministering to Europe, some say Simon traveled to Syria, Mesopotamia, and Persia. Syria Mesopotamia Persia Other Stories About Simon

15 Judas Iscariot Main Menu

16 Encounters with Jesus  Selected as one of Christ’s twelve apostles. (Matthew 10:4; Luke 6:16)Matthew 10:4Luke 6:16  Jesus referred to Judas as a devil. (John 6:70, 71)John 6:70, 71 Judas Judas Iscariot “Judas the Betrayer” Judas the son of Simon Alterpiece of Lamentation (detail) Joos van Cleve

17 Encounters with Jesus  Conversed with Jesus during the Last Supper. (Matthew 26:23-25; John 13:27, 28)Matthew 26:23-25John 13:27, 28  The devil prompted him at the Last Supper. (John 13:2)John 13:2  Betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. (Mt. 26:14-16; Zechariah 11:12, 13)Mt. 26:14-16; Zechariah 11:12, 13 Judas Judas Iscariot “Judas the Betrayer” Judas the son of Simon )

18 General Information  Judas was the treasurer for the group of apostles and was a thief. (John 12:5, 6; 13:29)John 12:5, 613:29  Many believe Judas was also a Zealot. Judas Judas Iscariot “Judas the Betrayer” Judas the son of Simon The Last Supper (detail) Juan de Juanes (c. 1560)

19 General Information  Judas betrayed Jesus, felt remorse, threw the blood money in the Temple and hanged himself. The chief priest used the money to purchase the potter’s field, fulfilling prophecy. (Matthew 27:3-10; Zechariah 11:12, 13)Matthew 27:3-10; Zechariah 11:12, 13 Judas Judas Iscariot “Judas the Betrayer” Judas the son of Simon Suicide of Judas Gislebertus (1120-30)

20 General Information  Judas was replaced by Matthias who was added to the eleven apostles. (Acts 1:26)Acts 1:26 Judas Judas Iscariot “Judas the Betrayer” Judas the son of Simon Altar of Saints Thomas and Matthias the Apostle (detail) Barent van Orley (1512)

21  Unlike Simon the Zealot, Judas probably misunderstood Jesus’ mission so much that he couldn’t bear to stand by and watch.  Judas was a thief; his personality and political agenda led to his deceitful betrayal of Jesus. Judas Judas Iscariot “Judas the Betrayer” Judas the son of Simon

22 Judas Judas Iscariot “Judas the Betrayer” Judas the son of Simon Key Lesson Not all who claim to follow Jesus are faithful to him and his goals. Taking of Christ Caravaggio (c. 1598)

23 Bartholomew Main Menu

24 Encounters with Jesus  Jesus called Nathanael (Bartholomew) an honest Israelite and told him that he saw him sitting under the fig tree. (John 1:47, 48)John 1:47, 48  Jesus enlightened Nathanael with what to expect (John 1:50, 51)John 1:50, 51  Was present at the Last Supper. Bartholomew (Nathanael)

25 Some suggest Bartholomew preached in Asia Minor, Armenia, and India Asia Minor Armenia India Other Stories About Bartholomew

26  The Armenian church claims Bartholomew as its founder, along with Thaddeus.  Tradition suggests that Bartholomew was flayed alive in Armenia.  The symbol for Bartholomew is a knife blade. Bartholomew (Nathanael) The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1722) Other Stories About Bartholomew

27 Matthew Main Menu

28 Encounters with Jesus  Jesus called Matthew and he left his tax collector booth to follow Jesus. (Matthew 9:9)Matthew 9:9  Matthew invited Jesus over to dine with him and his corrupt friends. (Matthew 9:10)Matthew 9:10 Matthew Levi the son of Alphaeus The Calling of Matthew, Vittore Carpaccio (1502)

29 General Information  Son of Alphaeus. (Mark 2:14)Mark 2:14  From Capernaum. (Mark 2:1, 13, 14)Mark 2:1, 13, 14  Tax collector in Galilee. (Matthew 9:9)Matthew 9:9  Possible brother of James son of Alphaeus. (Mark 3:18)Mark 3:18 Matthew Levi the son of Alphaeus

30 Personality and Character Matthew Levi the son of Alphaeus The Calling of Saint Matthew, Caravaggio (1599-1600)  Penitent. (Matthew 9:9)Matthew 9:9  Hospitable. (Matthew 9:10)Matthew 9:10

31 Key Lesson Jesus Christ is for everyone, especially sinners and outcasts. Matthew Levi the son of Alphaeus The Calling of St. Matthew Hendrick Terbrugghen (1621)

32 Thomas Main Menu

33 Encounters with Jesus  He courageously encouraged apostles to go to Bethany despite threats. (John 11:16)John 11:16  Asked Jesus how to know where Jesus was going. (Jn 14:5)Jn 14:5  Doubted Jesus’ resurrection, saying he would have to touch Jesus’ wounds in order to believe. (John 20:25)John 20:25 Apostle St. Thomas Jusepe Martínez (c. 1630) Thomas Didymus (Twin) Judas Thomas “Doubting Thomas”

34 Lessons Thomas Didymus (Twin) Judas Thomas “Doubting Thomas”  Thomas wasn’t present when Jesus first appeared to the other apostles after his resurrection, so when told about the appearance, he doubted it. He said that he would have to touch the wounds of Jesus in order to believe.  When Jesus did appear to Thomas and showed him his wounds, Thomas proclaimed that Jesus was his Lord and his God.

35 Key Lesson Jesus answers skepticism and leads believers to faithfulness. Thomas Didymus (Twin) Judas Thomas “Doubting Thomas” Doubting Thomas Guercino

36 Thomas Didymus (Twin) Judas Thomas “Doubting Thomas” Stories suggest that Thomas traveled to India and founded the Christian church there. India Other Stories About Thomas

37 James, son of Alphaeus Main Menu

38 Encounters with Jesus  Was present for the Great Commission and Jesus’ Ascension into heaven. (Matthew 28:16-19)Matthew 28:16-19  Witnessed Jesus being taken up into heaven. (Acts 1:8, 9)Acts 1:8, 9 The Apostle James the Minor Rembrandt (1661) James James, son of Alphaeus “James the Younger” “James the Less”

39 General Information  Son of Alphaeus. (Mark 3:18)Mark 3:18  Possible brother of Matthew (Levi) the tax collector (also the son of Alphaeus). (Mark 2:14)Mark 2:14  Listed as one of Christ’s twelve apostles. (Matthew 10:3; Acts 1:13)Matthew 10:3Acts 1:13 James James, son of Alphaeus “James the Younger” “James the Less” Apostle St. James the Less El Greco (1610-14)

40 Key Lessons James is not mentioned much in Scripture, but all followers of Jesus can still accomplish the work of God without being in the limelight. St. James the Less Georges de la Tour (1615-1620) James James, son of Alphaeus “James the Younger” “James the Less”

41 James, son of Zebedee Main Menu

42 General Information  Put to death by the sword by Herod Agrippa I. The only one of the twelve apostles who died for his faith whose death was recorded in Scripture. (Acts 12:2)Acts 12:2 James, son of Zebedee Boanerges (Son of Thunder) “James the Elder” “James the Great” The Martyrdom of St. James the Great, Jean Fouquet (1452-60)

43 James, son of Zebedee Boanerges (Son of Thunder) “James the Elder” “James the Great” Some say he was the first bishop in Spain before he was executed. Spain Other Stories About James

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