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Comber P.S. What is it? The Big Pedal is the UK’s largest inter-school cycling and scooting challenge. Schools compete to see who can record the greatest.

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2 Comber P.S.

3 What is it? The Big Pedal is the UK’s largest inter-school cycling and scooting challenge. Schools compete to see who can record the greatest number of bicycle and scooter journeys over two weeks.

4 When is it? The competition runs from 18-29 th April. We are taking part in all 10 days.

5 Who can take part? Everyone from P4-7

6 What do we do? Cycle or scoot to school every day and encourage your friends to do the same. Calling for your friends on the way will make it a more enjoyable journey to school.

7 Prizes If 20-25 children cycle/scoot each day we are entered into a draw to win a prize. 1.Cycle Tickets Get a ticket every day you cycle or scoot. The more tickets you have the greater the chance to win PRIZES CYCLE HELMETS BIKE LOCKS BIKE PUMPS

8 Prizes 2. House Points. Every time you cycle or scoot to school you get a house point. Maximum = 10 house points each. You must get a parent or guardian to complete the sheet on your note you got home.

9 Prizes 3. Year Group Challenge Which year group can get the biggest number of children cycling or scooting to school? The year group with the biggest total at the end of the 2 weeks will get a cycling prize.

10 Important Information Your bike or scooter must be in full working order. You MUST wear a helmet when cycling- No helmet = no cycling. All bikes and scooters MUST be locked up in the bike shed or bike pods. Scooters should be locked in the bike pods. Bikes and scooters should be brought home at the end of each day The school can take no responsibility for any lost or damaged bikes

11 Last year the total number of children cycling or scooting to school was 162 journeys. Target this year is 200+. That is just 20 children a day!

12 Smileage.

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